Harry Potter TV 📺 Series: Faithful Adaptation of Da Books 📖

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ English

🤙Harry Potter TV Series Da 🔥Fo’ Get Ready Fo’🤙 Wen da Harry Potter franchise wen get announce back in April 2023, peopo mixed feelings bout it. Some excited cuz dey like da idea of seein new actors playin all da iconic roles dat we grow up wit. But den some not so happy cuz of JK Rowling who gonna be one executive producer fo’ dis adaptation.

We still don’t know much ’bout dis show but wat we do know is dat each book gonna get adapted into a season and if everyting goes well, den dis series can last fo’ 10 years! Da trailer wen come out already but no cast members or release date yet – hopefully dem tings comin soon! One thing’s fo sho tho’, according to David Heyman (executive producer) is dat dey try make sure stay faithful to da books even mo betta dan how movies did it 👍 Plus Hogwarts Legacy video game also got New Game Plus now so fans can enjoy RPG set afta Deathly Hallows ✨ It look like Harry Potter TV series will premiere on Max sometime between 2025-2026 an hope eevryting go good fa us fans ❗️ So keep ya eyes open cuz you neva know when someting new might happen wit our fav wizarding world ⚡️


🤙Get ready, Harry Potter fans! 🔥When the announcement of a new Harry Potter franchise came out in April 2023, people had mixed feelings. Some were excited to see new actors take on the iconic roles they grew up with while others weren’t so thrilled due to JK Rowling being an executive producer for this adaptation.

We don’t know much about this show yet but what we do know is that each book will be adapted into a season and if all goes well, it could last 10 years! The trailer has already been released but there are no cast members or release date announced – hopefully those things come soon! One thing’s for sure though according to David Heyman (executive producer) is that they’ll try their best to stay faithful to the books even better than how movies did it 👍 Plus Hogwarts Legacy video game also got New Game Plus now so fans can enjoy RPG set after Deathly Hallows ✨ It looks like Harry Potter TV series will premiere on Max sometime between 2025-2026 and here’s hoping everything goes well for us fans ❗️ So keep your eyes open because you never know when something new might happen with our favorite wizarding world ⚡️

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