Da Scoop: Apple No Mo’ Sell 12.9 iPad Pro Model 🚫🍎

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Apple Gonna Stop Sell 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro Next Year! Eh, da news stay out!

Apple goin’ make some changes to dey iPad lineup next year. Dey goin’ swap out da M1 chip on da iPad Air fo’ one new M2 chip, and dey tinkin’ ’bout puttin’ an A16 Bionic or A17 Pro chip inna iPad mini.

Plus, dey tinkin’ ’bout makin’ some tweaks to da basic 11th-gen iPad. But wait, get more!

Apple also plannin’ fo’ release two new iPads wit OLED screens next year: one 11-inch model and one 13-inch model. You know what dat means?

Moa brightah images, highah contrast levels, lowah powah consumption and bettah color reproduction! Now hea’s where tings get interesting: TrendForce say Apple go stop sell the current 12.9-inch mini-LED iPad Pro afta they announce the refreshed version of the bigger model next year.

If you nevva know already (and if you no read my headline), let me tell ya dis straight up: mini-LED mean small LED lights behind the screen instead of big ones like we used to see before. So why would Apple do dis?

Well according to TrendForce again (dey seem like dems smart guys), if we still can buy last year’s mini-LED version at a discount even afta they release new models wit OLED screens at higher prices… well den who gonna wanna buy dem expensive ones?

Makes sense right? But wait just a minute!

Dis move by Apple could actually hurt sales for tablets wit mini-LED displays overall nexxt yeahr! TrendForce predict dat shipments for tablets with miniiiii–I mean small LEDs–could drop by about 15.6% nexxt yeahr if dey stop sellin’ da 12.9-inch iPad Pro wit mini-LED.

But don’t worry, TrendForce still tink dat mini-LED gonna be a big ting in da tablet world between 2024 and 2027. Dey say dat by den, around six percent of all tablets sold gonna have dem small LED lights behind the screen.

So why OLED bettah? Well first off, like I said earlier: brightah images!


Report: Apple to Discontinue 12.9 iPad Pro Model

Apple is going to stop selling the 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro next year! Eh, the news is out!Apple is planning to make some changes to their iPad lineup next year.

They are going to swap out the M1 chip on the iPad Air for a new M2 chip, and they are considering putting an A16 Bionic or A17 Pro chip in the iPad mini.Plus, they are thinking about making some tweaks to the basic 11th-gen iPad. But wait, there’s more!Apple is also planning to release two new iPads with OLED screens next year: one 11-inch model and one 13-inch model.

You know what that means?Brighter images, higher contrast levels, lower power consumption and better color reproduction! Now here’s where things get interesting: TrendForce says Apple will stop selling the current 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro after they announce a refreshed version of their bigger model next year./If you didn’t already know (and if you didn’t read my headline), let me tell you this straight up: mini-LED means small LED lights behind tge screen instead of big ones like we used ro see before📱💡 So why would Apple do this?> Well according yo TrendForce again (they seem like smart guys), if we can still buy last years’ mini-LED version at a discount even after they release new models with OLED screens at higher prices…

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