Space Ghost Comic Book Series Set for Release in May by Dynamite

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Space Ghost Blasting Off Dis May: Get Ready fo’ Action, Bruddahs! 🚀

Dynamite stay revvin’ up fo’ release Space Ghost dis May. Dey goin’ in wit da big kine partnership wit Warner Bros an’ Discovery Global Consumer Products. Da brand-new book starring da legendary guardian of da spaceways goin’ feature da creative duo: writer David Pepose an’ artist Jonathan Lau.

Da Beat wen’ talk story wit Pepose ’bout dis release, yeah?

DEANNA DESTITO: How dis project wen’ start?

DAVID PEPOSE: Me an’ Nick Barucci an’ da Dynamite editors, we go way back, like 15 years, yeah? Been hustlin’ to keep my name buzzin’ as I climb up in da writing game. I figgah maybe my grind on Punisher an’ Moon Knight: City of da Dead catch Joe Rybandt an’ da crew’s eye, get ’em thinkin’ ’bout me fo’ Space Ghost — an’ I tell you, I stay so stoked dey did. Dis whole ting been one sweet dream fo’ real, jugglin’ action, emotion, an’ sci-fi world-buildin’ ’round dese characters.

Francesco Mattina cover

DESTITO: Wot pull you into Space Ghost?

PEPOSE: Ho, so many tings get me jazzed ’bout dis project. First ting, gotta be da character arc we plannin’ fo’ Space Ghost an’ his crew — you know, Space Ghost hit da scene same time as Adam West’s Batman, an’ da old cartoons, dey share plenny similarities. But more dan jus’ his Power Bands an’ Inviso-Belt, when I first start thinkin’ ’bout Space Ghost, da wild idea was, dis dude get not jus’ one sidekick, but three!

Da original cartoons, all swanky an’ fun, but dey neva’ really dive deep into da backstory, how dis oddball team even form up — an’ dat, right dea, da heart of my take on Space Ghost. Mo’ dan all da sci-fi blastin’ an’ adventure, dis series stay ’bout how Jan, Jace, an’ Blip find ’emselves rollin’ wit Space Ghost, an’ how dey evolve from orphaned keikis gettin’ saved to bein’ solid partners, even formin’ deir own ohana wit Space Ghost. Real talk, dis one fun ensemble story where all da characters get fo’ learn, grow, an’ even heal.

An’ bruddah, gotta mention da villains, yeah? Space Ghost get designed by da legend Alex Toth, but he neva’ stop there — once you peep all da villains Toth cooked up, like Zorak, Metallus, Brak, Creature King, an’ da whole Council of Doom, you realize, dis character packin’ jus’ as much fire in his rogue’s gallery like Batman or Spider-Man. It open da door fo’ all kine thrillers wit Space Ghost ’cause he stay dealin’ wit all sorts of threats.

Jae Lee cover

DESTITO: You been one fan of da character from way back?

PEPOSE: Shoots, yeah! I grew up durin’ Coast to Coast days, but really start feelin’ his superhero vibe wit stuff like Joe Kelly an’ Ariel Olivetti’s Space Ghost run at DC, an’ Jeff Parker an’ Doc Shaner, dey did some wicked fun ting wit Future Quest.

But you know, da more I wen’ rewatch all da old episodes fo’ dis project, my love jus’ keep growin’ — I wen’ deep dive not jus’ wit da cartoons, but even readin’ every Space Ghost comic I could lay my hands on. Mark Evanier an’ Steve Rude’s Space Ghost one-shot at Comico, brah? Ho, da stuff unreal.

Bjorn Barends cover

DESTITO: How you find workin’ wit Dynamite an’ dis creative crew?

PEPOSE: It’s been unreal, no lie. First off, gotta give big mahalo to my editor Joe Rybandt an’ da whole Dynamite an’ Warner Bros. ohana, dey wen’ give me plenny space fo’ dive deep into Space Ghost’s universe in da most juicy, character-driven way possible. Dis series, dis da biggest canvas I ever get, an’ da fact dat everybody on board stay open to all da big ideas I come up wit, it’s one humbling experience.

An’ lemme tell you, Jonathan Lau, da man got skills — when I first peep his artwork, not only he make Space Ghost look powerfully ethereal, an’ set da vibe of every scene solid, but he neva’ forget ’bout Jan, Jace, or Blip. From da jump, he know dis story, it get told troo deir eyes too, an’ dey share da spotlight wit Space Ghost as dey grind an’ grow side by side. (An’ oh, da cutaways wit Blip, dey stay crackin’ me up, no joke.) Big ups to colorist Andrew Dalhouse too, he da one bringin’ all da mood an’ energy to dis series — I worked wit him once ‘fore on one Miles Morales short at Marvel, an’ he one real artist’s artist wit his colors. I stay blessed fo’ work wit dis top-notch team.

Michael Cho cover

DESTITO: Wot dis incarnation bring fo’ da old heads an’ da new fans of Space Ghost?

PEPOSE: We been hustlin’ fo’ make dis series somethin’ everybody can groove to, whether you jus’ meetin’ Space Ghost or you seen every single episode from back in da day. Fo’ da hardcore Space Ghost fans, we goin’ deep into his rogues’ gallery — I went grind, rewatchin’ every episode of da old series an’ da Space Stars comeback in da ’80s, so you bettah stay alert. Da cosmos stay packin’ heat — you goin’ see all da mainstays you ‘spect, plus some under da radar picks.

But even fo’ da newbies who not too familiar wit da lore, da characters stay key, yeah? We tellin’ one real solid story ’bout ohana, loss, an’ findin’ redemption wit dis series — without spillin’ too much, I feel like Space Ghost, Jan, an’ Jace, dey stories, dey all intertwine in some real heartfelt ways, an’ if you stick ’round wit dis book, you goin’ catch feelings fo’ dese characters like I did.

