Emily Blunt Apologizes for Insensitive Language in 2012 Talk Show Appearance

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Photo: Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for American Institute for Stuttering

Emily Blunt stayin’ sorry ’bout somethin’ she said on one old talk show way back in 2012, yeah!

Fans of Blunt, da 40-year-old actress, wen find one YouTube video from wen she was on da Jonathan Ross Show in da UK back in September 2012. In dat clip, she wen call one restaurant server “enormous” while she was talkin’ ’bout da time she was makin’ da movie Looper in da United States.

“I gotta talk ’bout dis straight up ’cause wen I watch dis clip from 12 years ago, my jaw wen drop,” Blunt say exclusively to PEOPLE. “I feel real bad I wen say somethin’ so insensitiv, hurtful, and had nottin’ fo’ do wit’ da story I was tryin’ fo’ tell on da talk show.”

“I always thought I was da kine person who no like hurt nobody’s feelings, so I donno what was goin’ on in my head wen I said somethin’ like dat back den. It’s not like me at all,” she add. “But I gotta own up to it, I said it, and I really sorry if I hurt anybody. I was definitely old enough to know bettah.”

Emily Blunt on July 11, 2023.

Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images

In da video, Blunt stay talk ’bout how she went eat at one local Chili’s restaurant while she was filming, and den da talk show host Jonathan Ross wen say, “If you go to Chili’s, you can see why so many of our American friends stay enormous.”

“Well, da girl who was servin’ me was enormous,” Blunt respond, and she even mention dat da server recognized her while she was dere at da restaurant.

Blunt wen act in Looper wit’ Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Paul Dano, and dat was writer-director Rian Johnson’s third full-length movie.

Da clip from Blunt’s appearance also show her explain how she wen learn fo’ chop wood fo’ da film and she even show off her wood-choppin’ skills to Ross, who now 62 years old.

English comedian John Bishop, da late actor Michael Gambon, and music producer David Guetta was also guests on dat September show.

Stay tuned fo’ more updates on dis story!

Emily Blunt’s Apology: Explained and Understood

Da famous actress Emily Blunt, known fo’ her roles in movies like “The Devil Wears Prada” and “A Quiet Place,” stay in hot water aftah one old video from a talk show came back to haunt her. In da clip from 2012, Blunt make one comment ’bout a restaurant server while she was talkin’ ’bout her time filmin’ “Looper” in da U.S. Now, she stay apologizin’ and takin’ responsibility fo’ her words. Let’s dive into dis story and see what Emily Blunt really mean wit’ her apology.

Da Resurfaced Video

Da trouble started when fans of Emily Blunt stumbled upon one video from her appearance on da Jonathan Ross Show in da UK. Dis video, dat been sittin’ in da YouTube archives fo’ years, suddenly resurfaced and caught people’s attention. In da video, Blunt talk ’bout her experience eatin’ at a Chili’s restaurant while she was workin’ on “Looper.” She wen make one comment ’bout da restaurant server dat some folks found offensive.

Blunt’s Apology

Once dis video made waves on social media, Emily Blunt decided she needed to address da issue. She didn’t shy away from it or try to avoid it; instead, she stepped up and took responsibility fo’ her words. In her statement to PEOPLE, she express her shock at her own comments, sayin’, “I just need to address this head on as my jaw was on the floor watching this clip from 12-years ago.”

Blunt also make it clear dat she was genuinely sorry fo’ any hurt her words may have caused. She mention, “I’m appalled dat I would say something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to whatever story I was trying to tell on a talk show.” She even went on to say, “I’ve always considered myself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone so whatever possessed me to say anything like this in that moment is unrecognizable to me or anything I stand for.”

Da Impact

While some people may wonder why dis old video from nearly a decade ago suddenly became a big deal, it’s important to remember dat words matter. In today’s world, where conversations ’bout body image, bullying, and respect are at da forefront, comments like da one Blunt made can have a significant impact. Celebrities, who have a platform and influence, are often held to a higher standard, and their words can carry a lot of weight.

Blunt’s acknowledgment of her mistake and her apology reflect an understanding of dis fact. She mentioned in her statement dat she was “so sorry for any hurt caused.” Her willingness to admit her wrongdoing and express genuine remorse is commendable.

