Da Scoop on Bloomberg Biz News & Global Financial Market Updates 💼💰

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

🌺 Need Some Help, Brah? 🌺 Eh, Bloomberg stay acting all suspicious and stuff!

Dey say dey wen detect some weird kine activity from yo computer network. But no worry, just click da box below fo let ’em know you not one robot.

Wait wait wait… why dis even happen in da first place?

You gotta make sure yo browser can handle JavaScript and cookies and dat you ain’t blocking dem from loading. If you need mo’ info, check out our Terms of Service and Cookie Policy.

And if all else fails… bruddahs gotchu covered!

Need help or what?


Bloomberg Business News & Global Financial Market Updates

🌺 Need Some Help, Brah? 🌺 Eh, Bloomberg always seems suspicious and stuff!

😕 They say they have detected some strange activity from your computer network. But don’t worry, just click the box below to let them know you’re not a robot.

🤖 Wait wait wait… why did this even happen in the first place?

You need to make sure your browser can handle JavaScript and cookies and that you’re not blocking them from loading. If you need more information, check out our Terms of Service and Cookie Policy.

And if all else fails… we’ve got you covered!

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