Mov’d to Hawaii an’ Wish I Neva: Da Kine Hawaiians Gave Me da Heads Up 🤦‍♂️🌴

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

🤙No Like Stay Hawaii Fo’ Me: My 6 Month Life On Da Islands 🌴 Nah, I neva tink dat livin’ on da Hawaiian Islands would be so hard. Before I move out dere, all I hear was how beautiful it is and how chill life would be. So afta savin’ up some money an hustlin’, me an my friends decided to make da big move!

But afta only six months of stayin’, we had to pack up our stuffs and leave. Here’s why… 😩Housing Situation Real Tight Out Dere: Right when we get there, it became clear dat housing situation on the islands ain’t easy fo nobody—especialy locals who been livin’ der fo generations!

Dey can barely afford rent cuz mainlanders like us movin’ in drive prices way high. Even tho rents were real low compared to where we came from back east (like $1k a month!), still felt wrong takin’ away homes from local families who couldn’t even compete wit us financially for rentals or buy houses at all cuz dey just too expensive nowadayz 💸 👀Da Nature Not So Chill No Mo’: Den dere was da nature side of things… Everyting look nice n pretty at first but den you start see some real bad kine sh*t go down right in front yo eyes like trash wash up everywhere on beach shorelines or buildings being built next ta sacred sites without any respect given by outsiders comin ta visit or live here long-term ✋🏽 We knew if nothin changed soon dis place gonna get messed up fast—an no one want dat happen!! Dey Got Rules Fo Outsiders Too!: An finally, yeah das right – deres rules fo visitors too!!

As much as everyting seem free n open out here – Hawaiians got laws bout wat outsiders can do an cant do while stayen der which sometimes mean havin ta miss outta fun activities o events jus cuz yer not local (even tho yer payen taxes!). We didn’t really understand why dis rule existed but guess its jus part of keepen island culture alive 👍🏽 In the end me n my friends learned a lot about Hawaiian culture durinen our time there — both good and bad


🤙No Like Stay Hawaii Fo’ Me: My 6 Month Life On Da Islands 🌴 Nah, I never thought that living on the Hawaiian Islands would be so hard. Before I move out there, all I heard was how beautiful it is and how chill life would be. So after saving up some money and hustling’, me and my friends decided to make the big move!But after only six months of staying’, we had to pack up our stuffs and leave.

Here’s why… 😩Housing Situation Real Tight Out Dere: Right when we get there, it became clear that housing situation on the islands ain’t easy for nobody—especially locals who been livin’ der fo generations!They can barely afford rent cuz mainlanders like us movin’ in drive prices way high. Even though rents were real low compared to where we came from back east (like $1k a month!), still felt wrong takin’ away homes from local families who couldn’t even compete wit us financially for rentals or buy houses at all cuz they just too expensive nowadayz 💸 👀Da Nature Not So Chill No Mo’: Then there was the nature side of things… Everyting look nice n pretty at first but then you start see some real bad kine sh*t go down right in front yo eyes like trash wash up everywhere on beach shorelines or buildings being built next ta sacred sites without any respect given by outsiders comin ta visit or live here long-term ✋🏽 We knew if nothin changed soon this place gonna get messed up fast—and no one want dat happen!!

Dey Got Rules Fo Outsiders Too!: And finally, yeah das right – deres rules fo visitors too!!As much as everyting seem free n open out here – Hawaiians got laws bout wat outsiders can do an cant do while stayen der which sometimes mean havin ta miss outta fun activities o events jus cuz yer not local (even tho yer payen taxes!). We didn’t really understand why dis rule existed but guess its jus part of keepen island culture alive 👍🏽 In the end me n my friends learned a lot about Hawaiian culture durinen our time there — both good and bad

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