Nobel Prize Winnahs: Small Kine, Quick, and Pow! Achievements 🏆💥🚀

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Kine Quick an’ Small Kine Science Guys Win Da Nobel Prize Eh, no mind da top stuffs. We goin talk story ’bout dis kine science tings. 🧪🔬 So, had one big mahalo party fo’ da smaht guys who wen win da Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry dis year. Dey all stay workin on stuffs dat real small an’ quick like flash lightning! ⚡️💥 Dis year’s Physics prize wen go to tree scientists who figga out how fo make laser light bursts only one-millionth of one-trillionth of a second long.

Dat’s so fast, brah! Richard Feynman, he was this physicist guy back in 1959 who say plenty space at the bottom. He talking bout nanophysics – studying tiny things li’dat. His words came back when I heard about these three guys winning the physics prize for their super quick lasers that can track electrons moving during chemical reactions. Next day after dat?

Da Chemistry prize went to three more smart folks learning how to put atoms together into quantum dots – clusters so small they don’t even have size! These prizes remind us humans we not really see or understand everything happening around us on the smallest scales. Me? Most my time writing about huge things like stars and galaxies where time is measured by centuries and distance by light-years (one light-year equals six trillion miles!). Stars live millions or billions years long while black holes might last up till googol years (dat’s 10^100).

🌟✨🌠 But then you get atoms which are fractions of a nanometer – roughly three-millionths inch big according some scientist named Carl Zimmer I know from work. He says get billion billion billion atoms inside me bundled into 37 trillion cells doing all kinds keeping me alive and thinking. Chemical reactions? Dey happen in attoseconds – that’s super fast, yeah? So fast dat maybe million trillion chemical reactions happening every second inside each of my 37 trillion cells.

To say I get plenty stuffs inside me is huge understatement! Da numbers make my head spin and I feel all tired out. How can keep track everything so small, moving so quick, all subject to quantum mechanics rules (where anything can be anywhere till you measure ’em)?


Nobel Prize Winners: Short, Fast, and Impactful Achievements

The Fast and Tiny Science Guys Win The Nobel Prize Don’t worry about the top stuff. We’re going to talk about this kind of science things. 🧪🔬 So, there was a big thank you party for the smart guys who won the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry this year.

They all are working on things that are really small and fast like flash lightning! ⚡️💥 This year’s Physics prize went to three scientists who figured out how to make laser light bursts only one-millionth of one-trillionth of a second long.That’s so fast, man! Richard Feynman, he was this physicist guy back in 1959 who said there is plenty space at the bottom.

He was talking about nanophysics – studying tiny things like that. His words came back when I heard about these three guys winning the physics prize for their super quick lasers that can track electrons moving during chemical reactions.The next day? The Chemistry prize went to three more smart people learning how to put atoms together into quantum dots – clusters so small they don’t even have size!

These prizes remind us humans we do not really see or understand everything happening around us on smallest scales.Me? Most my time writing is spent on huge things like stars and galaxies where time is measured by centuries and distance by light-years (one light-year equals six trillion miles!). Stars live millions or billions years long while black holes might last up till googol years (that’s 10^100).🌟✨🌠 But then you get atoms which are fractions of a nanometer – roughly three-millionths inch big according some scientist named Carl Zimmer I know from work.He says there are billion billion billion atoms inside me bundled into 37 trillion cells doing all kinds keeping me alive thinking.Chemical reactions?

They happen in attoseconds – that’s super fast, right? So fast that maybe million trillion chemical reactions happening every second inside each of my 37 trillion cells.To say I have plenty stuffs inside me is a huge understatement! The numbers make my head spin and I feel all tired out.

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