“Succession” goin’ Fo’ Broke in Season 4: Da Last an’ Most Wild One Yet

📺🔥🎉 “Succession” stay jumpin’ into da fourth an’ final season wit’ all da usual kine power an’ one mean plan, wea get plenny high-stakes money deals an’ one ohana dat no can work togeddah. Get choke reasons fo’ love da Emmy-winning show, but da main ting stay da story of one famous faddah an’ his kids who no can be like him. 🏆💼👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

No can talk too much ’bout da firs’ episodes of da new season wit’out give away da kine secrets, but da bes’ quote stay all ova da promo fo’ da show: Logan Roy (Brian Cox), da big kahuna media guy, stay tellin’ his adult kids Kendall (Jeremy Strong), Shiv (Sarah Snook), an’ Roman (Kieran Culkin), “I love you, but you are not serious people.” 💬💥📰

Fo’ Logan, “serious people” stay movin’ markets, gettin’ respect from big leaders, an’ playin’ Monopoly wit’ real big companies. Brian Cox stay make Logan look like da real kine serious guy, an’ he stay walkin’ ’round his own party like one tiger in one cage, no can stand da kine fake friends an’ guys tryin’ fo’ make nice wit’ him. 🐯🎩💸

Kendall, Shiv, an’ Roman like be da big kine bosses too (like da kine book “Bonfire of the Vanities,” no da cartoon He-Man), but even tho’ dey wen join forces at da end of da t’ird season, look like dey tryin’ fo’ play da same game as dea faddah but wit’ plastic bats. 🌟💪🤑

Da new season stay gettin’ crazy wit’ da way da main guys stay talkin’ story wit’ each oddah, as da “next-gen Roys,” like Kendall call ‘um, try fo’ show dey can hang wit’ da big leagues. Fo’ Kendall, sometimes his dreams look like he stay trippin’, like he t’ink he wen hit one triple but he stay born on t’ird base. Da kine moments dat make you laugh an’ den make you feel awkwad. 😂🤦🎯

Get choke funny kine stuff wit’ Tom (Matthew Macfadyen) an’ Greg (Nicholas Braun) too, as dey stay like one modern-day Laurel an’ Hardy wit’ choke bad words. Dey help make dis drama one of da funniest shows on top TV. 🤣👬📺

Da new season stay comin’ out same time as some real-life stories ’bout Fox an’ Rupert Murdoch, who da show’s creator Jesse Armstrong wen use as one inspiration fo’ da show (he wen write one fake kine script ’bout Murdoch befo’). Plus, get da story of Sumner Redstone an’ how he wen run Viacom in da new book “Unscripted.” 🦊📚🌟

“Succession” stay showin’ how krazy an’ wild media empires can be, but da real-life examples remind us dat da show stay only “small kine” exaggerated.

Armstrong stay goin’ back to da roots of da show fo’ lay da groundwork fo’ dis big kine final season. We goin’ see how da show goin’ wrap everyting up, but if we go by how da kine “Succession” wen do befo’, get plenny reason fo’ t’ink da serious people behind da show can close da deal an’ make us all happy. 🏁👏🌟

“Succession” goin’ start da fourth an’ final season March 26 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO. Be ready fo’ da last an’ most wild ride yet wit’ da Roys! 🗓️🕘🍿

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