Mov’d to Hawaii: Y Why I Shudda Listen Da Native Hawaiians 🤔🌴

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

🤙UH MOVE 2 HAWAII, BUT DEN LEFT AFTA 6 MONTHS – 🤔WAT I WARN PEEPS WHO THINK DIS DA DREAM PLACE 2 LIVE 🌴 Da Hawaiian Islands is known fo da beauty of its nature, beaches and culture. But wen Lexi Matejeck moved to da Big Island from Florida she found out dat livin in Hawaii ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Da influx of foreigners has made it hard fo Native Hawaiians to afford housing an’ get jobs.

Lexi said dat dis place isn’t jus a romantic getaway spot or trendy vacation destination – dis is Indigenous people’s land an’ we gotta respect dem an’ take care of our islands! Lexi knew right away dat her presence on da island wasn’t helpin anyone so she decided ta move back home afta only six months living there. She now shares her story wit otha peeps who are thinkin about moving dere too – cuz livin in Hawaii ain’t always what you expect it ta be!

Before movin’, Lexi heard peeps say “respect the locals, the land and de beaches. She tried really hard ta do just that but soon realized somethin was off about how tourists were treatin each odda as well as native folks on the island: People weren’t carvin bout respecting one another or taking care of their environment like they should have been dooin’. Da Hawaiian Islands need more local support than ever before – so if you’re thinkn bout movn dere make sure ya know wat yer getting into first!

Not only does tourism bring money inta tha economy but also brings more awareness for environmental issues such as climate change which affects us all no mattah where we live in this world 🌎


🤙UH MOVE 2 HAWAII, BUT DEN LEFT AFTA 6 MONTHS – 🤔WAT I WARN PEEPS WHO THINK DIS DA DREAM PLACE 2 LIVE 🌴 The Hawaiian Islands are renowned for their stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches and unique culture. However, when Lexi Matejeck moved to the Big Island from Florida she quickly realised that living in Hawaii isn’t always what it’s made out to be. With an influx of foreigners moving there too, it has become increasingly difficult for Native Hawaiians to find affordable housing and jobs.Lexi said that this place is not just a romantic getaway spot or trendy vacation destination – this is Indigenous people’s land and we need to respect them as well as take care of our islands!

She knew right away that her presence on the island wasn’t helping anyone so she decided to move back home after only six months living there. Now she shares her story with other people who are thinking about making the same move – because living in Hawaii isn’t always what you expect it to be!Before moving over there Lexi heard people say “respect the locals, respect the land and respect its beaches. She tried really hard do just that but soon realised something was off about how tourists were treating each other as well as native folks on island: People weren’t caring enough about respecting one another or taking care of their environment like they should have been doing.

The Hawaiian Islands need more local support than ever before – so if you’re thinking about moving there make sure you know what you’re getting into first!Not only does tourism bring money into economy but also brings more awareness for environmental issues such as climate change which affects us all no matter where we live in this world 🌎

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