Da Quantum Dots Kine Innovators Score 2021 Nobel Chemistry Prize 🏆🔬💡

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Tree Scientist Score Da Chemistry Nobel Prize Fo’ Small Kine Wondahs In Da Nanoworld 🧪🔬 Skip da extra stuff, we goin’ straight to da main kine. Today’s big news stay all about science, specifically ’bout how tree top-notch scientists wen score big time wit da 2023 Nobel Prizes fo’ Chemistry. 👏👨‍🔬 Da lucky guys? Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus an’ Alexei Ekimov. Dey wen make some unreal discoveries in dis ting called quantum dots – small kine particles wea size dictate dea properties.

Dis year’s winners of the nobel prize for chemistry include from left side: Alexei Ekimov, Moungi Bawendi and Louis Brus! 🎉 (Photo credits to Nexdot; Jodi Hilton/Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Shannon Stapleton/Reuters) Now let me tell you a little bit more bout these quantum dots yeah? Dey semiconductors made outta particles dat been squeezed so small dat dea electrons no mo space fo breathe! 😮 Semiconductors like crystals help power our electronics but dese ones different cuz they super tiny! A regular crystal might be pretty large at the molecular level but one quantum dot only get few thousand atoms squished into one area just few nanometers across.

If you compare um with soccer ball den it would be same as comparing soccer ball with Earth! Dat’s what the Nobel Foundation said anyway. Johan Aqvist who is chair guy for Academy’s Nobel committee for chemistry say nobody thought could ever actually make such small particles before this year laureates went do um! He had five colorful flasks lined up in front him filled with liquid solution containing these amazing quantum dots when he announced the good news about this years winners! But wait, get more drama!

Before the official announcement by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (who give out da prize), some Swedish news media wen leak da news dat these guys going win. They said they got one email from the Academy that was sent out early by mistake. Dr. Aqvist say it was a mistake and no decision had been made yet when Reuters asked him about it but guess what? The winners were indeed selected!

So who are these winners anyway?


Quantum Dots Innovators Win Nobel Chemistry Prize 2021

Three Scientists Win the Chemistry Nobel Prize for Tiny Miracles in the Nanoworld 🧪🔬 Cutting to the chase, we’re going straight to the main point. Today’s headline is all about science, specifically how three exceptional scientists have won big with their 2023 Nobel Prizes for Chemistry. 👏👨‍🔬 The fortunate trio? Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus and Alexei Ekimov.

They’ve made some extraordinary discoveries in something called quantum dots – tiny particles whose size determines their properties.This year’s winners of the nobel prize for chemistry include from left: Alexei Ekimov, Moungi Bawendi and Louis Brus! 🎉 (Photo credits go to Nexdot; Jodi Hilton/Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Shannon Stapleton/Reuters) Now let me tell you a little bit more about these quantum dots okay? They are semiconductors composed of particles that have been compressed so small that there’s no room left for their electrons! 😮 Semiconductors like crystals help power our electronics but these ones are different because they’re incredibly small!

A regular crystal might be quite large at a molecular level but one quantum dot only contains a few thousand atoms squashed into an area just several nanometers across.If you compare it with soccer ball then it would be same as comparing soccer ball with Earth! That’s what was said by The Nobel Foundation anyway. Johan Aqvist who is chairman of Academy’s Nobel committee for chemistry stated nobody thought such tiny particles could ever actually be created before this year laureates managed it! He had five vibrant flasks lined up in front him filled with liquid solution containing these incredible quantum dots when he announced this years’ winners good news!Before Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (who award da prize) made the official announcement, some Swedish news outlets leaked that these guys were going to win.

They claimed they received an email from the Academy that was sent out prematurely by mistake. Dr. Aqvist stated it was a mistake and no decision had been finalized when Reuters asked him about it but guess what? The winners were indeed chosen!

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