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Da New AI FigJam: Figma’s Solution fo’ Simplified Design Plannig 🤙🏽🎨✍️

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Verge stay bringing da heat wit dea new FigJam AI tool fo’ designers! Dis generative AI suite goin’ make life easier fo’ creatives by providin’ ready-to-use templates fo’ design an’ plannin’ projects.

Plus, it’s free right now! Figma, one of da top dogs in product design apps, jus’ dropped a bombshell announcement: FigJam AI.

Dis brand-new tool be all ‘bout helpin’ designers save time on preparatory work so dey can focus on what really matters. FigJam AI open beta start November 7th and it’s “currently free” for everybody.

We still waitin’ to hear if dat gonna change when it fully launches. Wanna spice up yo meetings?

Well den, let me introduce you to Generate! It generate icebreaker templates so you no need rack yo brain tryna come up wit somethin’.

Figma gotchu covered! All you gotta do is describe what kinda template you want in plain English and let da magic happen.

Da smart lil bot even suggest default descriptions like timelines or project milestones when makin’ Gantt charts. But wait there’s more!

Da Sort feature take all dem stickies (virtual sticky notes) an organize ’em into groups based on similar ideas or themes. No moa chaos—just structure!

And check dis out: Summerize give ya a summary of info from different groups with just one click! It’s like havin’ a personal assistant but without pay-in’.

Don’t forget about Jambot too—a ChatGPT-powered widget dat been roll out since August as part of the beta release. In an interview wit The Verge, Dylan Field—da co-founder and CEO of Figma—say dey already think bout otha ways to use AI in der products but dis FigJam launch was jus’a logical place ta start.

Dey use OpenAI foundation models fo’ dis beta version, but dey open to switchin’ it up in da future. We still waitin’ to hear which exact models dey usin’.

Field say, “We’ve been really strategic wit FigJam. We think ‘bout how AI can be useful across da whole Figma platform an’ narrowed it down ta a few areas where we can make a deep impact.


New AI FigJam: Figma’s Solution for Simplified Design Planning

Da Verge is introducing its new FigJam AI tool for designers! This generative AI suite aims to make life easier for creatives by providing ready-to-use templates for design and planning projects.

🎨 And the best part? It’s currently free!

Figma, one of the leading product design apps, has just announced FigJam AI. This brand-new tool is all about helping designers save time on preparatory work so they can focus on what really matters.

The open beta for FigJam AI starts on November 7th and it’s currently free for everyone. We’re still waiting to hear if that will change when it fully launches.

Want to spice up your meetings? Well then, let me introduce you to Generate!

It generates icebreaker templates so you don’t need to rack your brain trying to come up with something. Figma has got you covered!

All you have to do is describe what kind of template you want in plain English and let the magic happen. The smart little bot even suggests default descriptions like timelines or project milestones when making Gantt charts.

But wait, there’s more! The Sort feature takes all those stickies (virtual sticky notes) and organizes them into groups based on similar ideas or themes.

No more chaos—just structure! And check this out: Summarize gives you a summary of information from different groups with just one click!

It’s like having a personal assistant without paying. Don’t forget about Jambot too—a ChatGPT-powered widget that was rolled out in August as part of the beta release.

In an interview with The Verge, Dylan Field—the co-founder and CEO of Figma—said they are already thinking about other ways to use AI in their products but this FigJam launch was just a logical place to start. They used OpenAI foundation models for this beta version but they are open to switching it up in the future.

We’re still waiting to hear which exact models they are using. Field said, We’ve been really strategic with FigJam.

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