Mov’da Hawaii: Natives Wuz Warn Me 🤔 Regret?

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

🤙Nah, Bro! Moved 2 Hawaii But Left After 6 Months – Here’s What I’d Warn Anybody 🤔 When I heard about da beauty of Hawaii and all its nature and beaches, it sounded like a dream place to live. Everybody said dat if you move there you gotta respect da locals, land an’ beaches so that’s what I tried to do.

So yeah brah…I moved 2 Hawaii but after 6 months it was time for me to leave. Now let me tell y’all why… Da kine life in paradise ain’t all what it seems ya know?

Sure there are beautiful sunsets every night an’ dea is plenty of good grinds around but living on the islands can be hard too especially if yer not from here originally. It turns out dat when outsiders come in droves they make housing prices go up so high that even Native Hawaiians have trouble affording dem places anymore! 😩 Not cool at all bros….

Living on da Hawaiian Islands isn’t just some romantic getaway spot either – dis is Indigenous people’s land we’re talking about here which means everybody needs ta show some aloha spirit n respect each other as well as our environment too 🌊 Dey say Aloha stands for more than just hello or goodbye -it means love ,respect ,peace n harmony with one another an wit nature also . That should always be kept in mind no matter where we stay or how long we plan ta stay dere fo’. Plus, my presence wasn’t helping anyone while livin’ over dea cuz i was takin away jobs from local residents who needed them more dan me anyway .It got real expensive tryin ta keep up wit the lifestyle over derr since everything costs way mo money den back home plus taxes were really high which made matters worse..

On top of dat transportation can be tricky cuz unless u own a car getting around town ain’t easy .😕 All these things combined made leaving feel like the right choice 4me personally even though i still miss being surrounded by such breathtaking views everyday ! No matta wat tho’, when visiting any island paradise remember that tourists bring their own culture & beliefs along with em wherever they go .. Don’t forget your roots !!

Respect where you came from & don‘t forget why u chose this destination-2 experience something new!! ✨ Mahaloz


🤙Nah, Bro! I Moved to Hawaii But Left After 6 Months – Here’s What I’d Warn Anybody 🤔 When I heard about the beauty of Hawaii and all its nature and beaches, it sounded like a dream place to live. Everybody said that if you move there you gotta respect the locals, land and beaches so that’s what I tried to do.So yeah brah…I moved to Hawaii but after 6 months it was time for me to leave.

Now let me tell y’all why… The kind of life in paradise ain’t all what it seems ya know?Sure there are beautiful sunsets every night and there is plenty of good grinds around but living on the islands can be hard too especially if you’re not from here originally. It turns out that when outsiders come in droves they make housing prices go up so high that even Native Hawaiians have trouble affording those places anymore!

😩 Not cool at all bros….Living on the Hawaiian Islands isn’t just some romantic getaway spot either – this is Indigenous people’s land we’re talking about here which means everybody needs ta show some aloha spirit n respect each other as well as our environment too 🌊 They say Aloha stands for more than just hello or goodbye -it means love ,respect ,peace n harmony with one another an wit nature also . That should always be kept in mind no matter where we stay or how long we plan ta stay dere fo’. Plus, my presence wasn’t helping anyone while livin’ over dea cuz i was takin away jobs from local residents who needed them more dan me anyway .It got real expensive tryin ta keep up wit the lifestyle over derr since everything costs way mo money den back home plus taxes were really high which made matters worse..On top of dat transportation can be tricky cuz unless u own a car getting around town ain’t easy .😕 All these things combined made leaving feel like

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