A Lesson in Accountability

Emily Blunt’s response to da resurfaced video serves as a valuable lesson in accountability. Instead of deflecting blame or downplaying her words, she faced da situation head-on. In today’s world, where accountability is often lacking, her actions stand out as an example of how to take responsibility fo’ one’s actions, even if they occurred many years ago.

Blunt’s apology demonstrates dat people can grow and change, learn from their past mistakes, and strive to be better individuals. It’s a reminder dat we all make errors in judgment at times, but it’s how we respond to those errors dat truly matters.

Da Bigger Picture

Dis incident involving Emily Blunt also highlights da broader issue of how comments, especially those related to body image, can affect people. Body shaming and hurtful remarks can have long-lasting consequences on an individual’s self-esteem and mental health. Blunt’s apology serves as a reminder dat we should all strive to be more mindful of our words and their potential impact on others.

In a world where social media and public scrutiny can amplify mistakes, it’s important to remember dat we are all human and capable of making errors. What sets us apart is how we address and learn from those errors.

Da Role of Celebrity

As a well-known actress, Emily Blunt’s words and actions are often scrutinized by da public and da media. Celebrities have a unique position in society, as their influence extends to millions of people. While dis can be a powerful platform for positive change, it also comes with da responsibility to be mindful of one’s words and actions.

Blunt’s apology demonstrates dat even celebrities are not immune to making mistakes. However, it’s how they handle those mistakes dat can define their character. In dis case, Blunt’s willingness to apologize and take responsibility is a step in da right direction.

Support and Forgiveness

While some may continue to criticize Emily Blunt for her past comments, it’s also important to remember dat forgiveness and support can play a significant role in personal growth and healing. Blunt’s apology provides an opportunity for dialogue and understanding.

As we reflect on dis incident, let’s not forget dat we all have a role to play in creating a more compassionate and empathetic world. Instead of perpetuating negativity and judgment, we can choose to support each other in our efforts to become better individuals.

Moving Forward

Emily Blunt’s apology serves as a reminder of da power of words and da importance of taking responsibility fo’ our actions. It’s a lesson in accountability, personal growth, and da potential impact of our words on others. As we move forward, let’s strive to be more mindful of our language and actions, and let’s encourage a culture of empathy, forgiveness, and understanding.

In conclusion, Emily Blunt’s apology is not just a momentary event but a reflection of da ongoing journey toward becoming better individuals and fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society. Let’s learn from dis experience and work towards a world where kindness and understanding prevail.


Emily Blunt Apologizes for Insensitive Language in 2012 Talk Show Appearance

Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for American Institute for Stuttering

Emily Blunt is expressing regret for something she said on a talk show back in 2012.

Fans of Blunt, the 40-year-old actress, recently discovered a YouTube video from her appearance on the Jonathan Ross Show in the UK in September 2012. In that clip, she referred to a restaurant server as “enormous” while discussing her time filming the movie “Looper” in the United States.

“I have to talk about this straight up because when I watched this clip from 12 years ago, my jaw dropped,” Blunt said exclusively to PEOPLE. “I feel really bad I said something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to the story I was trying to tell on the talk show.”

“I always thought I was the kind of person who doesn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, so I don’t know what was going on in my head when I said something like that back then. It’s not like me at all,” she added. “But I have to own up to it, I said it, and I’m really sorry if I hurt anybody. I was definitely old enough to know better.”

Emily Blunt, as of July 11, 2023.

Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images

In the video, Blunt was discussing her experience eating at a local Chili’s restaurant while filming, and then the talk show host Jonathan Ross said, “If you go to Chili’s, you can see why so many of our American friends are enormous.”

“Well, the girl who was serving me was enormous,” Blunt responded, and she even mentioned that the server recognized her while she was at the restaurant.

Blunt starred in “Looper” with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Paul Dano, and it was writer-director Rian Johnson’s third full-length movie.

The clip from Blunt’s appearance also showed her explaining how she learned to chop wood for the film and even demonstrated her wood-chopping skills to Ross, who is now 62 years old.

English comedian John Bishop, the late actor Michael Gambon, and music producer David Guetta were also guests on that September show.

Stay tuned for more updates on this story!

