Frank Miller’s Kine Influence All Bumbai Batman Comic Writ… 🦇📚💭

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Batman Writahs Stay Learn Da Wrong Kine Stuff From Frank Miller, Brah! 🦇📚 So, Batman bin one kine dark hero since da Golden Age days. But aftah Frank Miller wen score big time, plenny writahs wen learn all da wrong tings.

💭💡 Frank Miller’s mo’ darka spin on top Batman in Da Dark Knight Returns wen influence nuff writahs dat came afta him an’ made our hero look cold as ice. ❄️🌙 Da success of today’s Batman can be chalked up to da team work between choke influential writas and artists who established the ‘dark detective’ persona we know today. 🎨✍️ But nowdays dey showin’ Batman like one mean and cold character jus like how he stay in Frank Miller’s “All-Star Batman & Robin.” Dis no good cuz it take away from how us guys can relate to him an’ even make us no like um too much sometimes.

DC Comics went build up Batamn till he maybe the most successful superhero eva created by anybody! Next to Spider-Man, Superman and Wolverine; dis guy is king of sales an’ merchandise brah! 👑💰 Plenny his success nowadays come from what Frank Miler did when he put a darker twist on top our hero that readers really dug.

But sad fo say plenty writers who came after this comic book legend took some bad lessons away from his writing style. The road for modern day batman being so popular was paved by many important writers and artists whose collaborations helped establish the ‘dark detective’, a lot people know an love these days. In 1986 brah!, Frank miller teamed up with Klaus Janson for do one mini series that changed everything about where batman was headed.The Dark knight returns totally changed what it meant for be batman, and the readers loved um.

But like plenty comics from that time, it also created one new generation of writers who took some good lessons from um but also went heavy on top its excesses. As a result of this brah!, modern age Batman readers have seen one version of our hero who has become more cold and alienating – an’ boy does it show!


Frank Miller’s Influence Misinterpreted by Batman Comic Writ…

Batman Writers Keep Learning The Wrong Things From Frank Miller, Dude! 🦇📚 So, Batman has been a kind of dark hero since the Golden Age days.

But after Frank Miller hit it big time, many writers learned all the wrong things.💭💡Frank Miller’s darker spin on Batman in The Dark Knight Returns influenced many writers that came after him and made our hero seem as cold as ice. ❄️🌙The success of today’s Batman can be attributed to the teamwork between numerous influential writers and artists who established the ‘dark detective’ persona we know today.

🎨✍️But nowadays they’re portraying Batman like a mean and cold character just like how he is in Frank Miller’s “All-Star Batman & Robin.” This isn’t good because it takes away from how we can relate to him and even makes us not like him too much sometimes.DC Comics built up Batamn until he might be the most successful superhero ever created by anyone! Next to Spider-Man, Superman and Wolverine; this guy is king of sales an’ merchandise dude!

👑💰 Much his success nowadays comes from what Frank Miler did when he put a darker twist on our hero that readers really liked.But sadly enough plenty authors who followed this comic book legend took some bad lessons away from his writing style. The path for modern day batman being so popular was paved by several important authors whose collaborations helped establish ‘the dark detective’, which lots people know an love these days.In 1986 dude!,Frank miller teamed up with Klaus Janson for do one mini series that changed everything about where batman was headed.The Dark knight returns totally altered what it meant for be batman,and readers loved um.

But similar to plenty comics during those times,it also gave birth one new generation of authors who took some good lessons from um but also went heavy on its excesses. As a result of this dude!

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