
Hausa Kine Wedding: Rakiya & Hamza’s Story!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eva wondah wat one haus wedding look like? Chee, let’s cruise! We going show you Rakiya and Hamza’s big day, brah! 🌺💍

So firs, get dis t’ing called Na Gani Ina so. Da groom and his braddahs roll up to da bride’s ohana house fo’ make known what dey stay feeling. And no forget, dey come wit presents, yeah? 🎁 If da bride’s ohana take da gifts, mean da proposal stay accepted. Aftah dat, da groom get one sneak peek of his future wahine, but ho, no touchy touchy! No can get lovey dovey kine stuff b’fore da wedding. If da bride feel da groom stay act funny kine, she can call off da whole thing. But if she like him, den she let her faddah and maddah know.

Aftah da bride give da green light, her faddah and maddah gotta share da good news to da groom’s ohana. Dis part, dey call um Gaisuwa. Den dey set da wedding date, known as Sarana. 📅 During dis time, da two stay engaged. And da bride price? Ho, gotta keep ’em low cause da low price mean big blessings from Allah 🙏. Dey call da dowry part Sadaki.

Next up, Sarana – where dey set da wedding day. Dis big day dey call Fatihah. Dis day special, cause da two ohana come together as one. Da bride stay inside wit her sista friends and da aunty kines, getting all fancy with bling, sweet smells, and henna – or what dey call Lalei. 🌸 Da men stay outside, handling da Sadaki. And den, boom! Da Imam say dey now husband and wife.

Aftah dat, time fo’ Walimah – da big party! 🎉 Da bride come outside, and da older wahines give her some good advice. Aftah, she go to her new house. In dis tradition, da groom gotta find da house, but da bride’s ohana gotta make ’em homey inside.

Da bride, she called Amarya and da groom, Ango.

Now, in Ghana, dey get two kine ways dey do weddings. Some go 3 days: Saa-lale on Friday with music and henna, reception on Saturday, and walimah on Sunday. Oddahs just keep ’em simple wit two days.

So, Hamza and Rukiya? Dey went all out with 3 days, brah!

Friday’s Saa La-Le: Morning time, Rukiya stay wit her ohana, jamming to da beats, and getting her henna did. Meanwhile, Hamza and his crew stay celebrating, but no can join Rukiya’s side yet. Later, get one big wahine party for Rukiya – only da ladies, all celebrating and sharing da love.

Saturday – Da Big Party: Hamza and Rukiya had one private kine reception. Start off with da bridesmaids and groomsmen, den da bride and groom make one grand entrance. 🎉 Everybody eat, drink, and shake deir booties on da dance floor. Ho, da vibes was on point!

Sunday’s Kai Amarya: Big party time, where everybody and deir uncle invited! Celebrate with food, dance, and more! 🥳 Aftah, Rukiya go to Hamza’s place, welcomed big time by his ohana.

Da Hausa People: Dese folks, dey all over Africa, especially up North, and they even moved Ghana. Mostly Muslim, but get some Christians too. Dey talk Hausa, but get choke different dialects. Dey not so strict with da wedding process like oddah groups, but gotta wait till marriage for da lovey-dovey stuff.

We send mad alohas to Hamza and Rukiya. May Allah bless their union! 🙌🌺


🌸🎉 Inside a Hausa Wedding: The Love Journey of Rakiya & Hamza

Ever curious about what a Hausa wedding looks like? Dive in as we unravel Rakiya and Hamza’s unforgettable day! 🌺💍

First off, there’s this ritual named Na Gani Ina so. Here, the groom and his buddies head to the bride’s family home to declare their intentions. And yes, they come bearing gifts! 🎁 Accepting these presents signifies the bride’s family’s nod to the union. Following this, the groom briefly sees his future wife. But hands off! No romance before the big day. If the bride isn’t quite feeling the groom’s vibes, she can back out. But if she’s smitten, her parents will know.

Once the bride’s approval is in, her parents share the joyous news with the groom’s folks. This step is called Gaisuwa. Next, they lock in the wedding date, known as Sarana. 📅 During this phase, the couple is officially engaged. And about the bride price? It’s kept minimal since a modest price is believed to bring enormous blessings from Allah 🙏. This payment moment is termed Sadaki.

The following step, also named Sarana, is to set the wedding day. On this significant day, called Fatihah, two families unite. The bride spends her time indoors, adorning herself with jewels, perfumes, and henna, known as Lalei 🌸. Meanwhile, men are outside, sorting out the Sadaki. Then, in a pivotal moment, the Imam officiates them as husband and wife.

The subsequent festivity, the Walimah, is the grand reception! 🎉 The bride steps out, and elder women share wisdom. Later, she’s escorted to her marital home. In this tradition, while the groom procures the residence, the bride’s family ensures it feels like home.

For titles, the bride is termed Amarya and the groom as Ango.

Over in Ghana, they have a dual approach to weddings. Some go the three-day route: Saa-lale on Friday filled with melodies and henna designs, a reception on Saturday, and walimah on Sunday. Others prefer a compact two-day affair.

For Hamza and Rukiya? They opted for a three-day extravaganza!

Friday’s Saa La-Le: Rukiya, surrounded by family, indulges in henna artistry and grooves to traditional tunes. Concurrently, Hamza and his group have their own festivities, but they don’t join Rukiya’s side till later.

Saturday’s Reception: A private affair for Hamza and Rukiya, it commenced with a grand entry by the bridal party, and soon after, the couple. 🎉 Amidst dancing and cheering, everyone indulged in delectable meals and refreshing drinks.

Sunday’s Kai Amarya: A day of public celebrations, everyone’s invited! 🥳 Following the festivities, Rukiya is warmly welcomed into Hamza’s household.

About the Hausa People: Predominantly found in Africa, especially its northern region, they’ve also established roots in Ghana. The majority follow Islam, with a few Christians. They predominantly speak Hausa, enriched with diverse dialects. Their wedding practices are less intricate than some other communities, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage.

Sending warm wishes to Hamza and Rukiya. May Allah’s blessings be with them forever! 🙌🌺

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