King Kong Video Game

Da King Kong Game Buss: Dem Rushed Fo’ One Year, No Can Handle! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐ŸŽฎ

โฌ‡๏ธ Pidgin | โฌ‡๏ธ โฌ‡๏ธ English

Da Verge: Da bad King Kong game wen only take one year fo develop! Dis game called Skull Island: Rise of Kong, an according to da developers who worked on um, dey only had one year fo make dis ting. So dis week, images an clips from Skull Island wen start poppin’ up on social media. An let me tell you, people was not happy wit how it look or play.

IGN even say dat players callin’ um da worst game of 2023. But when we talk to da developers who work on dis mess of a game, we find out dat GameMill Entertainment – da company behind it – was puttin’ some tight restrictions on dem. Da team at IguanaBee – dey made Skull Island – is super talented but GameMill only give dem one year fo make everyting from scratch! One developer said I was so fed up by February cuz I knew no good goin come outta dis.

IguanaBee is a small indie developer in Chile and dey been workin’ wit GameMill for awhile now. But apparently all dese games get rushed like crazy by GameMill. One former IguanaBee devah said We nevah get all the info we need and had to just wing it. Plus he mentioned how even though GameMill payin’, sometimes they no provide enough money for experienced staff so people gotta leave.

Now normally you can make a decent game in one year if you got plenty resources and stuff already set up. But with Skull Island bein made from scratch by two to twenty people at any given time? Dat’s hard kine work! We try reach out to both companies but still waitinโ€™ for comment.


King Kong Game Fail: Rushed One-Year Development Timeline

The Verge: The bad King Kong game that only took one year to develop! This game is called Skull Island: Rise of Kong, and according to the developers who worked on it, they only had one year to make this thing. So this week, images and clips from Skull Island started popping up on social media.

And let me tell you, people were not happy with how it looks or plays.IGN even says that players are calling it the worst game of 2023. But when we talked to the developers who worked on this mess of a game, we found out that GameMill Entertainment – the company behind it – was putting some tight restrictions on them. The team at IguanaBee – they made Skull Island – is super talented but GameMill only gave them one year to make everything from scratch!

One developer said I was so fed up by February because I knew nothing good was going to come out of this.IguanaBee is a small indie developer in Chile and they have been working with GameMill for a while now. But apparently all these games get rushed like crazy by GameMill. One former IguanaBee devah said We never get all the info we need and had to just wing it.

Plus he mentioned how even though GameMill is paying, sometimes they don’t provide enough money for experienced staff so people have got leave.Now normally you can make a decent game in one year if you have plenty resources and stuff already set up. But with Skull Island being made from scratch by two twenty people at any given time? That’s hard kind work!

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