Donald Trump

Trump’s War Game Plan Mexico Side: Da GOP Giving Shaka 🤙🇲🇽💣 Analysis…

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Skip all da kine stuffs, we go straight to da point. Politics today stay kinda wild, yeah? Trump wen like fire missiles at Mexico before time. Now da Republican guys like send troops ova dea.

Da Republicans get one idea fo’ use military force against drug cartels inside Mexico – dis plan wen start in Trump’s White House days 🏛️ . He get plans fo’ make dis real in 2025. Had one military checkpoint up Naranjo De Chila, Mexico back in February 2022 👮‍♂️ . Da Republicans all agree on top looking for a military solution to the drug problem and dat went make plenty Mexican leaders pilau (angry).

So first time Donald Trump talk private about shooting missiles into Mexico for take out drug labs was around early 2020 💣💥 . And then his second defense secretary guy Mark T. Esper write inside his book how Mr.Trump ask him if can look like some other country did um instead us 📖 . Mr.Esper think that idea was just ridiculous 😅 , but insteada slamming it down hard some Republicans actually thought was good when they heard Mr.Trump wanted use army force against the Mexican cartels – even without asking permission from their government!

Mr.Trump’s dream of having a US Army party south of our border quickly turned from being just an Oval Office daydream into something close to what every Republican candidate believe now. On top campaign trail and during last week’s G.O.P debate stage over California side almost every single Republican candidate been talking about sending U.S Special Operations soldiers into Mexican territory for kill or capture cartel members and destroy their labs plus distribution centers 🔫🚁 . Up Capitol Hill side too dem Republican lawmakers drafted up broad authorization papers giving okay sign for use military force against cartels – just like how Congress gave President George W. Bush the green light before Afghanistan and Iraq invasions.

They also been pushing for make Mexican cartels foreign terrorist organizations – one idea Mr.Trump was toying with when he was president but then backed off after Mexico went throw major beef about it 🐂 . Now, if Mr.


Trump’s Military Strategy in Mexico: GOP Endorsement Analysi…

Forget all the trivial matters, let’s get straight to the point. Politics these days are quite wild, right? Trump once wanted to fire missiles at Mexico.

Now, Republicans want to send troops over there.The Republicans have a proposal for using military force against drug cartels within Mexico – this plan originated during Trump’s tenure in the White House 🏛️ . He has plans of implementing it by 2025. There was a military checkpoint set up in Naranjo De Chila, Mexico back in February 2022 👮‍♂️ .

The Republicans unanimously agree on seeking a military solution for the drug issue which has angered many Mexican leaders.The first time Donald Trump privately discussed firing missiles into Mexico with an aim of destroying drug labs was around early 2020 💣💥 . His second defense secretary Mark T. Esper wrote about how Mr.Trump asked him if they could make it appear as though another country did it instead of us 📖 .

Mr.Esper found that idea absurd 😅 , but some Republicans actually thought it was good when they heard that Mr.Trump wanted use army force against Mexican cartels – even without asking permission from their government!Mr.Trump’s vision of having US Army intervention south of our border quickly evolved from being just an Oval Office fantasy into something nearly every Republican candidate now believes in. On campaign trails and during last week’s G.O.P debate stage over California side almost every single Republican candidate talked about sending U.S Special Operations soldiers into Mexican territory with aims to kill or capture cartel members and destroy their labs plus distribution centers 🔫🚁 . Up Capitol Hill too those Republican lawmakers drafted broad authorization papers giving approval sign for use military force against cartels – much like how Congress gave President George W Bush green light before Afghanistan and Iraq invasions.

They have also been advocating for labeling Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations – an idea Mr.Trump was considering when he was president but then backed off after Mexico expressed major opposition to it 🐂 .

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