Healthcare Strikes

How da Kaiser Permanente Strike Affect Patient Care: Mo’ Details… 🏥💔🚑

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Heavy Kine Trouble: Da Kaiser Permanente Strike Affecting Patients 🏥🚑 No look da ads, jus go straight to da kine article. We talking about health today, yeah? Wat dis strike from Kaiser Permanente mean for all us patients. Especially in California side, folks might see delay fo’ dea appointments or test results.

Even worse yet, some medical procedures could be postponed aftah thousands of health care workers wen walk out on top their job. Tens of Thousands Health Care Workers No Work Anymore 💼🙅‍♀️ Mo’ than 75k Kaiser Permanente health care workers wen start one three-day strike aftah contract negotiations no work out over pay and not enough staffs. “Eh! Kaiser!

You cannot hide brah. We can see your greedy side.” “Hey hey ho ho…short-staffing gotta go!” [chanting] “Kaiser! You no good brah. Treat your workers how you should.” Credit Credit…Loren Elliott for The New York Times By Reed Abelson Oct 4th year 2023 at half past tree afternoon time E.T.

Plenty plenty guys who work fo’ the company like pharmacists 👩‍⚕️ lab technicians 🔬 therapists 🧘and even housekeepers went on strike Wednesday morning time ⏰ Patients from California side to Colorado Oregon Virginia and Washington State where dem healthcare guys walking off going get affected by this kine action. Da big boss man at the hospital say that even though they got problems right now still open fo business as usual but people might need wait lil bit longer when they try make appointment and stuff that’s not urgent could be put off till later times too Doctors an nurses still there working hard though so don’t worry bout dat part. Wat kind services affected? 🏥💉 Befo’ all this, Kaiser wen say “a strike should not dissuade anyone from seeking necessary care.” But plenty services like lab tests, imaging and filling prescriptions could be delayed cause of the walkouts.

Some clinics and pharmacies might even close down an Kaiser said they going contact patients if get any cancellations.


Impact of Kaiser Permanente Strike on Patient Care: Detailed…

Major Trouble: The Kaiser Permanente Strike Affects Patients 🏥🚑 Ignore the ads and dive straight into the article. We’re discussing health today, right?

What this strike from Kaiser Permanente means for all of us as patients. Particularly in California, people may experience delays in their appointments or test results.Even worse, some medical procedures could be postponed after thousands of healthcare workers walked off their jobs.

Tens of Thousands Health Care Workers No Longer Working 💼🙅‍♀️ More than 75k Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers initiated a three-day strike following unsuccessful contract negotiations regarding pay and staffing levels. “Hey!

Kaiser!You can’t hide mate. We see your greed.” “Hey hey ho ho…short-staffing has to go!” [chanting] “Kaiser!

You’re not good matey Treat your employees better.” Credit Credit…Loren Elliott for The New York Times By Reed Abelson Oct 4th year 2023 at half past three afternoon time E.T.A lot of guys who work for the company like pharmacists 👩‍⚕️ lab technicians 🔬 therapists 🧘and even housekeepers went on strike Wednesday morning ⏰ Patients from California to Colorado Oregon Virginia and Washington State where these healthcare professionals are walking out will be affected by this action.The hospital’s top executive says that despite current issues they remain open for business as usual but people might have to wait a bit longer when trying to schedule an appointment and non-urgent matters could also be delayed Doctors an nurses are still there working hard so don’t worry about that part.What services are affected? 🏥💉 Before all this happened,Kaiser stated a strike should not dissuade anyone from seeking necessary care.

But many services such as lab tests imaging,and prescription refills could be delayed due to the walkouts.

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