The iPhone 15 Pro’s Moment of Inertia and Perception of Lightness

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da iPhone 15 Pro, Brah! Feeling lightah dan da iPhone 14 Pro, yeah? Not jus’ cuz dem wen switch from stainless steel to titanium, but also cuz dey wen change up da device’s moment of inertia, yeah? Dr. Drang’s LeanCrew blog wen crunch da numbahs.

Da ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌, it weigh 187g, dat’s one 9% drop from da ‌iPhone 14‌ Pro’s hefty 206g. Apple wen make big noise ’bout how dis new lightweight kine action happen ’cause dey wen change from da stainless steel frame to titanium. People who stay tinkering wit da ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌ already, like MacRumors’ Dan Barbera, say dis buggah feel way lighter in da hand. But, check dis out, new analysis stay showing dat da ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌ mo’ lighter, not just from da actual weight, but ’cause da moment of inertia wen change too.

Moment of inertia, dat’s one science ting, yeah? It measures how hard fo’ spin an object. Da numbah come from how much mass da object get and how dat mass stay spread out. Mo’ important, da more da mass stay far from da center, da ha’dah fo’ spin ’em. So, fo’ tings like smartphones, dis resistance to spinning make ’em feel heavy or light when you messing wit ’em everyday.

Da big deal wit da ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌, dis change from stainless steel to titanium fo’ da outer band. Dr. Drang wen do some thinkin’, and he say dat da way Apple wen move da weight around, especially da weight by da edges, dat wen make da moment of inertia drop like one coconut from da tree. Da iPhone 15 Pro go mo’ easy fo’ spin, and dat give ’em one kine feeling like it way lighter den da 14 Pro.


Dey wen cut down da weight by da edges, ’cause titanium, and dat wen make da moment of inertia drop, even mo’ den just da weight going down all ova. Dis wen make da iPhone 15 Pro mo’ maneuverable, and dat add to da feeling dat it’s real lightweight, you know?

Dey wen do some measuring and tinkering, and dey stay guessing dat da moment of inertia fo’ da ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌ wen drop ’bout 14-15%. So, dis no just ’bout da weight, it’s ’bout how da mass stay spread out. So, da iPhone 15 Pro stay feel super nimble, and dat make ’em seem even mo’ lightweight, yeah?

Hoo, dis one article wen blow up da mind, but we no can forget da udda news, brah!

Apple wen say dey go expand da iPhone driver’s licenses fo’ eight more U.S. states. In 2021, Apple wen make one feature where you can put your driver’s license or ID on your iPhone, so you no need carry ’em around. But, some states stay slow, and no go use ’em yet. So, you gotta check if your state stay down wit da high-tech ID action.

And den, get dis, Apple stay giving out money to people who wen get mad when dey find out Apple wen slow down some iPhone models secretly. Apple gotta pay up to $500 million for dis class action lawsuit. So, if you wen file one claim, you might get some cashola. You know how much some people stay getting? $92.17 per claim! Hoo, dat’s some cash fo’ buy some apps, right?

We also wen hear ’bout da iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, coming soon. MacRumors stay getting inside scoop ’bout ’em. Dey even wen make pictures to show how da new iPhones go look. Not da final version yet, but you can check ’em out fo’ get one idea of what’s coming. It’s gonna be epic, brah!

But whoa, Apple wen break one tradition dat dey had fo’ 12 years. Dey never launch one new iPad in 2023, first time evah. Since 2010, da iPad stay important fo’ Apple, and dey stay making new ones every year. But dis year, dey wen skip ’em. Maybe dey stay cooking up something real big!

And get dis, Apple wen up da interest rate on da Apple Card savings account again! Now, it’s at 4.35%, and dat’s pretty good, yeah? Dey stay matching da other high-yield savings accounts from American Express. So, if you stay saving your money, Apple Card might be one good choice, brah!

Last but not least, Apple stay announcing da launch date for da Vision Pro headset. February 2 is da day, brah! You can get ’em at da Apple Store or online. Apple CEO Tim Cook say dis one is da most advanced gadget dey ever made. It’s all ’bout spatial computing now, and Apple stay leading da way.

Oh, and one mo’ ting, da new OLED iPad Pros stay gonna cost some big bucks. Starting at $1,500, and maybe go all da way up to $2,000, depending on how big you like ’em and what features you want. Dat’s some serious cash fo’ one tablet, but it’s gonna be da best of da best.

