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Newest California Senator wen take oath on Tuesday: US Politics Kine News 🇺🇸📰

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Laphonza Butler, Da New Senator Fo’ California 🌴🇺🇸 Afta Dianne Feinstein wen mahke (1933-2023), get plenny talk story ’bout who goin’ take ova her spot. Now we know da ansah – Laphonza Butler, da president of Emily’s List and one old time labor leadah. She been named by Gov.

Gavin Newsom fo fill up dat empty seat left behind by Feinstein’s death. Butler nevah hold political office befo’, but she stay well known in California politics fo years now, all cause she went make big kine noise through labor activism 👊💪 Less than five days afta Feinstein wen mahke, Butler goin’ swear in as the newest U.S senator from Cali. Govna Newsom pick em!

He chose Laphonza Butler – dis lady who was once da head hancho of the state’s biggest labor union to sit down inside Senate seat where Dianne Feinstein used to park her okole for tree decades 💺 Da Vice President Kamala Harris supposed to do all da swearing-in stuff at Capitol today with Butlah. Dis appointment get choke importance brah! Senate right now like see-saw game – just little bit can change everything 😬 So Democrats stay ready fo put anotha Democrat fast kine inside dat vacant chair.

Butler used work as one adviser for Harris during her 2020 presidential run 🏃‍♀️ Plus she going be the first openly LGBTQ senator from Cali! No joke braddahs and sistas! Newsom had promised way back in 2021 that if eva he need fill anotha Senate seat he would choose a Black woman ✊ Well look here; he keep his word when he picked Butlah – making her the second Black woman to represent da state afta Harris.

Befo’ Feinstein wen kick da bucket, had tree big kine Democratic lawmakers already putting their name in the hat for 2024 race fo succeed her: Representatives Adam Schiff, Katie Porter and Barbara Lee all been campaigning hard for months now 🗳️ Schiff look like he stay in da best position out of all three when you talk about money 💰 He get $30 million raised compared with $10.4 million fo’ Porter and only $1.


Latest California Senator Sworn In Tuesday: US Politics News

Laphonza Butler, The New Senator For California 🌴🇺🇸 After Dianne Feinstein’s death (1933-2023), there was much speculation about who would take over her position. Now we have the answer – Laphonza Butler, the president of Emily’s List and a veteran labor leader.

She has been appointed by Gov.Gavin Newsom to fill the vacant seat left behind by Feinstein’s passing. Although Butler has never held political office before, she is well-known in California politics due to her significant impact through labor activism 👊💪 Less than five days after Feinstein’s death, Butler will be sworn in as the newest U.S senator from California; Governor Newsom chose her!He selected Laphonza Butler – this woman who once led one of state’s largest labor unions to occupy Senate seat where Dianne Feinstein served for three decades 💺 Vice President Kamala Harris is expected perform all swearing-in procedures at Capitol today with Butlah.

This appointment holds great significance! The Senate currently hangs in balance – even a slight shift can change everything 😬 Hence Democrats are eager put another Democrat swiftly into that empty chair.Laphonza previously worked as an advisor for Harris during her 2020 presidential campaign 🏃‍♀️ Additionally she will be first openly LGBTQ senator from Cali!

It isn’t joke brothers and sisters! Back in 2021 Newsom had promised that if he ever needed fill another Senate seat he would choose a Black woman ✊ Well look here; he kept his word when he picked Butlah – making her second Black woman represent state after Harris.

Prior to Feinstenin’s demise there were already three prominent Democratic lawmakers vying for 2024 race succeeder: Representatives Adam Schiff Katie Porter Barbara Lee have all been campaigning vigorously for months now 🗳️ Schiff appears to be in the best financial position out of all three 💰 He has raised $30 million compared with $10.

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