Computer chip

Da Whole Island Going Crazy Ova Elon Musk’s Kine Outta Da Box Adventure 🤯🚀

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

DA BRAIN CHIP COMPANY BY ELON MUSK GETTIN’ PLENTY ATTENTION! Elon Musk, da billionaire guy, wen start dis company called Neuralink back in 2016.

Dey make one device dat dey stick inside people’s brains. Da goal is fo help folks who get messed up neurological pathways, like paraplegics.

Even tho dis invention sound kinda invasive, plenny people stay interested! According to Bloomberg report, plenty potential patients stay lining up fo try it out.

Dis interest come afta Neuralink wen get approval from da U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fo do clinical trials on humans. But wait!

Befo dey got FDA approval last year December, Neuralink was under investigation cuz dey was testing da device on animals and allegedly killed 1,500 of dem since 2018! So das why some peeps not too happy wit ’em.

Anyways…Neuralink planning to do 11 surgeries next year den ramp it up to 27 in 2025 and go all out with a whopping total of 79 surgeries in the year after dat! Now here’s where things get real interesting: each surgery gonna cost $10k-plus per person but insurance companies gonna be charged almost $40k for each procedure.

You know what dat means? Money flowin’ into Neuralink like water down a waterfall!

According to documents given to investors by Elon Musk himself (he really puttin’ his money where his mouth is), he predicting dat within five years or so he gon be rakin’ in about $100 million every single year just from these brain chip surgeries alone! Dat’s one helluva lot of moolah if you ask me.

So how does dis whole thing work? Well first off they gotta take part of your skull off (no biggie) then let their fancy robot insert da Neuralink chip, which is about da size of one quarter.

Not too bad, right? Now I know what you’re thinkin’, But wait!

What does dis brain chip actually do? Well my friend, lemme tell ya.

Da idea behind it is to help people who can’t move their bodies like they used to because of messed up nerves and stuff. Dis little brain chip supposed to restore dat connection between your mind and body so you can start movin’ again like nothin’ ever happened!


Massive Interest in Elon Musk’s Unconventional Venture

DA BRAIN CHIP COMPANY BY ELON MUSK GETTING PLENTY ATTENTION! Elon Musk, the billionaire guy, when starting this company called Neuralink back in 2016.

😮 They make one device that they stick inside people’s brains. The goal is to help folks who get messed up neurological pathways, like paraplegics.

🧠💡 Even though this invention sounds kinda invasive, plenty of people stay interested! According to a Bloomberg report, plenty of potential patients stay lining up to try it out.

🤔👥 This interest comes after Neuralink went and got approval from the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to do clinical trials on humans. But wait!

⏳😱 Before they got FDA approval last year December, Neuralink was under investigation because they were testing the device on animals and allegedly killed 1,500 of them since 2018! So that’s why some peeps are not too happy with them.

😬🐭❌ Anyways…Neuralink is planning to do 11 surgeries next year then ramp it up to 27 in 2025 and go all out with a whopping total of 79 surgeries in the year after that! Now here’s where things get really interesting: each surgery is going cost $10k-plus per person but insurance companies are going be charged almost $40k for each procedure.

You know what that means? Money flowing into Neuralink like water down a waterfall!

According to documents given investors by Elon Musk himself (he really putting his money where his mouth is), he predicting within five years or so he gonna be raking in about $100 million every single year just from these brain chip surgeries alone! That’s one helluva lot moolah if you ask me.

So how does this whole thing work? Well first off they gotta take part of your skull off (no biggie) then let their fancy robot insert the Neuralink chip, which is about the size of one quarter.

Not too bad, right? Now I know what you’re thinking, But wait!

What does this brain chip actually do? Well my friend, let me tell ya.

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