Palm Springs California

Palm Springs Getting Hot, Hot, Hot! 🌡️☀️ One Week Scorch Coming Up, No Cool Down In Sight 😰

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ho, brah! Palm Springs going get blazing 🌞 dis week, with da kine high temperatures fo’ da summer, an’ no end in sight. Whenever Cali catch one heat wave, Palm Springs always come out as one of da hottest spots in da state. Dis year, no different, yeah?

Da kine temperatures wen shoot up all ova da Golden State dis past weekend, an’ Palm Springs, dat Southern Cali desert city, wen hit 117 degrees Fahrenheit. No broke da record fo’ dis time of year, but ho, still hot enough fo’ bake manapua! 🥵

Maggie Miles, one journalist who just moved to Palm Springs, say one time she wen learn da hard way not fo’ leave anything in da car. Her debit card wen melt in her drink holder, an’ da inside car temperature wen hit 150 degrees! Dat’s some mean kine heat. 🔥💳

But da thing dat make dis heat wave extra mean is how it stay and stay. Da kine blazing temps in Palm Springs going stick around at least one more week. Dis weekend, da high temps going try for break da record of around 120 degrees more than any other time dis summer, said Brian Adams, one weather guy from da San Diego National Weather Service office.

Right now, no look like any kind relief coming soon. Dis high heat gonna be hanging around for a while.

Palm Springs no da hottest place in Cali; dat title goes to Furnace Creek in Death Valley, where da highest temp on Earth was recorded in 1913, and where da mercury wen hit 126 degrees on Sunday. But Palm Springs and da Coachella Valley often da warmest places in Cali, so da people living dea no stranger to da heat. Maggie say da local people she talk to mostly no bothered by da triple-digit temps, and still going fo’ walks and hanging out at da kine restaurants and bars, though she stay inside as much as possible. 😎🍻

As of Monday morning, ova 70 million people all ova da country dealing with dangerous levels of heat. Phoenix so hot dis month, look like it going break a 50-year-old record for most days in a row of 110-degree or more temperatures. It already set another record on Monday for most days in a row, eight days, where da night time temperature no go below 90 degrees.

Dat kind relentless heat, going all da way into late night and early morning, is one big concern in da southeast corner of Cali, too, where da night time lows might not go below 90 on da hottest days coming up.

Maggie talked to Kyle Barber, one homeless guy who took one long bus ride on Sunday for reach a public fountain in Cathedral City where he could cool off a little. But he no could stay dea all day, and plenty homeless people gotta go back to da streets or their cars at night, even though da temperatures still stay high.

“It’s da only place I can find for cool off,” Barber told Maggie. He say dis his first time dealing with da desert heat, aftah moving from cooler weather in Medford, Ore.

Maggie, who experiencing her first Palm Springs summer, say she was surprised by da contrast between da homeless people struggling to stay safe and da vacationers who came to Palm Springs looking for da dry heat. Over da weekend, she visited one hotel where plenty young people was soaking up da sun and drinking by da pool.


Palm Springs Getting Hot, Hot, Hot! 🌡️☀️ One Week Scorch Coming Up, No Cool Down In Sight 😰

Hello, everyone! Palm Springs is set to blaze 🌞 this week with the highest temperatures for the summer, and there’s no end in sight. Whenever California experiences a heat wave, Palm Springs always emerges as one of the hottest spots in the state. This year is no different, yeah?

Temperatures soared all across the Golden State this past weekend, with Palm Springs, that Southern California desert city, hitting 117 degrees Fahrenheit. It didn’t break the record for this time of year, but it was certainly hot enough to bake a bun! 🥵

Maggie Miles, a journalist who recently moved to Palm Springs, learned the hard way not to leave anything in the car. Her debit card melted in her drink holder, and the internal car temperature hit 150 degrees! That’s some serious heat. 🔥💳

But what makes this heat wave especially harsh is its persistence. The scorching temperatures in Palm Springs are expected to persist for at least another week. This weekend, the high temperatures will try to break the record of around 120 degrees more than any other time this summer, said Brian Adams, a meteorologist from the San Diego National Weather Service office.

Right now, there doesn’t seem to be any significant relief coming soon. This high heat is going to be hanging around for a while.

Palm Springs isn’t the hottest place in California; that title goes to Furnace Creek in Death Valley, where the highest temperature on Earth was recorded in 1913, and where the thermometer hit 126 degrees on Sunday. But Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley often end up being the warmest areas in California, so the locals are no strangers to heat. Maggie shared that the locals she spoke to are mostly unfazed by the triple-digit temperatures, and they still go for walks and hang out at restaurants and bars, although she prefers to stay inside as much as possible. 😎🍻

As of Monday morning, over 70 million people across the country are grappling with dangerously high heat. Phoenix has been so hot this month that it’s poised to break a 50-year-old record for the most consecutive days of 110-degree or more temperatures.

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