Niger Coup Biden Administration

Da US Throw Shade At Niger: Say Da Military Move Stay Coup! 🚁🔒

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Eh, Brah! So wat happened is, da Biden guys wen finally make up their minds! Aftah plenny months of acting all shifty, they wen come out and say it straight: da military action in Niger from July? Dat was one big coup, cuz! 🤙🚫

Da big kahunas up in da US administration wen dance around dat word “coup” fo’ long time, ya know. Not because dey all kine clueless, but because when you say “coup,” ho, get some big kine consequences, li’dat! 🤯💥

According to da Congress rules, if da US say one country had one coup, then gotta choke their money and military support until da place get democracy again. Bumbye, dis past Tuesday, da US wen realize: Ho, no can bring back da Niger’s original leaders. So, any kine help not already stopped? Gonna cut ’em off now, brah. ✂️💸

Matthew Miller, da State Department’s talk story guy, wen say, “Da US believes one full-on military coup wen happen in Niger.” He wen add, plenny moolah, close to $200 million dat was on hold since August, no can have now. An’ get choke, like $442 million more for trade and farm stuff, also going pau. But good news, da help for kaukau and health still going continue! 🍚🩺

And guess wat? Even aftah all dat drama, da new US ambassador to Niger, one wahine named Kathleen A. FitzGibbon, she still stay in Niger’s main town, Niamey. An’ guess wat again? ‘Bout 1,000 US military dudes still chilling at two bases ova dea. 🇺🇸⛺

Even though da US no more military training in Niger right now, Pentagon still gonna fly their sneaky drones around, fo’ watch out fo’ bad guys and keep their own troops safe. 🛸🔭

K’ den, onto some ‘nother news: France, our cuzins from across da pond, wen start to pull their troops out of Niger dis past Tuesday. Dis action come aftah big disagreements between France and da new military leaders in Niger. France’s influence ova West Africa, kinda been going down, with Russia and oddah countries moving in. 🇫🇷🔄🇷🇺

Back in da US, Biden and his gang had slim hopes dat da military guys in Niger would change their mind and bring back da elected government. Da US Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, wen try talk story with leaders from otha African countries to make Niger’s military leaders step down, but hard fo’ make things change without one big fight. 🤷‍♂️💬

Da real sad part? Da main leader guy of Niger, President Mohamed Bazoum and his ‘ohana, dey wen get detained since July. So junk! And aftah all dat went down, plenny countries wen stop helping Niger. Things look kinda shake fo’ da future, especially with all da bad guys making trouble in da region. 🌍🔥

Recently, jihadist bad guys wen attack and took out at least 29 soldiers in da west part of Niger. Da week before dat, anodah 12 soldiers wen die in da southwest. Brah, so sad. 😢🕊

For plenny years, Niger wen face off against Al Qaeda, Islamic State guys up north, and Boko Haram down south. Now, things getting more hamajang since da coup, with plenny local folks suffering ’cause of economic sanctions and closed borders from da otha countries. On top of dat, da military leaders in Niger, dey been acting all bossy, even went arrest one journalist lady named Samira Sabou last week. 🤐📰

But not everything stay bleak: Europe still trying fo’ help out. They wen send plenny money to help migrants and make sure they safe, since Niger stay one main route fo’ peeps trying fo’ go Europe. 💶🌍

But da main thing fo’ take away? Gotta keep our eyes on dis, braddahs and sistahs, ’cause things in Niger? Still very much in flux! 🌀👀🌐


🚁🔒 US Takes Stand on Niger: Calls the Military Action a Coup!

Hey everyone! Big news from the Biden administration. After many months of uncertainty, they’ve finally made an official statement: the military action that took place in Niger in July? Yep, they’re calling it a coup! 🤙🚫

For quite some time, the US officials were hesitant to use the term “coup” directly. It’s not just a word – labeling something a “coup” comes with substantial implications. 🤯💥

US law states that if a nation’s government is identified as having come to power via a coup, then all financial and military assistance has to be suspended until democratic governance is restored. This past Tuesday, the verdict was clear: attempts to reinstate Niger’s democratically elected government weren’t successful. Thus, aid that wasn’t already on hold is now being terminated. ✂️💸

Matthew Miller, the spokesperson from the State Department, said, “The US has determined that a full-fledged military coup has occurred in Niger.” Moreover, a whopping $200 million that was temporarily frozen since August will now be withheld. Additionally, another $442 million allocated for trade and agriculture will also be suspended. On the brighter side, humanitarian, food, and health assistance will continue. 🍚🩺

Despite these decisions, the new US ambassador to Niger, Kathleen A. FitzGibbon, will stay put in Niamey, Niger’s capital city. And guess what? Around 1,000 US military personnel will remain stationed at two bases there. 🇺🇸⛺

Even with the suspension of military training in Niger, the Pentagon will continue its aerial surveillance using drones to ensure the safety of their troops and to detect potential threats. 🛸🔭

In related news: France began pulling its forces from Niger this past Tuesday. This decision came after mounting tensions between France and Niger’s new military leaders. France’s influence in West Africa seems to be waning, with other major players like Russia stepping in. 🇫🇷🔄🇷🇺

Back in the US, the Biden team held slim hopes that Niger’s military would rethink their actions and reestablish a democratic government. US Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, had discussions with leaders of other African nations in an attempt to persuade Niger’s military rulers to step down. But achieving change without conflict seems challenging. 🤷‍♂️💬

A distressing note: Niger’s President, Mohamed Bazoum, and his family have been detained since this upheaval began in July. Following the coup, numerous nations halted their support to Niger. With the ongoing instability, the future looks uncertain, especially with heightened militant activity in the region. 🌍🔥

Recent reports state that extremist militants attacked and killed 29 soldiers in western Niger. Just a week prior, another 12 soldiers lost their lives in the southwest. Such heartbreaking news. 😢🕊

For years, Niger has grappled with threats from Al Qaeda and the Islamic State in the northern regions, and Boko Haram in the southern areas. The security situation has deteriorated post-coup, with many Niger citizens suffering due to economic sanctions and closed borders. Plus, there’s news of the military regime cracking down on dissenting voices, with journalist Samira Sabou’s arrest being a recent example. 🤐📰

On a slightly optimistic note, Europe continues to provide support. Significant funds have been directed towards aiding migrants, as Niger remains a key pathway for those aiming to reach Europe. 💶🌍

To sum it up, it’s essential to stay informed and watchful, as the situation in Niger continues to evolve. 🌀👀🌐

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