DESTITO: Any lil’ sneak peeks ’bout da series you can share?

PEPOSE: Hmmm, wot else I can tease dat I neva’ bring up yet…? Get ready fo’ plenny villains. Get ready fo’ epic sci-fi adventure, drama, jokes, an’ heart. Get ready fo’ fall hard fo’ dis cosmic crew.


Space Ghost Comic Book Series Set for Release in May by Dynamite

Space Ghost Blasting Off This May: Get Ready for Action, Brothers!

Dynamite is gearing up for the release of Space Ghost this May. They are partnering with Warner Bros and Discovery Global Consumer Products. The brand-new book starring the legendary guardian of the spaceways will feature the creative duo: writer David Pepose and artist Jonathan Lau.

The Beat spoke with Pepose about this release, right?

DEANNA DESTITO: How did this project start?

DAVID PEPOSE: Nick Barucci, the Dynamite editors, and I go way back, like 15 years, right? I’ve been hustling to keep my name buzzing as I climb up in the writing game. I figured maybe my work on Punisher and Moon Knight: City of the Dead caught Joe Rybandt and the crew’s eye, got them thinking about me for Space Ghost — and I tell you, I was so excited they did. This whole thing has been a dream come true, juggling action, emotion, and sci-fi world-building around these characters.

Francesco Mattina cover

DESTITO: What drew you to Space Ghost?

PEPOSE: Oh, so many things got me excited about this project. First thing, it’s gotta be the character arc we’re planning for Space Ghost and his crew — you know, Space Ghost hit the scene at the same time as Adam West’s Batman, and the old cartoons, they share plenty of similarities. But more than just his Power Bands and Inviso-Belt, when I first started thinking about Space Ghost, the wild idea was, this guy doesn’t just have one sidekick, but three!

The original cartoons, all swanky and fun, but they never really dove deep into the backstory, how this oddball team even formed up — and that, right there, is the heart of my take on Space Ghost. More than all the sci-fi blasting and adventure, this series is about how Jan, Jace, and Blip find themselves rolling with Space Ghost, and how they evolve from orphaned kids getting saved to being solid partners, even forming their own family with Space Ghost. Real talk, this is one fun ensemble story where all the characters get to learn, grow, and even heal.

And brother, I gotta mention the villains, yeah? Space Ghost was designed by the legend Alex Toth, but he never stopped there — once you see all the villains Toth cooked up, like Zorak, Metallus, Brak, Creature King, and the whole Council of Doom, you realize, this character is packing just as much fire in his rogue’s gallery as Batman or Spider-Man. It opens the door for all kinds of thrills with Space Ghost because he’s dealing with all sorts of threats.

Jae Lee cover

DESTITO: Have you been a fan of the character from way back?

PEPOSE: Definitely! I grew up during the Coast to Coast days, but I really started feeling his superhero vibe with stuff like Joe Kelly and Ariel Olivetti’s Space Ghost run at DC, and Jeff Parker and Doc Shaner, they did some wicked fun things with Future Quest.

But you know, the more I went back to rewatch all the old episodes for this project, my love just kept growing — I went deep dive not just with the cartoons, but even reading every Space Ghost comic I could lay my hands on. Mark Evanier and Steve Rude’s Space Ghost one-shot at Comico, man? Oh, that stuff’s unreal.

Bjorn Barends cover

DESTITO: How have you found working with Dynamite and this creative crew?

PEPOSE: It’s been unreal, no lie. First off, gotta give a big thank you to my editor Joe Rybandt and the whole Dynamite and Warner Bros. family, they gave me plenty of space to dive deep into Space Ghost’s universe in the most juicy, character-driven way possible. This series, this is the biggest canvas I’ve ever had, and the fact that everybody on board is open to all the big ideas I come up with, it’s a humbling experience.

And let me tell you, Jonathan Lau, the man’s got skills — when I first saw his artwork, not only does he make Space Ghost look powerfully ethereal, and set the vibe of every scene solid, but he never forgets about Jan, Jace, or Blip. From the jump, he knows this story, it gets told through their eyes too, and they share the spotlight with Space Ghost as they grind and grow side by side. (And oh, the cutaways with Blip, they’re cracking me up, no joke.) Big ups to colorist Andrew Dalhouse too, he’s the one bringing all the mood and energy to this series — I worked with him once before on a Miles Morales short at Marvel, and he’s a real artist’s artist with his colors. I feel blessed to work with this top-notch team.

Michael Cho cover

DESTITO: What does this incarnation bring for the old heads and the new fans of Space Ghost?

PEPOSE: We’ve been hustling to make this series something everybody can groove to, whether you’re just meeting Space Ghost or you’ve seen every single episode from back in the day. For the hardcore Space Ghost fans, we’re going deep into his rogues’ gallery — I went to grind, rewatching every episode of the old series and the Space Stars comeback in the ’80s, so you better stay alert. The cosmos is packing heat — you’re going to see all the mainstays you expect, plus some under the radar picks.

But even for the newbies who aren’t too familiar with the lore, the characters are key, yeah? We’re telling a real solid story about family, loss, and finding redemption with this series — without spilling too much, I feel like Space Ghost, Jan, and Jace, their stories, they all intertwine in some real heartfelt ways, and if you stick around with this book, you’re going to catch feelings for these characters like I did.

DESTITO: Any little sneak peeks about the series you can share?

PEPOSE: Hmm, what else can I tease that I haven’t brought up yet…? Get ready for plenty of villains. Get ready for epic sci-fi adventure, drama, jokes, and heart. Get ready to fall hard for this cosmic crew.

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