Mexico’s First Lady President? Sheinbaum o Gálvez? 🤔🇲🇽👩‍⚖️

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

🤙 Wai Nui Da News: Mexico Goin Get First Lady Prez Fo’ Sure 🤙 Mexico goin get da first wahine prez fo’ sure afta top partys choose two ladies as candidates. No matta who gonna win, it’s a historic moment fo’ da kine! 😍 Claudia Sheinbaum, forma mayor of Mexico City an Xóchitl Gálvez both got picked by dif’rent partys ta run in June’s election.

Bot dem ladies stay say dat Mexiko ready fo’ wahine leadaship but dey know it ain’t gonna be easy. 💪 Sheinbaum beat out five oda guys inside her party wit President Andrés Manuel López Obrador show some support even dough he been accused of macho chauvinism sometimes. Machismo still real strong in Mexiko so even if one lady win she gotta fight against dat plus low voter turnout whenevahs female candidates compete against each oda (sad face emoji).

👎 Dere also might be a male candidate from Citizen Movement Party who could attract all dose macho voters too which make tings mo betta fa him or her? We neva know yet! ☺️ Marcelo Ebrard – former Foreign Affairs Secretary – didn’t accept results cuz he think dere was irregularities wit how things went down so we still waitn to see wat happens next on his end too.

🤔 Morena party control 22 states and Lopez Obrador stay popular so Sheibaum look like she got good chance to win but Galvez came outta nowhere an surprise everybody with how much attention she gettin now! 😮 Lopez Obrada said he ready pass responsibility onto Claudia and focus on finish up his projects instead, no matta what happen come June 2nd Election Day dis year.. He also hope Eberd decide join forces wit him at some point soon aftah everyting settle down ✌️ .

Activist Aurora Pedroche from Morena worry bout someting else if one lady wins- how military go take havin woman as Commander In Chief? Dat kinda scary… But we can only wait n see wat happens come Election Day!!



Mexico’s First Female President: Sheinbaum or Gálvez? 🤔🇲🇽👩‍⚖️

🤙 Wai Nui Da News: Mexico Goin Get First Lady Prez Fo’ Sure 🤙 Mexico is set to get its first female president for sure after the top parties chose two ladies as candidates. No matter who wins, it’s a historic moment! 😍 Claudia Sheinbaum, former mayor of Mexico City and Xóchitl Gálvez both got picked by different parties to run in June’s election.Both women have said that Mexico is ready for female leadership but they know it won’t be easy.

💪 Sheinbaum beat out five other guys inside her party with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador showing some support even though he has been accused of macho chauvinism sometimes. Machismo is still very strong in Mexico so even if one lady wins she will have to fight against that plus low voter turnout whenever female candidates compete against each other (sad face emoji).👎 There also might be a male candidate from Citizen Movement Party who could attract all those macho voters too which makes things better for him or her? We never know yet!

☺️ Marcelo Ebrard – former Foreign Affairs Secretary – didn’t accept results because he thinks there were irregularities with how things went down so we are still waiting to see what happens next on his end too.🤔 Morena party controls 22 states and Lopez Obrador remains popular so Sheibaum looks like she has good chance at winning but Galvez came out of nowhere and surprised everybody with how much attention she is getting now! 😮 Lopez Obrada said he was ready pass responsibility onto Claudia and focus on finishing up his projects instead, no matter what happens come June 2nd Election Day this year.. He also hopes Eberd decides join forces with him at some point soon after everything settles down ✌️ .Activist Aurora Pedroche from Morena worries about something else if one lady wins- how will the military take having a woman as Commander In Chief?

That’s kinda scary… But we can only wait n see what happens come Election Day!! 👀

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