Coffee Drinks

How Much Koffee? Da Health Risk An’ Benefit? 🤔☕️

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Hau Much Koffee? Too Much Koffee? 🤔 U know how it go, wen u like stay awake fo’ da night shift o’ finish up dat project, koffee be yer best fren.

Da benefits of drinkin’ coffee get plenny attention lately an it’s true dat studies show us some good tings bout drinkin koffee. But hau much is too much? We talk to da experts fo’ find out wat dey tink bout dis topic so we can make sure we neva take in too much caffeine!

Caffeine be inside every cup of coffee but if you think about it, das not all. Coffee got lotsa chemical compounds inside an dose can affect our healths in different ways. Caffeine get linked wit most of da risks from drinking coffee but mos people don’t really experience any bad side effects cuz dey stop whenevah they start feelin weird aftah drinking a few cups a day ☕️ .

So if you usually stick to 3-4 cups daily den no need worry cuz yer body already used to dose amounts ✅ But even doe its rare for people experience serious side effects from drinking normal amounts a coffee everyday (unless your pregnant 😷), having too much caffeine still come wit consequences like racing heart rate or jitteriness and anxiousness 💆‍♀️ . Plus if you take high doses den ya might end up getting headaches or acid reflux plus more dangerous symptoms like tremors o vomiting 😵 . But overall most adults kin safely consume 400 milligrams per day which is equivalent 4 8 ounce cups ah brewed coffe o 6 espresso shots 👌 Most important ting here is lissen yo bodi -if ya start feeling weird aftah 2-3 coffees den cut back on dosages n maybe try someting else instead ⚠️ For example switch out one cup ah regular brew fo one matcha latte cause matcha got less caffeine than regualr brewed stuff ❗️ An obviouly watchout whenevah your pregnant cuz having excess caffeinduring pregnancy increase risk uh miscarriage so bettuh safe dan sorry 🙏 In conclusion just keep track uh how many coffees yo body kin handle before things start going south and adjust accordingly!

Enjoy dem beverages responsibly fam ✊


How Much Coffee Is Too Much: Health Risks & Benefits

How Much Coffee? Too Much Coffee? 🤔 You know how it goes, when you want to stay awake for the night shift or finish up that project, coffee can be your best friend.

The benefits of drinking coffee have been getting plenty of attention lately and it’s true that studies show us some good things about drinking coffee. But how much is too much? We talked to the experts to find out what they think about this topic so we can make sure we never take in too much caffeine!

Caffeine is inside every cup of coffee but if you think about it, that’s not all. Coffee has lots of chemical compounds inside and those can affect our healths in different ways. Caffeine gets linked with most of the risks from drinking coffee but most people don’t really experience any bad side effects because they stop whenever they start feeling weird after drinking a few cups a day ☕️ .

So if you usually stick to 3-4 cups daily then no need worry because your body already used to those amounts ✅ But even though its rare for people experience serious side effects from drinking normal amounts a coffee everyday (unless your pregnant 😷), having too much caffeine still comes with consequences like racing heart rate or jitteriness and anxiousness 💆‍♀️ . Plus if you take high doses then you might end up getting headaches or acid reflux plus more dangerous symptoms like tremors o vomiting 😵 . But overall most adults can safely consume 400 milligrams per day which is equivalent 4 8 ounce cups ah brewed coffe o 6 espresso shots 👌 Most important thing here is listen yo body -if ya start feeling weird after 2-3 coffees then cut back on dosages n maybe try something else instead ⚠️ For example switch out one cup ah regular brew fo one matcha latte cause matcha got less caffeine than regualr brewed stuff ❗️ And obviously watchout whenever your pregnant cuz having excess caffeinduring pregnancy increase risk uh miscarriage so better safe than sorry 🙏 In conclusion just keep track uh how many coffees yo body kin handle before things start going south and adjust accordingly!

Enjoy dem beverages responsibly fam ✊

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