President Mohamed Bazoum

Da Unexpected Turn: Bazoum’s Home Da New Prison🔒

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Ey, everybody! Listen up, we get choke news from Niger, brah. You guys remember dat President Mohamed Bazoum? He was getting all da love from outside, but his own peeps? Ho, not so much love dea. 🤷‍♂️

So, check dis out: Wen Burkina Faso, da next door kine place, had one takeover, Bazoum was all like, “Poho dat!” 🙄 But, bumbye, da same thing wen happen to him. Mean, yeah? His own soldiers went go against him and now? Bruddah is stuck in his own hale. 🏠

Now, weeks gone by, and he still stay locked up. No water, no electricity. Bro, even da grindz running out. 🥤🍔

Bazoum had all these allies, from hea and dea, from da west side and da Africa side, trying for get him out. But looks like da chances for him running things again, gettin’ more slim.🤦

Ho, Bazoum had all da respect from foreign leaders. Dem guys liked how he was handling tings, specially with da bad kine guys, da Islamist militants. But now, everybody seeing who no like him for real. Da kine activists, da old-school thinkers, and da big kahuna military guys.🚫

Da expert guy Rahmane Idrissa wen say, “Bazoum was on one island surrounded by alligators.” Ono grinds, but not da kine you like be around. 🐊

Now, da whole of Niger stay under da big boss Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani. Mean, right? He supposed to be protecting Bazoum, but nah. He flipped da script.🔄

Bazoum, he one old time high school teacher. He even became da foreign minister. And then, boom! President in 2021. He made Niger cool with da West, but had choke peeps doubting how he got in and how he was running tings. 🗳️

Now da situation stay all lolo. Bazoum thought help was coming. He even went hide in one safe room with his ohana and called his allies. But, nope! The help neva come.😬

And now? Bazoum stay locked up tight in his own house. He no like give up, but da new guys running tings already made their own government. And if da other countries try for help him, dey said they going mahke him. Heavy, yeah? ☠️

In da beginning, Bazoum and da U.S. was like cats and dogs. He even wen tell da U.S. fo’ watch out for da Libya situation. But aftah, he got good with dem, helped out and even got da U.S. drones coming in. 🚁

Bazoum was all about helping da wahines. He wanted for build 100 schools for da girls, try cut down da big families. And he had choke support for fight against da bad kine groups, with plenty dollar bills coming from da West.💰

Even though he was tight with da West, Bazoum wen try for make more friends, even buying fancy toys from Turkey and building stuff with China. 🌏

But no mattah how good he was doing, his own peeps neva trust him. Dey thought da election was all hewa. And even though he tried for show aloha, some tings, like teaching da wahines, he neva explain right. 🎒

With all da stress from his own military, things wen get rough. He neva like work with da Mali junta and their Russia kine friends. And den, when he was thinking for fire Gen. Tchiani, da general wen make da first move.😯

Now, nobody get da guts for say they like Bazoum. Most of his friends either got arrested or took off. And all da youngbloods? Dey cheering for da military.🎉

Had dis one wahine in da city, yelling from her taxi, “We need Bazoum!” But choke young guys wen go against her, was nuts! Lucky thing da soldiers were nearby for help her out. 🚖👮

So, dat’s da scoop, peeps. Stay tuned for more updates from da islands and beyond. 🌺🤙


Unexpected Twist: Bazoum’s House Becomes His Prison🔒

Hey everyone, big news from Niger! Remember President Mohamed Bazoum? He was highly respected internationally but faced a lot of criticism at home. 🤷‍♂️

Well, here’s the story: When neighboring Burkina Faso faced a military takeover, Bazoum brushed it off saying, “That’s absurd!” 🙄 However, shortly after, he found himself in a similar predicament. His very own troops turned against him, and now he’s confined to his home. 🏠

Weeks have gone by, and he remains imprisoned. The situation is dire; he’s running out of essential supplies like food, water, and electricity. 🥤🍔

Internationally, Bazoum had strong allies both in the West and across Africa. They’ve been trying to negotiate his release, but chances of him returning to power seem to be dwindling.🤦

Many foreign leaders admired Bazoum for his stance against Islamist militants. Yet, the recent events have exposed his domestic detractors – from activists to conservatives and some influential military figures.🚫

Political analyst Rahmane Idrissa commented, “Bazoum was like a man on an island surrounded by alligators.” Not an ideal scenario, to say the least. 🐊

Now, Niger is under the control of Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, ironically the person tasked with protecting Bazoum.🔄

Bazoum’s career is impressive. From a high school teacher, he rose to foreign minister and was elected President in 2021. He strengthened Niger’s ties with the West, but his tenure was not without controversy. 🗳️

The situation took a turn for the worse when Bazoum thought his allies would come to his aid. After seeking refuge in a secure room with his family, he called for support. But help never arrived.😬

Currently, Bazoum is heavily guarded in his residence. He refuses to resign, but the new regime has established their own government. They’ve even threatened dire consequences if any external forces attempt a rescue.☠️

Bazoum and the U.S. initially had differences. He once cautioned the U.S. about potential fallout from the situation in Libya. Over time, however, their relationship improved, leading to collaborations such as U.S. drone operations in Niger. 🚁

Bazoum was a champion for women’s education. He aimed to establish numerous schools for girls, seeking to reduce the high birth rate. With substantial financial support from the West, he escalated efforts against extremist groups.💰

Despite his strong relations with Western countries, Bazoum diversified Niger’s partnerships, procuring equipment from Turkey and working on infrastructure projects with China. 🌏

Regardless of these achievements, many Nigeriens remained skeptical. Allegations of election rigging persisted, despite international validations of the election’s fairness.

Bazoum’s attempts at compassionate governance were overshadowed by certain policy decisions he failed to adequately explain, particularly regarding education for girls. 🎒

Tensions also rose between Bazoum and the military, culminating in a significant confrontation with Gen. Tchiani. Just as Bazoum was considering Tchiani’s removal, the general made his move.😯

Today, public support for Bazoum is scarce. His allies are either in custody or have fled the country. The youth, in particular, seem to be rallying behind the military.🎉

In a notable incident, a woman publicly voiced her support for Bazoum, which resulted in an aggressive backlash. Thankfully, nearby soldiers intervened, ensuring her safety. 🚖👮

That’s the latest, folks. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving situation. 🌺🤙

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