Huawei Lobbying: 🎁, Gizmos & Greece – Inside Da Campaign 💰

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Gifts, Gadgets an Greece: Inside Da Huawei Lobbying Campaign 🎁📱👔😏 Huawei wen try hard fo’ get da Greek government officials on their side. Leaked internal messages show how dey give out gifts like smartphones an smartwatches to win dem over.

No matta wat America say bout banning Huawei tech, da Chinese telecom-equipment maker still stay strong in Greece! Da U.S.-Chinese economic relationship been tense since 2020 when U.S government start restrictin’ use of Huawei equipment inside da country an cuttin’ off access to certain American technology from dem too!

But even wit all dat pressure from Uncle Sam, China still stay fightin’. Huwei gots plans fo’ courtin’ Greek officials wit gifts like Mate XS smartphones and GT 2 smartwatches plus some wine too!

Dey even talk ‘bout givin’ a senior minister and his son gadgets as well as transportation for regulators durin one industry conference in 2021 ova by United Arab Emirates (UAE). Not sure if any of dis stuff actually happened but we know it was top secret cuz nobody outside the group chat named afta Greece’s digital ministry knew nothin ’bout it 😳 An Emily Kilcrease who used ta be a deputy assistant U.S trade representative at Center for New American Security say Huawei views the US actions as an existential threat .

All these accusations fly around but so far no proof that they do any spy or sabotage stuff yet 👀 Fo real though we can confirm all dis cuz The Times match up names , phone numbers and other info inside the messages provided by someone workin fo European gov’t dat investigate them 🤨 So while America may have mixed success with its anti-Huawei campaign here n there (like not totally banning their products), looks like they gotta step up deir game if dey wanna keep Huwei away from Europe which is currently its biggest market outside China 🤔


Huawei Lobbying: Gifts, Gadgets & Greece – Inside Campaign

Gifts, Gadgets and Greece: Inside the Huawei Lobbying Campaign 🎁📱👔😏 Huawei has been trying hard to get the Greek government officials on their side. Leaked internal messages show how they gave out gifts such as smartphones and smartwatches in order to win them over.

No matter what America says about banning Huawei technology, the Chinese telecom-equipment maker is still strong in Greece! The U.S.-Chinese economic relationship has been tense since 2020 when the U.S government started restricting use of Huawei equipment inside their country and cutting off access to certain American technology from them too!

But even with all that pressure from Uncle Sam, China is still fighting back. Huwei had plans for courting Greek officials with gifts like Mate XS smartphones and GT 2 smartwatches plus some wine too!

They even talked about giving a senior minister and his son gadgets as well as transportation for regulators during one industry conference in 2021 over by United Arab Emirates (UAE). Not sure if any of this stuff actually happened but we know it was top secret because nobody outside of the group chat named after Greece’s digital ministry knew anything about it 😳 And Emily Kilcrease who used to be a deputy assistant U.S trade representative at Center for New American Security said thatHuawei views US actions as an existential threat .

All these accusations are flying around but so far there’s no proof that they do any spying or sabotage yet 👀 For real though we can confirm all this because The Times matched up names , phone numbers and other info inside messages provided by someone working for European gov’t investigating them 🤨 So while America may have mixed success with its anti-Huawei campaign here n there (like not totally banning their products), looks like they gotta step up their game if they wanna keep Huwei away from Europe which is currently its biggest market outside China 🤔

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