Da Russkie wen Steal da Keiki, but da Mākua wen Bring ‘Em Back 🇺🇦👩‍👦‍👦🚶‍♀️

Afta da Russkie wen take dea keiki, planny mākua wen traveh 3,000 miles from Ukraine, go inside da Russian-occupied land, an’ bring ’em back home. 💪🌏🏡

Da mākua had fo’ find way fo’ go inside da Russian-occupied area, so dey wen traveh wit da help of one charity, Save Ukraine. Dey wen go thru Poland, Belarus, an’ Russia fo’ bring back Artem an’ 15 odda keiki. 👩‍👧🚗🇵🇱🇧🇾🇷🇺

Natalya Zhornyk, one 31-year-old mākua, wen describe how she wen feel wen she saw her son Artem afta long time. “No mo’ words fo’ all da emotions. I wen feel planny kine tings, an’ I wen shake, shake.” 😭❤️🤗

Since da invasion, thousands of Ukrainian keiki wen lose dea home, wen get taken away by Russia, an’ even wen get force fo’ live in camps o’ institutions inside Russia o’ Russian-controlled land. 😢🏕️🇷🇺

Ukraine an’ rights advocats wen talk strong, sayin’ dis kine stuffs like war crimes. Da International Criminal Court even wen issue one arrest warrant fo’ Russian President Vladimir Putin an’ his commissioner fo’ children’s rights, Maria Lvova-Belova. 🚔🏛️👩‍⚖️

Da tings da Russians wen do, like steal da keiki an’ try fo’ make ’em into loyal Russian citizens, wen cause planny pain fo’ da Ukrainians. Dey say dis kine tings like try fo’ kill off da Ukrainian culture. 🇺🇦😡💔

Da keiki wen call dea mākua an’ cry, but dey no can talk straight cuz dey still stay inside da Russian control. An’ da mākua get all huhu, scared dat dea keiki goin’ get sent mo’ far away o’ get adopted by Russian families. 😞📞👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

One odda mākua, Yulia Radzevilova, wen bring her son Maksym back home afta he wen spend five months inside one camp in Crimea. She wen say, “I wen feel so lost, an’ I wen stay all down. No mo’ peopo fo’ support me. My ohana an’ friends wen blame me.” 😔💔🏠

But da mākua no stay give up. Dey wen use dea love an’ determination fo’ bring back dea keiki, an’ dey wen show da world dat no mattah how hahd da situation, da mākua stay fight fo’ dea keiki. ❤️👩‍👧‍👦✊

Da mākua, working togedda wit da charity Save Ukraine, wen find way fo’ stay connected wit odda parents who wen lose dea keiki to da Russians. Dis wen help ’em support each odda an’ stay strong togedda. 🤝👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💙

As da word wen spread, mo’ an’ mo’ mākua wen join da efforts fo’ bring back dea keiki. Dey wen share information, resources, an’ stories, an’ wen show everybody dat no can give up hope. 📚📰💌

Da Ukrainian govmen an’ da international community wen also step up fo’ help, by pressuring da Russian govmen fo’ release da keiki an’ stop doing da kine bad tings dey stay doing. 🇺🇦🌍📢

Da long journey fo’ bring back dea keiki wen teach da mākua an’ da world one valuable lesson: even wen tings look dark, get planny light an’ love inside da ohana. An’ wen ohana work togedda, dey can make miracles happen. 🌅❤️👩‍👧‍👦

So, even dough da journey stay tough, an’ da challenges stay planny, da mākua of Ukraine wen show da world da tru meaning of love an’ da powah of ohana. Dey wen bring back dea keiki an’ protect dea culture an’ dea future. 🇺🇦💞👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Da mākua stay more determined den evah fo’ find an’ bring back all da keiki who stay missing. Dey stay inspired by da love an’ strength dey wen find togedda an’ stay committed fo’ bring every keiki home. 💪🏠👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Da mākua’ journey stay one testimony to da powah of love an’ da importance of ohana. An’ as da world stay watch, da people of Ukraine stay fight fo’ dea ohana, dea culture, an’ dea freedom. 🌏✨


The Russians Took Their Children, These Mothers Went and Got Them Back 🇺🇦👩‍👦‍👦

Making a nerve-wracking 3,000-mile journey from Ukraine, through Russian-occupied territory, and back again, a group of mothers managed to recover their children from the custody of Russian authorities. 💪🌍🏡

These mothers, assisted by the charity Save Ukraine, traveled through Poland, Belarus, and Russia to enter Russian-occupied territory in eastern Ukraine and Crimea to retrieve Artem and 15 other children. 👩‍👧🚗🇵🇱🇧🇾🇷🇺

Natalya Zhornyk, a 31-year-old mother, described her emotions upon reuniting with her son Artem. “There are no words for all the emotions. I was full of emotion, and nervous, nervous.” 😭❤️🤗

Since the invasion, thousands of Ukrainian children have been displaced, moved, or forcibly transferred to camps or institutions in Russia or Russian-controlled territory. 😢🏕️🇷🇺

Ukraine and rights advocates have strongly condemned these actions as war crimes. The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his commissioner for children’s rights, Maria Lvova-Belova. 🚔🏛️👩‍⚖️

The forced removals and attempts to turn the children into loyal Russian citizens have been particularly painful for Ukrainians, who see these actions as attempts to eradicate Ukrainian culture. 🇺🇦😡💔

The children often call their parents in tears but cannot speak freely, as they remain under Russian control. Their parents are left anxious and fearful that their children will be sent farther away or given up for adoption in Russia. 😞📞👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

One mother, Yulia Radzevilova, brought her son Maksym back home after he spent five months in a camp in Crimea. She said, “I felt completely lost, and I was all down. No one supported me. My family, parents, friends started accusing me.” 😔💔🏠

But these mothers never gave up. They used their love and determination to bring their children back, showing the world that no matter how difficult the situation, parents will fight for their children. ❤️👩‍👧‍👦✊

The parents, working together with the charity Save Ukraine, found a way to stay connected with other parents who had lost their children to the Russians. This helped them support each other and stay strong together. 🤝👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💙

As the word spread, more and more parents joined the efforts to bring back their children. They shared information, resources, and stories, and showed everyone that they shouldn’t give up hope. 📚📰💌

The Ukrainian government and the international community also stepped up to help, by pressuring the Russian government to release the children and stop the harmful actions they were taking. 🇺🇦🌍📢

The long journey to bring back their children taught the parents and the world a valuable lesson: even when things look dark, there’s plenty of light and love within the family. And when families work together, they can make miracles happen. 🌅❤️👩‍👧‍👦

So, even though the journey was tough and the challenges were many, the parents of Ukraine showed the world the true meaning of love and the power of family. They brought back their children and protected their culture and their future. 🇺🇦💞👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

The parents are more determined than ever to find and bring back all the missing children. They are inspired by the love and strength they found together and are committed to bringing every child home. 💪🏠👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

The parents’ journey is a testimony to the power of love and the importance of family. And as the world watches, the people of Ukraine continue to fight for their families, their culture, and their freedom. 🌏✨

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