Mov’d Ova Hawaii An’ Wished We Neva Did – Da Native Hawaiians Get It Right 🤙🏽😔

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

👋Wen I Moved 2 Hawaii, But Left After 6 Months: Dis Da Story Behind My Regret 🤔 Kine peeps alwayz tink dat living in Hawaii is da dream. Wen Lexi Matejeck heard bout all da natura beauty, beaches an culture on da Hawaiian Islands she wuz so excited to move dere! She thought it would be dis romantic getaway but den found out sumting diffrent.

Da trut? Hawaiians been strugglin cuz of too many outsiders movin dea and making it hard fo dem to afford housing. So afta six months of livin deah Lexi hadda go back home ta Florida realizin dat her presence on da islands wasn’t helpin anyone at all…

Lexi’s story start when she wen leave her hometown in Florida fo make a new life in Hawaii wit high hopes an expectations. Livin near beach was always part of Lexi’s dream life an she thought moving ta one of most beautiful places on earth would finally give her chance fo make dat happen! She knew locals warned visitors about respecting land and beaches before they come but still felt like dis place was gonna be different for sure 😊 But soon aftah arriving things started look diffrent than wat Lexi expected… Hawaiians been strugglin cuz influx o’ foreigners makin it hard fa dem affod basic needs like housing and food prices skyrocketing every day 🙁 Not only did people not have enough money to buy stuffs anymore but also their traditional ways o’ life were slowly being forgotten as more outsiders came into the picture 👎 Lexie realized that by being there, even if with good intentions, just made things worse for local communities who already had plenty problems without any outside interference… Plus since tourism became so popular over last few years rent prices went up significantly makin it impossible fa natives stay close 2 their homeland or pass down cultural traditions from generation 2 generation 😩 Anuva thing Dat lexie noticed during time living der was how much trash dere actually is around island – plastic bottles washing up onto shoreline almost everyday while people leaving behind piles o’disposable items everywhere they go 🤦‍♀️ People seemed oblivious bout effect this has on environment an natural habitats which makes whole situation even sadder ☹️ So after few months staying deah realizing all dese issues weren


t gonna be fixed anytime soon Lexi decided it was time fo her 2 go back home ta Florida. 👋When I moved to Hawaii, but left after 6 months: this is the story behind my regret 🤔 Kinda people always think that living in Hawaii is the dream. When Lexi Matejeck heard about all of the natural beauty, beaches and culture on the Hawaiian Islands she was so excited to move there!

She thought it would be this romantic getaway but then found out something different.The truth? Hawaiians have been struggling because of too many outsiders moving there and making it hard for them to afford housing. So after six months of living there Lexi had to go back home to Florida realizing that her presence on the islands wasn’t helping anyone at all…Lexie’s story starts when she went away from her hometown in Florida to make a new life in Hawaii with high hopes and expectations.

Living near a beach was always part of Lexie’s dream life and she thought moving one one of most beautiful places on earth would finally give her chance for make that happen! She knew locals warned visitors about respecting land and beaches before they come but still felt like this place was going be different for sure 😊 But soon after arriving things started looking different than what lexie expected… Hawaiians have been struggling because influx o’ foreigners making it hard fa dem affod basic needs like housing with food prices skyrocketing every day 🙁 Not only did people not have enough money buy stuff anymore but also their traditional ways o’life were slowly being forgotten as more outsiders came into picture 👎lexie realized by being here even if with good intentions just made things worse fo local communities who already had plenty problems without any outside interference… Plus since tourism became so popular over last few years rent prices went up significantly makin impossible fa natives stay close 2 their homeland or pass down cultural traditions from generation 2 generation 😩 Anuva thing dat lexia noticed during time livin der how much trash dere actually around island – plastic bottles washing up onto shoreline almost everyday while people leaving behind piles o’disposable items everywhere they go 🤦‍♀️ People seemed oblivious bout effect dis has environment an natural habitats which makes whole situation even sadder ☹️ So afta few months staying deah realizing all dese issues weren’t gonna fixed anytime soon lexia decided wuz time foergo back home ta

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