Joe Biden Voting Poll

Da Kine: Biden’s Slippin’ Approval Rating Get Dems Worried 😬📉

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Joe Biden stay get weak polling numbers an’ da Democrats stay all scared. Wat goin’ happen next fo’ America?

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Dis article talk ’bout how Joe Biden’s polling numbers no look good an’ dis make da Democrats real worried. Dey like know wat goin’ happen in America nex’.

If you wanna find out too, den you betta subscribe to da FT so you can read all ’bout it from a global point of view! Da article say dat Joe Biden’s poll numbas not looking good at all and dis making dem Dems real nervous wrecks!

Dem guys like know what gonna happen in Amurica next so dey telling everybody for pay up and get a subscription with the Financial Times because dey gonna give ya the inside scoop on everything happening here! You might be thinking Eh why I need for pay money just for read some news?

But trust me brah, if you want the best info about what going down in Amurica right now then this is your chance cause they got plenty knowledge over there at The Financial Times. For just one dollar braddahs and sistahs – that’s less than two quarters -you can have full access to their website where they got everything from politics (including President Sleepy Joe) to business (like Amazon making big bucks).

And if after four weeks it turns out this ain’t your thing anymore or maybe something come up then no worries cuz yuou always have option cancel before start paying sixty-nine dollars every month but don’t forget we’re talking new customers only here folks! So yeah check them out today because who knows when will be another chance like this?

And if you still not convinced, just remember that they got over one million readers already and dat’s gotta mean something right? But wait!

There’s more! When you sign up for the trial subscription, you also get access to da FT’s Standard Digital an’ Premium Digital packages.

So not only do you get all da news about Joe Biden an’ his low poll numbers, but dey throw in some extra goodies too! So what are ya waiting for?


Biden’s Declining Approval Rating Raises Concern for Democrats…

Joe Biden continues to receive weak polling numbers and the Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned. What will happen next for America?

🤔 If you want a global perspective on US politics, business, and more, you should subscribe to the FT! Subscribe now!

😃 It’s only $1 for 4 weeks, then $69 per month after that. New customers only.

You can cancel anytime during your trial period. This article discusses how Joe Biden’s polling numbers are not looking good and this is making the Democrats very worried.

They want to know what will happen in America next. If you also want to find out, it’s better to subscribe to the FT so that you can read all about it from a global point of view!

The article states that Joe Biden’s poll numbers are not looking good at all and this is making the Democrats very nervous! The Democrats would like to know what will happen in America next so they’re telling everyone pay up and get a subscription with Financial Times because they’ll give you an inside scoop on everything happening here!

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