So, brah, we stay covering all da latest Apple news, from da iPhone 15 Pro feeling lightweight like one feather to da iPad Pros going big on da price tag. Stay tuned for more updates, and keep enjoying da Apple magic! 🍏✨


The iPhone 15 Pro’s Moment of Inertia and Perception of Lightness

The iPhone 15 Pro, my friend! It feels lighter than the iPhone 14 Pro, doesn’t it? Not just because they switched from stainless steel to titanium, but also because they changed the device’s moment of inertia. Dr. Drang’s LeanCrew blog crunched the numbers.

The iPhone 15 Pro weighs 187g, which is a 9% drop from the hefty 206g of the iPhone 14 Pro. Apple made a big deal about this new lightweight action happening because they switched from the stainless steel frame to titanium. People who have already tinkered with the iPhone 15 Pro, like MacRumors’ Dan Barbera, say this thing feels much lighter in the hand. But here’s the interesting part: new analysis shows that the iPhone 15 Pro is lighter not only in terms of actual weight but also because the moment of inertia has changed.

Moment of inertia, that’s a scientific thing, you know? It measures how hard it is to spin an object. The number comes from the amount of mass the object has and how that mass is distributed. More importantly, the farther the mass is from the center, the harder it is to spin it. So, for things like smartphones, this resistance to spinning can make them feel heavy or light when you’re using them every day.

The big deal with the iPhone 15 Pro is the switch from stainless steel to titanium for the outer band. Dr. Drang did some thinking and said that the way Apple moved the weight around, especially the weight at the edges, made the moment of inertia drop significantly. The iPhone 15 Pro is easier to spin, and that gives it a feeling of being much lighter than the 14 Pro.

They reduced the weight at the edges because of titanium, and that made the moment of inertia drop even more than just the overall weight reduction. This makes the iPhone 15 Pro more maneuverable and adds to the feeling that it’s really lightweight, you know?

After some measuring and tinkering, they estimate that the moment of inertia for the iPhone 15 Pro has dropped by about 14-15%. So, it’s not just about the weight; it’s about how the mass is distributed. The iPhone 15 Pro feels super nimble, and that makes it seem even lighter, right?

Phew, this article blew my mind, but we can’t forget the other news, my friend!

Apple has announced that they will expand the availability of iPhone driver’s licenses to eight more U.S. states. In 2021, Apple introduced a feature where you can store your driver’s license or ID on your iPhone, eliminating the need to carry them around. However, some states have been slow to adopt this high-tech ID feature, so you need to check if your state supports it.

And guess what? Apple is compensating people who were upset when they found out that Apple had secretly slowed down some iPhone models. Apple will pay up to $500 million for this class action lawsuit. So, if you filed a claim, you might get some money. You know how much some people are getting? $92.17 per claim! That’s some cash to buy some apps, right?

We’ve also heard about the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. MacRumors has the inside scoop on them and even created some pictures to give you an idea of what’s coming. It’s going to be epic, my friend!

But whoa, Apple has broken a tradition they’ve held for 12 years. They didn’t launch a new iPad in 2023, the first time ever. Since 2010, the iPad has been crucial for Apple, and they have been releasing new ones every year. But this year, they decided to skip it. Maybe they are working on something big!

And here’s something else: Apple has increased the interest rate on the Apple Card savings account once again! It’s now at 4.35%, which is pretty good, right? They are matching other high-yield savings accounts from American Express. So, if you’re saving your money, the Apple Card might be a good choice, my friend!

Last but not least, Apple has announced the launch date for the Vision Pro headset. It’s coming on February 2, my friend! You can get it at the Apple Store or online. Apple CEO Tim Cook says this is the most advanced gadget they’ve ever made. It’s all about spatial computing now, and Apple is leading the way.

Oh, and one more thing, the new OLED iPad Pros are going to cost a pretty penny. Starting at $1,500 and possibly going up to $2,000, depending on the size and features you want. That’s some serious cash for a tablet, but it’s going to be the best of the best.

So, my friend, we’ve covered all the latest Apple news, from the iPhone 15 Pro feeling as light as a feather to the iPad Pros going big on the price tag. Stay tuned for more updates, and keep enjoying the Apple magic! ✨

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