The Simpsons NFT

Da Simpsons NFT Jibe, Bruddah! 🤙💰 Junk da Price fo’ Millions in Knockoff Collectible

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

NFT Traders Stay Winnahs Despite ‘Simpsons’ Roast, Droppin’ Millions on Fake Stuff! 💰💥 Yo, dis NFT game stay gettin’ wild!

Da Simpsons just went ham on digital collectibles in one of deir episodes, but guess what? Da traders ain’t trippin’, dey spendin’ millions on knockoff stuff anyway!

So check dis out: Dis new NFT collection called Springfield Punks be mixin’ da vibes from CryptoPunks wit da iconic The Simpsons show. And let me tell ya, it’s blowin’ up big time!

In less than 24 hours afta dat episode aired, dese Springfield Punks already made almost $2.5 million in sales and shot straight to the top spot on OpenSea. Dem traders was goin’ nuts tryna grab dem some of dose Ethereum-based NFTs when it dropped like a free mint last Sunday.

Dey scooped up all 3,405 pieces real quick! Since den till now (as I’m writin’), dese punks been tradin’ like crazy—1,311 ETH worth ($2.4 million) so far!

Da prices for dem Springfield Punks start at around 0.11 ETH (about $200) if you looknin foa one right now. Dis whole ting was cooked up by Rino Russo—a parody artist who loves him some Simpson-style fun—and he launched his creation into cyberspace last Sunday night with a bang 🔥 And get dis: In terms of daily volume—how much money be movi’n through—an only two collections ahead ahem—the Bored Ape Yacht Club wit its 2k+ ETH and CryptoPunks wit its almost 1.9k+ ETH trading hands as we speak.

But wait… dere’s more 😱 Ova on OpenSea, we got otha NFT collections tryna ride da Simpsons wave too!

We talkin’ SimpsPunks, The Chimpsons Official, and Springfield Apes by Rino Russo. Dey all made some noise and grabbed attention from da peeps checkin’ out OpenSea’s front page.

You gotta admit, dis Simpson-inspired stuff stay makin’ waves in da NFT world!


Simpsons NFT Jibe Spikes Millions in Knockoff Collectible Tr…

NFT Traders Stay Winners Despite ‘Simpsons’ Roast, Dropping Millions on Fake Stuff! 💰💥 Yo, this NFT game is getting wild!

The Simpsons just went all out on digital collectibles in one of their episodes, but guess what? The traders aren’t bothered; they’re still spending millions on knockoff stuff anyway!

So here’s the deal: This new NFT collection called Springfield Punks combines the vibes from CryptoPunks with the iconic show The Simpsons. And let me tell you, it’s blowing up big time!

In less than 24 hours after that episode aired, these Springfield Punks already made almost $2.5 million in sales and shot straight to the top spot on OpenSea. The traders were going crazy trying to grab some of those Ethereum-based NFTs when it dropped like a free mint last Sunday.

They scooped up all 3,405 pieces real quick! Since then until now (as I’m writing), these punks have been trading like crazy—1,311 ETH worth ($2.4 million) so far!

The prices for these Springfield Punks start at around 0.11 ETH (about $200) if you’re looking for one right now. This whole thing was cooked up by Rino Russo—a parody artist who loves some Simpson-style fun—and he launched his creation into cyberspace last Sunday night with a bang 🔥 And get this: In terms of daily volume—how much money is moving through—only two collections are ahead—the Bored Ape Yacht Club with its 2k+ ETH and CryptoPunks with its almost 1.9k+ ETH trading hands as we speak.

But wait… there’s more 😱 Over on OpenSea, we have other NFT collections trying to ride the Simpsons wave too!

We’re talking SimpsPunks , The Chimpsons Official, and Springfield Apes by Rino Russo. They all made some noise and grabbed attention from the people checking out OpenSea’s front page.

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