Multivitamin Supplements May Improve Memory and Slow Cognitive Decline in Aging Adults

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

“Multivitamin Power: Boost Yuh Memory and Slow Down Brain Gettin’ Old, Brah! 🧠🌺” Eh, dis new study wen say dat takin’ one multivitamin every day can help yuh memory and make yuh brain stay younga, especially fo’ da oldah folks. Dis is some big kine news fo’ all da peeps out deah struglin’ wit dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, yeah? Dis study, wen come out dis past Thursday, is da third one undah da COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS). Dey stay lookin’ into cocoa extract and multivitamin supplements fo’ see if dey can make people tink mo’ clear and drop da chance of gettin’ Alzheimer’s. Dem guys wen do two oddah studies befo’ dis one, and dey wen find out dat takin’ multivitamins every day stay good fo’ yuh brain. Now, dis new study wen mix data from ova 500 peeps and do some meta-analysis on top of data from ova 5,000 peeps. All dem peeps, dey stay ’bout 69 years old on average. Chirag Vyas, da first author of dis study, say, “Cognitive decline stay one big worry fo’ plenty oldah peeps. And takin’ multivitamins every day can be one nice and easy way fo’ slow down yuh brain gettin’ old.” He wen say dis when he was talkin’ ’bout da study. So, da first part of da study, dey wen give 573 peeps some tests fo’ see how dey brain stay doin’. Da results, dey wen publish ’em in da American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show dat takin’ one multivitamin every day wen make yuh memory and brainpower bettah ova two years, when you compare ’em to people who nevah take nuttin’. Da peeps who wen take multivitamins, dey memory stay like somebody who stay ’bout five years youngah den dem, and dey brainpower stay like somebody who stay ’bout two years youngah. Dat’s somethin’! Dey wen find out dat da multivitamin wen help wit episodic memory, like when you can rememba one memory, but it nevah help wit executive attention, like when you need focus and no let da oddah stuff distract you. Dem guys wen do one meta-analysis too, wit peeps who nevah ova-lap wit da oddah studies, and dey wen find out dat takin’ multivitamins wen help yuh memory and brainpower. Dis can be good news fo’ da oldah folks who don’t get ’nuff vitamins in deah diet. Dr. Olivia Okereke, da senior author of da report and da director of geriatric psychiatry at MGH, wen say, “Dis gonna catch da eye of plenny oldah peeps who like take care of deah brain. Dis study show dat takin’ one multivitamin every day can help yuh brain stay sharp.” Right now, get ’bout 6.7 million people in da U.S. who stay dealin’ wit Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Dey say dis numba goin’ up to 14 million by 2060, da Centers fo’ Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wen say. Plenny research already show dat yuh can slow down yuh chance of gettin’ dementia if you stay livin’ one healthy life. You gotta control yuh blood pressure, diabetes, no get too fat, and stay away from feelin’ blue. No smoke cigarettes, no get wasted, and make sure you move yuh body plenty, yeah, dat’s what CDC say. But, dis new study, gotta let you know dat da multivitamin dey wen use was da Centrum Silver brand. So, maybe oddah multivitamin brands no can give you da same benefits. An’ dey not even sure which vitamins inside da multivitamin wen help out wit da good stuff. So, what dis mean fo’ you? Well, if you like keep yuh brain sharp and you stay gettin’ on in years, maybe tink ’bout takin’ one multivitamin every day. But make sure you talk to yuh doctor first, ’cause not everybody goin’ need ’em. And no forget, stay eatin’ good too, ’cause dat’s da best way fo’ get all da nutrients yuh need. So, dey say, “Multivitamin Power: Boost Yuh Memory and Slow Down Brain Gettin’ Old, Brah!” 🧠🌺


Multivitamin Supplements May Improve Memory and Slow Cognitive Decline in Aging Adults

Title: Multivitamin Power: Enhance Your Memory and Slow Down Brain Aging Hey there, this new study suggests that taking a daily multivitamin can improve your memory and keep your brain youthful, especially for older individuals. This is significant news for those struggling with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, right? This study, released just last Thursday, is the third one under the Cocoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS). Researchers have been investigating cocoa extract and multivitamin supplements to determine if they can enhance cognitive clarity and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Prior to this study, two other research projects had already found that taking multivitamins daily is beneficial for brain health. Now, this new study combines data from over 500 participants and conducts a meta-analysis using data from over 5,000 people, with an average age of around 69 years old. Chirag Vyas, the first author of the study, stated, “Cognitive decline is a significant concern for many older individuals. Taking multivitamins daily can be an easy and effective way to slow down the aging of your brain.” He made this remark while discussing the study. In the first part of the study, 573 participants underwent tests to assess their brain function. The results, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicate that taking a daily multivitamin can improve memory and cognitive function by over two years compared to those who don’t take any supplements. Individuals who took multivitamins had memory levels similar to those five years younger and cognitive abilities akin to those two years younger. That’s quite noteworthy! The study found that multivitamins particularly helped with episodic memory, the ability to recall specific memories, but didn’t significantly impact executive attention, which involves focus and resisting distractions. A meta-analysis was also conducted with participants who didn’t overlap with the previous studies, confirming that multivitamins can enhance memory and cognitive function. This could be encouraging news for older individuals who may not be getting enough vitamins through their diet. Dr. Olivia Okereke, the senior author of the report and the director of geriatric psychiatry at MGH, remarked, “This will catch the attention of many older individuals who are concerned about preserving their cognitive health. This study shows that taking a daily multivitamin can help keep your brain sharp.” Currently, there are approximately 6.7 million people in the U.S. dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this number is projected to increase to 14 million by 2060. Existing research has already shown that you can reduce your risk of dementia by leading a healthy lifestyle. This includes managing blood pressure, diabetes, weight, and emotional well-being, along with avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, and maintaining physical activity, as recommended by the CDC. However, it’s essential to note that the multivitamin used in this study was Centrum Silver. Other multivitamin brands may not offer the same benefits, and researchers are uncertain which specific vitamins within the multivitamin contribute to these positive effects. So, what does this mean for you? If you want to keep your brain sharp and are aging, consider taking a daily multivitamin. However, it’s crucial to consult with your doctor first because not everyone may need them. Additionally, don’t forget to maintain a healthy diet, as that remains the best way to obtain all the necessary nutrients. In conclusion, the study suggests that taking a daily multivitamin can enhance your memory and slow down the aging of your brain.

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