
U.S. cut back da hopes fo’ EU Climate Trade Deal 🌎💸📉

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

US An’ Europe Tryna Make One Climate Trade Deal, But Tings No Look Good Eh, da US an’ Europe been trying fo’ two years now fo’ make one deal wea dey goin encourage cleanah kine production of steel an’ aluminum. 🏭🌍 Dey like help fight climate change dat way. But get plenny differences on top how governments suppose to treat trade and regulation, so nevah can reach one agreement yet. Da deadline for dis deal coming up fast on Oct 31st.

So da United States wen lowah expectations for dis big kine trade deal small kine bit in its first round. Dis outcome stay bumming out da American negotiators big time! Katherine Tai, who stay charge of the talks as the United States trade representative feeling all disappointed too according to people who know about these negotiations. Las year when she was giving speeches she wen talk about this potential deal being historic and one paradigm-shifting model.

She say it going reduce carbon produced by heavy industries while also limiting unfair competition from countries like China wea dem guys just pumping out cheap steel not made in environmentally friendly ways. 🇨🇳💨 Da U.S negotiators had dreamt bout setting up a club of nations committed to cleaner production initially with Europe then later other countries join in too dat together would act block dirty steel or aluminum products from their markets cause those things produce choke carbon emissions making them bad news bears for our environment! But Europeans raised plenty objections against this approach including arguing that it violated global trade rules treating different countries fairly which is super important right? Nowadays though Biden administration tryna salvage these talks by pushing for a smaller scale kind agreement within next few weeks ahead.

This more limited proposal currently includes immediate agreements between nations take steps combat flood dirtier steels from places like China along with commitment keep negotiating in coming years for a framework discouraging trade products made with more carbon emissions. Da agreement is expected to be one hot topic at the summit planned for Oct 20th when President Biden will meet da president of European Commission Ursula von der Leyen at da White House. 🏛️🇺🇸 High stakes yeah? Da United States might bring back Trump-era tariffs on European steel and aluminum on Jan 1st unless they reach an agreement or American negotiators issue special reprieve.



U.S. Decreases Expectations for EU Climate Trade Deal

The US and Europe have been attempting to establish a climate trade deal for two years now, aimed at promoting cleaner production of steel and aluminum. 🏭🌍 This is part of their efforts to combat climate change.

However, due to disagreements on how governments should handle trade and regulation, they haven’t managed to reach an agreement yet. The deadline for this deal is quickly approaching on October 31st.As such, the United States has had to lower its expectations slightly in the first round of this significant trade deal.

This outcome has greatly disappointed American negotiators! Katherine Tai, who leads these talks as the United States Trade Representative also feels let down according her sources close with negotiations process.

Last year during her speeches she spoke about how potentially historic this deal could be as a paradigm-shifting model.She stated that it would reduce carbon emissions from heavy industries while also limiting unfair competition from countries like China where cheap steel not made in environmentally friendly ways are being produced en masse 🇨🇳💨 The U.S negotiators initially dreamt about creating a club of nations committed towards cleaner production starting with Europe then gradually including other countries that together would block dirty steel or aluminum products because they produce excessive carbon emissions which harm our environment! But Europeans raised several objections against this approach arguing it violated global fair-trade rules which are crucial right?

Currently though Biden administration trying salvage these talks by pushing smaller scale kind agreement within next few weeks ahead.This more limited proposal currently includes immediate agreements between nations take steps combat flood dirtier steels from places like China along with commitment keep negotiating in coming years for framework discouraging trade products made more carbon emissions.The agreement expected be hot topic summit planned Oct 20th when President Biden will meet president European Commission Ursula von der Leyen White House 🏛️🇺🇸 High stakes yeah? The United States might bring back Trump-era tariffs on European steel and aluminum on Jan 1st unless they reach an agreement or American negotiators issue special reprieve.

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