Hollywood Reporter: Entertainment News

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Saweeet Settlemnt! Marvel an’ Steve Ditko’s Kin Put ‘way Deir Differences!

Marvel wen’ ditch da scrap ova Spider-Man an’ Doctor Strange rights fo’ good! Dem lawyers wen’ tell da court dey all make nice an’ gonna file one dismissal. Dis ting wen’ start in 2021 when Marvel went all legal ’cause Larry Lieber an’ Gene Colan, Steve Ditko, Don Heck an’ Don Rico wen’ give ’em copyright boot notice. Dey wen’ fight ova plenny characters, like Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk an’ Thor. June come ’round, an’ most of da beefs settle, but one wen’ hold on.

Da last fight wen’ wit Steve Ditko’s ohana, da ones who wen’ help create Spider-Man an’ Doctor Strange. Dey wen’ tell Marvel, “We like our stuff back!” Dis included comics like Amazing Fantasy (where Spider-Man wen’ debut in 1962) an’ Strange Tales (where Doctor Strange wen’ show up in 1963). Not jus’ da comics, but anything connected to ’em too.

Marvel had dey lawyers, Dan Petrocelli, Molly Lens of O’Melveny, an’ Steve Ditko’s side had Marc Toberoff.

Das da scoop, folks! Marvel an’ Steve Ditko’s ohana wen’ make peace. No more court battles ova Spider-Man an’ Doctor Strange. Da end! 🕷️🔮


Hollywood Reporter: Entertainment News

Sure, here’s the rewritten article in English with all of the emojis:

“Saweeet Settlement! Marvel and Steve Ditko’s Kin Put ‘way Their Differences! 🤝

Marvel finally ditched the dispute over Spider-Man and Doctor Strange rights for good! Their lawyers told the court that they’ve made amends and are going to file for dismissal. This whole thing started in 2021 when Marvel faced a legal challenge from Larry Lieber, Gene Colan, Steve Ditko, Don Heck, and Don Rico, who claimed their copyright. They fought over many characters, including Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, and Thor. June rolled around, and most of the disputes were resolved, but one lingered.

The final battle was with Steve Ditko’s family, the ones who helped create Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. They told Marvel, “We want our stuff back!” This included comics like Amazing Fantasy (where Spider-Man made his debut in 1962) and Strange Tales (where Doctor Strange appeared in 1963). Not just the comics, but anything connected to them as well.

Marvel had their lawyers, Dan Petrocelli, Molly Lens of O’Melveny, and Steve Ditko’s side had Marc Toberoff.

That’s the scoop, folks! Marvel and Steve Ditko’s family have made peace. No more court battles over Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. The end! 🕊️”

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