Emily Blunt’s Apology: Explained and Understood

The famous actress Emily Blunt, known for her roles in movies like “The Devil Wears Prada” and “A Quiet Place,” finds herself in hot water after an old video from a talk show resurfaced. In the clip from 2012, Blunt made a comment about a restaurant server while discussing her time filming “Looper” in the U.S. Now, she is apologizing and taking responsibility for her words. Let’s delve into this story and see what Emily Blunt really means with her apology.

The Resurfaced Video

The trouble began when fans of Emily Blunt stumbled upon a video from her appearance on the Jonathan Ross Show in the UK. This video, which had been sitting in the YouTube archives for years, suddenly resurfaced and caught people’s attention. In the video, Blunt talks about her experience eating at a Chili’s restaurant while working on “Looper.” She made a comment about the restaurant server that some found offensive.

Blunt’s Apology

Once this video made waves on social media, Emily Blunt decided she needed to address the issue. She didn’t shy away from it or try to avoid it; instead, she stepped up and took responsibility for her words. In her statement to PEOPLE, she expressed her shock at her own comments, saying, “I just need to address this head-on as my jaw was on the floor watching this clip from 12 years ago.”

Blunt also made it clear that she was genuinely sorry for any hurt her words may have caused. She mentioned, “I’m appalled that I would say something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to whatever story I was trying to tell on a talk show.” She even went on to say, “I’ve always considered myself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone, so whatever possessed me to say anything like this in that moment is unrecognizable to me or anything I stand for.”

The Impact

While some people may wonder why this old video from nearly a decade ago suddenly became a big deal, it’s important to remember that words matter. In today’s world, where conversations about body image, bullying, and respect are at the forefront, comments like the one Blunt made can have a significant impact. Celebrities, who have a platform and influence, are often held to a higher standard, and their words can carry a lot of weight.

Blunt’s acknowledgment of her mistake and her apology reflect an understanding of this fact. She mentioned in her statement that she was “so sorry for any hurt caused.” Her willingness to admit her wrongdoing and express genuine remorse is commendable.

A Lesson in Accountability

Emily Blunt’s response to the resurfaced video serves as a valuable lesson in accountability. Instead of deflecting blame or downplaying her words, she faced the situation head-on. In today’s world, where accountability is often lacking, her actions stand out as an example of how to take responsibility for one’s actions, even if they occurred many years ago.

Blunt’s apology demonstrates that people can grow and change, learn from their past mistakes, and strive to be better individuals. It’s a reminder that we all make errors in judgment at times, but it’s how we respond to those errors that truly matters.

The Bigger Picture

This incident involving Emily Blunt also highlights the broader issue of how comments, especially those related to body image, can affect people. Body shaming and hurtful remarks can have long-lasting consequences on an individual’s self-esteem and mental health. Blunt’s apology serves as a reminder that we should all strive to be more mindful of our words and their potential impact on others.

In a world where social media and public scrutiny can amplify mistakes, it’s important to remember that we are all human and capable of making errors. What sets us apart is how we address and learn from those errors.

The Role of Celebrity

As a well-known actress, Emily Blunt’s words and actions are often scrutinized by the public and the media. Celebrities have a unique position in society, as their influence extends to millions of people. While this can be a powerful platform for positive change, it also comes with the responsibility to be mindful of one’s words and actions.

Blunt’s apology demonstrates that even celebrities are not immune to making mistakes. However, it’s how they handle those mistakes that can define their character. In this case, Blunt’s willingness to apologize and take responsibility is a step in the right direction.

Support and Forgiveness

While some may continue to criticize Emily Blunt for her past comments, it’s also important to remember that forgiveness and support can play a significant role in personal growth and healing. Blunt’s apology provides an opportunity for dialogue and understanding.

As we reflect on this incident, let’s not forget that we all have a role to play in creating a more compassionate and empathetic world. Instead of perpetuating negativity and judgment, we can choose to support each other in our efforts to become better individuals.

Moving Forward

Emily Blunt’s apology serves as a reminder of the power of words and the importance of taking responsibility for our actions. It’s a lesson in accountability, personal growth, and the potential impact of our words on others. As we move forward, let’s strive to be more mindful of our language and actions, and let’s encourage a culture of empathy, forgiveness, and understanding.

In conclusion, Emily Blunt’s apology is not just a momentary event but a reflection of the ongoing journey toward becoming better individuals and fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society. Let’s learn from this experience and work towards a world where kindness and understanding prevail.

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