Transportation protest in Germany

Germany “Mega Strike”: Goin’ Bus’ Up Flights, Trains, an’ Buses

๐Ÿš†๐Ÿ›ซ Get ready fo’ some big kine trouble wen’ you try fo’ travel aroun’ Germany nex’ week cuz two of da country’s larges’ transport unions wen’ call one nationwide strike. Dis goin’ be da bigges’ strike Germany wen’ see in 30 years, brah. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Da Verdi service workers’ union an’ da EVG union, representin’ plenny rail workers, wen’ announce da walkout. Dis kine combined strike not too common in Germany, but aftah gettin’ nowhere wit’ employers aftah plenny talks, da unions wen’ join forces. ๐Ÿค

Da strike goin’ start officially early Monday morning an’ goin’ last all day. But some airports already wen’ cancel flights fo’ Sunday, an’ da effects goin’ spill ovah into Tuesday, wit’ some operators cancelin’ services fo’ dat day too. ๐Ÿ“…

All kine airports an’ train stations goin’ be affected by dis strike, cuz da unions involved represent majority of da transport workforce. Verdi get ovah 2.5 million public sector employees, an’ EVG get workers fo’ da railways an’ bus companies. But Hamburg an’ Bremen might not get hit so hard cuz Verdi an’ EVG not so strong dea’. ๐Ÿš‚๐ŸšŒ

Da German rail operator, Deutsche Bahn, wen’ say no long distance trains goin’ run on Monday, an’ plenny trains goin’ be canceled on Tuesday too. Dey tellin’ passengers fo’ try an’ put off dea’ trips til’ aftah da strike. ๐Ÿš…

Local transport goin’ be all bus’ up too in seven of Germanyโ€™s sixteen federal states, includin’ da big kahuna states like Bavaria, Baden-Wรผrttemberg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, an’ Saxony. ๐ŸŒ

An’ no even t’ink ’bout flyin’, cuz Frankfurt Airport, Germany’s busiest, wen’ say dey cancelin’ all flights on Monday. Munich Airport, da second busiest, no goin’ get any passenger flights on Sunday an’ Monday, an’ Stuttgart an’ Bremen airports wen’ cancel all flights too. Mo’ airports might follow suit. โœˆ๏ธ๐Ÿšซ

All dis strike action get root in da fact dat Germans strugglin’ wit’ big kine inflation aftah Russia wen’ invade Ukraine, causin’ food an’ energy costs fo’ go sky high. Verdi lookin’ fo’ 10.5% pay raise, but employers only wen’ offer 5% in two stages plus one-time payments of โ‚ฌ2,500. An’ EVG want 12% raise, but Deutsche Bahn wen’ offer jus’ 5% too, plus one-time payments. Wit’ Germany’s annual inflation rate fo’ February at 8.7%, no wonda’ da transport workers wen’ walk out. ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ

So if you stay in Germany or goin’ dea’, bettah brace yo’self fo’ da strike an’ be ready fo’ da travel chaos goin’ come. ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿšง

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