Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Da Zelenskyy-Malta Summit: Historic Symbolic Meeting on Saturday… 🤙🌴

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Zelenskyy: Dis Saturday Date fo’ Malta Summit ‘Very Symbolic’ 🌍🤝 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wen say in his daily address dis past Saturday dat it was very symbolic dat da Malta summit stay happening on top of dat day. Cuz das also da day Ukraine remember World War II and when dey kick out da Nazis from dea land.

Da summit in Malta stay round three of dem Ukrainian-backed peace talks where ova 60 countries coming to tink about Zelenskyy’s 10-point plan fo’ end dis war. Dey wen get similar meetings earlier dis year in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and Copenhagen, Denmark.

In his daily address, Zelenskyy also give tanks to Ukraine’s border guards who stay fighting on top of front lines wit da nation’s defense and security forces fo’ bring peace closer to Ukraine. 💪🕊️ Russia pointing finga at Ukraine for damage 💣💥 Russia accusing Ukraine saying dey wen mess up one nuclear waste storage warehouse wit one drone attack on top Kursk nuclear power plant and Russia claiming der air defenses shoot down eight Ukrainian drones.

Da Russian Foreign Ministry say last Saturday that three explosive-laden drones went afta the power plant Thursday night hitting its administration building along with one place weh storing nuclear waste. Da press service for Kursk nuclear power plant confirm Friday but tell journalists no big time damage or casualties so operations still going normal.

Fightin’ still goin’ down around Avdiivka 👊💥 Intense fightin’ neva stop yet around Avdiivka city weh important inside Donetsk region inside eastern part of Ukraines country. Ukraine’s air force say dem destroy t’ree cruise missiles ovah Dnipropetrovsk region Saturday night.

Dis weekend, no much report about aerial attacks afta several weeks of hardcore fightin’ close to Avdiivka. Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov wen tell his U.S.


Zelenskyy-Malta Summit: Historic Symbolic Meeting on Saturday…

Zelensky: This Saturday’s Date for Malta Summit is ‘Very Symbolic’ 🌍🤝 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his daily address this past Saturday that it was very symbolic that the Malta summit is happening on that day. Because it is also the day Ukraine remembers World War II and when they kicked out the Nazis from their land.

The summit in Malta is round three of the Ukrainian-backed peace talks where over 60 countries are coming to discuss Zelensky’s 10-point plan to end this war. They had similar meetings earlier this year in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and Copenhagen, Denmark.

In his daily address, Zelensky also thanked Ukraine’s border guards who are fighting on the front lines with the nation’s defense and security forces to bring peace closer to Ukraine. 💪🕊️ Russia pointing finger at Ukraine for damage 💣💥 Russia accuses Ukraine of messing up a nuclear waste storage warehouse with a drone attack on Kursk nuclear power plant and claims their air defenses shot down eight Ukrainian drones.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said last Saturday that three explosive-laden drones went after the power plant Thursday night hitting its administration building along with a place where nuclear waste was stored. The press service for Kursk nuclear power plant confirmed Friday but told journalists there was no significant damage or casualties so operations are still going normally.

Fighting still ongoing around Avdiivka 👊💥 Intense fighting has not stopped yet around Avdiivka city which is important inside Donetsk region inside eastern part of Ukraines country. The Ukrainian air force says they destroyed three cruise missiles over Dnipropetrovsk region Saturday night.

This weekend, there were not many reports about aerial attacks after several weeks of hardcore fighting close to Avdiivka.

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