Mov’da Hawaii An’ Sorry Fo’ Dat: Da Kine Hawaiians Wuz Tell Me

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

😎 Move Hawaii, Den Stay Ony 6 Months – Dis Da Warnin I’d Give Anybody Who Think It’s Dream Place Fo’ Live 😎 Lexi Matejeck learn dat her stay on da Hawaiian Islands no help nobody. Lexi Matejeck a travel influencer who move to da Big Island an regret her decision. She learn dat da influx of foreigners make it hard fo’ Native Hawaiians to afford housing.

She say dis islands no romantic getaway o trendy spot – it belong to Indigenous people! Da first time Lexi hear about Hawaii, she already know she wan go live dea one day! TikTok videos show off nature, beaches and culture by folks who move dea alreaday an den Lexi know right away: dis gotta be her next home.

But before moving, peopo warn everybody fo respect locals and land an beach too so evryting stay beautiful like how God bless um from start! So when opportunity come up for Lexi work in Hawaii as travel influencer? Yeah brah-she jump on top of dat chance real quick-like!!

Dat why one day you find um living in Kona Town surrounded by mountains and sea all around…oh yeahhh!!! 🤙🏽 But after six months? Dassit cuz den she realize someting: Her presence not helping anybody out here at alls…

In fact maybe even making tings worse cuz now more outsiders coming ova try take advantage of Hawaiian beauty while Native Hawaiians struggle wit expensive rent prices…. No mattah how much fun peopo have or ho many good times they share? Dey still gotta rememba this place ain’t just some dream destination fa tourist only….It’s somebody else homeland too!!

So if you tinkin bout moving ovah hea?? Make sure check yourself first cause maybe you don’t need be hea aftahall…..


😎 Moving to Hawaii for Only 6 Months – That’s the Warning I’d Give Anyone Who Thinks It’s a Dream Place to Live 😎 Lexi Matejeck learned that her stay on the Hawaiian Islands didn’t help anyone. Lexi Matejeck is a travel influencer who moved to the Big Island and regretted her decision. She learned that an influx of foreigners makes it hard for Native Hawaiians to afford housing.

She said these islands aren’t a romantic getaway or trendy spot – they belong to Indigenous people! The first time Lexi heard about Hawaii, she already knew she wanted go live there one day! TikTok videos showed off nature, beaches and culture by folks who had already moved there and then Lexi knew right away: this had gotta be her next home.

But before moving, people warned everyone to respect locals and land & beach too so everything stays beautiful like how God blessed them from start! So when an opportunity came up for Lexi work in Hawaii as travel influencer? Yeah brah-she jumped on top of that chance real quick-like!!

🤙🏽 But after six months? That was it because then she realized something: Her presence wasn’t helping anybody out here at all… In fact maybe even making things worse because now more outsiders were coming over trying take advantage of Hawaiian beauty while Native Hawaiians struggled with expensive rent prices….

No matter how much fun people have or how many good times they share? They still gotta remember this place isn’t just some dream destination for tourists only….It’s somebody else homeland too!! So if you’re thinking about moving over here??

Make sure check yourself first cause maybe you don’t need be here afterall….

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