
Eh, Iran, No More Gas o Wot?

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

K, so da kine Tehran government stay saying get some “unreal kine” heat going on, so dey wen make everyting shut down for two days. Dey stay say, “try save energy, brah and no make da people sick.” But da locals stay side-eyeing dis kine move, saying, “Ho, fo real?” 😒

Looks like Iran stay running out of natural gas and da power grid stay ol’ kine. Weird cuz dey get choke gas underground, being da second big kahuna for natural gas reserves in da world. 🌍 And da peeps stay thinking, “Bruddah, we get hot weather every year, especially down south!” 🌞🔥

Dis bookstore worker, Nima, from Tehran (da big city) say, “Da weather? Same same, no feel any kine diff.” Even if da thermometer stay reading 104°F (40°C) in plenty places, dis kine heat no strange for dem. And yeah, da world stay getting hotter cuz of climate change, but da real issue? Iran no can handle da power needs. 🌡️🔌

To dig out more gas and fix da grid, Iran need some outside kala 💵 and techy kine stuff. But, ’cause of how dey stay handle nuclear stuff, da Western side wen say “No way, José!” and put sanctions. But da Iranian government stay hard-headed, no like bow down to outsiders, even if dat means da local peeps gotta grind.

Mahdi Ghodsi, one economist, say da Iran government stay “between da rock and da hard place.” Dey no like cave in, but also cannot chill da peeps wen everything stay sky high, like da prices. 📈💸

Da big picture, Iran stay behind. Dey even burning dis dirty kine oil, mazut, dat make da air all smoky and hard fo breathe. 🌫️ Cuz of all da stuffs, like da economy going down, no water, and no energy, da local peeps getting all hu hu with da leaders. Dey thinking da government more worried about women covering hair and helping their political friends than making life good. 🧕🤷‍♂️

Had choke protests before, and wen da government said “we closing,” one local on top social media (used to be called Twitter, but now stay called X) say, “Bettah if da government shut down fo real and step down!” Another local, Mana, one English tutor, thinking da government just distracting peeps with da veiling thing for da wahines. 📚👩

Da state electricity company stay denying all dis, saying all good. But plenty folks, including Mojgan Jamshidi, one environmentalist, saying “No make sense shut down for heat. Every place diff!” And on Wednesday, plenny peeps heading to da cooler north side, trying fo escape da heat. 🚗🏞️

Last year, wen Russia and Europe had beef and Europe no get Russian energy, Iran was all smiley, thinking da West gonna need dem. But nah, Europe was all good while Iran peeps had to wrap up warm in January cause no more power. On top social media, they saying “Look like we da ones freezing, thanks ah, government.” ❄️😤

Iran’s power kine stuff getting old, and every year, more people need more power. Especially wen it’s cold or hot. Iran wen spend $19 billion on natural gas help last year, but still, they no put kala for fixing things up. Dey need like $160 billion just fo keep tings going, da oil minister said. But how wen President Trump wen cut ties and bring back sanctions? Now, Iran gotta rely on their own company, Petropars, but cannot do all da big work they planned. 😓🔋

Umud Shokri, one energy consultant, say, “Iran stay outta options for solving da gas problem.” Even with all da shortage, Iran still sending plenty gas to Iraq, making big moves over there. But back home, da infrastructure old and da needs big, leading to more blackouts.

Da south side locals used to dis kine power outages during summer. But dis week, da whole country wen shut down. Still, some peeps wen go work anyway cuz no can afford to take day off. Even with da shutdown, plenny shops in Tehran stay open. Nima, da same bookstore worker, say, “We gotta work, no matter what, even if rocks falling from da sky.” 📚💥

So, next time you thinking it’s hot outside, remember, at least you not in Iran right now. Stay cool, everybody! 🤙🍧🏖️


Iran’s Energy Crisis: Not Just About the Heat?

The Tehran government recently announced a two-day shutdown, citing extreme heat as the reason to conserve energy and safeguard public health. But many locals are viewing this decision with skepticism. 😒

Despite having the world’s second-largest natural gas reserves, Iran seems to be facing an energy shortfall. Its infrastructure isn’t robust enough to keep things running smoothly. 🌍 And while Iran does experience scorching temperatures annually, especially in the southern regions, many believe there’s more to this story. 🌞🔥

Nima, a bookstore worker from Tehran, remarked, “The weather feels the same. This isn’t unprecedented.” While global temperatures are on the rise due to climate change, the primary issue remains that Iran can’t meet its energy demands. 🌡️🔌

To exploit more gas and upgrade the infrastructure, Iran would need external investment 💵 and cutting-edge technology. However, due to Iran’s approach to nuclear development, Western countries have imposed sanctions, which have halted potential progress.

Mahdi Ghodsi, an economist, stated that the Iranian government is in a difficult position. They’re reluctant to bow to international demands and yet struggle to manage domestic frustrations over soaring prices and declining services. 📈💸

Iran’s energy situation is deteriorating. They’ve started to rely on burning mazut, a substandard oil that fills the air with thick, suffocating smoke. 🌫️ Because of the current economic climate, water shortages, and energy deficits, many Iranians are growing increasingly frustrated with their leaders, feeling that they prioritize political agendas over citizen well-being. 🧕🤷‍♂️

Previously, there were widespread protests against these issues. One Iranian commented on a social media platform, previously known as Twitter but now called X, “It would’ve been better if the entire government stepped down to protect the citizens!” Another local, Mana, expressed her belief that the government is diverting attention from real issues. 📚👩

Although the state-run electricity company has denied any crisis, experts, including Mojgan Jamshidi, argue that a nationwide shutdown due to heat doesn’t make much sense. On Wednesday, many residents headed north, seeking cooler climates. 🚗🏞️

Last year, when Europe lost access to Russian energy, Iran anticipated that the West would turn to them for support. However, while Europeans managed to get through the winter, Iranians grappled with significant power outages. Social media was flooded with Iranians ironically commenting on their cold predicament. ❄️😤

The demand for energy in Iran continues to grow, but the infrastructure is aging. Generous government subsidies have led Iranians to consume more energy than ever before, especially during extreme weather conditions. The country invested a staggering $19 billion in natural gas subsidies last year. Still, without external investment and with international sanctions in place, Iran’s energy outlook remains bleak. 😓🔋

Umud Shokri, an energy consultant, noted, “Iran is running out of solutions for its natural gas crisis.” Despite domestic shortages, Iran still exports a significant amount of natural gas to Iraq, further influencing the region’s political and economic dynamics.

Iran’s outdated infrastructure combined with its rising energy demands has resulted in frequent power outages. The recent nationwide shutdown was unprecedented, leading many to continue their daily routines despite the official “holiday”. Nima added, “We must work, regardless of the circumstances.” 📚💥

So, while many regions grapple with rising temperatures, it’s clear that Iran’s current predicament is about more than just the heat. Stay safe and stay informed! 🤙🍧🏖️

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