U.S. Lawmakers Approve Short-Term Funding, Avert Government Shutdown

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Dem lawmakers score da win, avoid shutdown mess! 💼💥

U.S. lawmakahs wen give da nod Thursday fo’ fund da federal gov’ment till early March, no need worry ’bout one kine partial shutdown starting dis Saturday morning. Dey wen buy more time fo’ figure out one biggah funding package fo’ everybody’s good.

Aftah cruising through both da Senate an’ da House of Representatives, da bill gotta make one pit stop by President Joe Biden fo’ sign ’em.

Da bill, yeah, dis one goin’ pump money into some departments — like Agriculture, Transportation, an’ Energy — till March 1. Da rest of da gov’ment, ‘cludin’ da Pentagon, dey goin’ get funds till March 8. But, watch out, shutdowns goin’ kick in aftah dat if dey no come up wit’ mo’ cash!

Dis measly bill, it’s supposed fo’ give da lawmakers mo’ time fo’ push through spending bills worth $1.66 trillion, all fo’ fund da gov’ment till da fall.

Charles Schumer, he da Senate Majority Leader, an’ he from New York, yeah? He wen give ’em da stamp of approval, sayin’ dis bill, it’s “good news fo’ every American, especially our veterans, parents an’ children, farmers an’ small businesses, all of whom would have felt da sting of a shutdown.”

But some House Republicans, oh boy, dey stay grumbling ’bout dis bill, yeah? More than 100 of ’em wen give ’em one big ‘no’ vote. An’ dat wen make House Speaker Mike Johnson, dis guy from Louisiana, he stay sweating bullets. He gotta turn to da Democrats fo’ push ’em through. House vote was 314 to 108, while da Senate, dey wen vote 77-18.

Da ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, dey wen throw some serious shade at da bill. Dey tell Johnson, “Eh, forget about dis biggah budget package. Walk away, brah!”

Johnson bettah “pass one appropriations package dat really cut down spending year aftah year an’ make sure our southern border stay tight,” da group said.

From da archives (September 2023): What stock investors need to know about U. 📈🔍


U.S. Lawmakers Approve Short-Term Funding, Avert Government Shutdown

Dem lawmakers score da win, avoid shutdown mess!

U.S. lawmakers went give the nod Thursday to fund the federal government till early March, no need worry ’bout one kind partial shutdown starting this Saturday morning. They went buy more time to figure out one bigger funding package for everybody’s good.

After cruising through both the Senate and the House of Representatives, the bill got to make one pit stop by President Joe Biden to sign it.

The bill, yeah, this one going pump money into some departments — like Agriculture, Transportation, and Energy — till March 1. The rest of the government, including the Pentagon, they going get funds till March 8. But, watch out, shutdowns going kick in after that if they no come up with more cash!

This measly bill, it’s supposed to give the lawmakers more time to push through spending bills worth $1.66 trillion, all for fund the government till the fall.

Charles Schumer, he the Senate Majority Leader, and he from New York, yeah? He went give them the stamp of approval, saying this bill, it’s “good news for every American, especially our veterans, parents and children, farmers and small businesses, all of whom would have felt the sting of a shutdown.”

But some House Republicans, oh boy, they stay grumbling about this bill, yeah? More than 100 of them went give them one big ‘no’ vote. And that went make House Speaker Mike Johnson, this guy from Louisiana, he stay sweating bullets. He got to turn to the Democrats to push them through. House vote was 314 to 108, while the Senate, they went vote 77-18.

The ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, they went throw some serious shade at the bill. They tell Johnson, “Eh, forget about this bigger budget package. Walk away, brother!”

Johnson better “pass one appropriations package that really cut down spending year after year and make sure our southern border stay tight,” the group said.

From the archives (September 2023): What stock investors need to know about U.

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