Taylor Crabb 🏆 Da Beach Volleyball Title in Manhattan

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

Taylor Crabb WINS Da Big Kahuna 🤙🏽😎👑 Eh, yeah! Taylor Crabb jus’ won da Manhattan Beach Open afta comin’ real close five years ago. Da Punahou grad braved da elements of Hurricane Hilary fo’ make dis happen.

He was able ta beat top-seeded Trevor Crabb and Theo Brunner 27-25, 21-16 to prevent a four-peat since 1993 – making him an even bigger legend in beach volleyball than his braddah already is 💪🏽✨. Taylor’s win also made dem da first blood relatives to each win the title at dis legendary tournament 😱! Da AVP MVP and best defender had qualified fo’ Olympics back in 2020 but got knocked out cuz of a positive COVID test 😔 .

But he still says nothin means more than gettin his name on dat plaque by da pier 🌊⚓️✍🏼 . We know you worked hard fa this one Taylor, so mahalo nui loa for reprezentin Hawaii proud ✊🏾👍🤙!! And if yall didn’t hear about it yet – UH Rainbow Wahine soccer team had a wild game against Gonzaga last Sunday too 👀…

Dey started off strong with two goals from Gonzaga but Amber Gilbert came through wit an assist from Kelci Sumida and Cate Sheahan ta cut de deficit in half ⚡️⛹‍♀️ . But den things went downhill fast as Gonzaga scored four unanswered goals fo their biggest lead of 7–2 👎😬 …Sheahan scored again three minutes later makin it 6–2 before Mia Foster found the top right corner of the goal solo style 10 minutes later ♥♥♥ Dat sparked some fire unda UH who ended up scorin three straight goals within de next few minutes ✨ Unfortunately tho’, time ran out befo they could pull ahead 😩 Still impressive though cuz we all know how competitive dem games can get between dese two teams ⚔ #GoBows!!


Taylor Crabb WINS Da Big Kahuna 🤙🏽😎👑 Eh, yeah! Taylor Crabb just won the Manhattan Beach Open after coming real close five years ago. The Punahou grad braved the elements of Hurricane Hilary to make this happen.

He was able to beat top-seeded Trevor Crabb and Theo Brunner 27-25, 21-16 to prevent a four-peat since 1993 – making him an even bigger legend in beach volleyball than his brother already is 💪🏽✨. Taylor’s win also made them the first blood relatives to each win the title at this legendary tournament 😱! The AVP MVP and best defender had qualified for Olympics back in 2020 but got knocked out because of a positive COVID test 😔 .

But he still says nothing means more than getting his name on that plaque by the pier 🌊⚓️✍🏼 . We know you worked hard for this one Taylor, so mahalo nui loa for representing Hawaii proud ✊🏾👍🤙!! And if y’all didn’t hear about it yet – UH Rainbow Wahine soccer team had a wild game against Gonzaga last Sunday too 👀…

They started off strong with two goals from Gonzaga but Amber Gilbert came through with an assist from Kelci Sumida and Cate Sheahan ta cut de deficit in half ⚡️⛹‍♀️ . But then things went downhill fast as Gonzaga scored four unanswered goals fo their biggest lead of 7–2 👎😬 …Sheahan scored again three minutes later makin it 6–2 before Mia Foster found the top right corner of goal solo style 10 minutes later ♥♥♥ That sparked some fire under UH who ended up scoring three straight goals within de next few minutes ✨ Unfortunately though, time ran out before they could pull ahead 😩 Still impressive though cuz we all know how competitive those games can get between these two teams ⚔ #GoBows!!

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