Da Kine: Apple Going Cut 12.9-Inch iPad Model Real Soon 🍎🚫

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

DA LATEST SCOOP: Apple goin’ cut da 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro next year, according to reports! 📱💥 Apple stay plannin’ fo refresh dey iPad lineup in 2024.

Dey go swap out da M1 chip on da iPad Air wit da M2, upgrade da iPad mini wit an A16 Bionic or A17 Pro chip, and make some changes to the basic 11th-gen iPad. But wait…

there’s moah! Later on in 2024, Apple planning fo release two new tablets dat get OLED panels: one be a beefy 11-inch model and anodah be a big ol’13-incher!

Now you might tink dat even afta dem new models come out, Apple would still sell off any remainin’ stock of last year’s Mini-LED version at discounted prices. But guess what?

According to TrendForce (via MacRumors), no can do! They say once the refreshed model hit shelves next year, das it for the old Mini-LED guy.

If TrendForce right about dis move by Apple — which dey usually are — den we gonna see way less tablets with mini-LED screens being shipped around town next year. Like they say ova dere at TrendForce HQ: With no more big boy Mini LED iPads rollin’, we expect tablet shipments using dis technology fo drop ’bout like whoa—15.6% YoY!

Don’t worry too much dough; if you love dem fancy-schmancy displays like me doh (and I know plenty peeps who feel same), things look bright for future use of mini-LEDs in tablets between now and ohana years from now—specifically ’til bout time when Uncle John finally retire his grass skirt! TrendForce predict that by nex’year,’bout 6% of all mini-LED shipments goin’ be used in tablets.

And den by da time we hit 2027, dat number goin’ jump up to a solid 13%! 🌟 Now let’s talk about dese OLED iPad Pro models fo a hot minute.


Report: Apple to Discontinue 12.9-Inch iPad Model Soon

DA LATEST SCOOP: Apple is going to cut the 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro next year, according to reports! 📱💥 Apple is planning to refresh their iPad lineup in 2024.

They will swap out the M1 chip on the iPad Air with the M2, upgrade the iPad mini with an A16 Bionic or A17 Pro chip, and make some changes to the basic 11th-gen iPad. But wait…

there’s more! Later on in 2024, Apple is planning to release two new tablets that will have OLED panels: one will be an 11-inch model and another will be a big ol’13-incher!

Now you might think that even after these new models come out, Apple would still sell off any remaining stock of last year’s Mini-LED version at discounted prices. But guess what?

According to TrendForce (via MacRumors), no can do! They say once the refreshed model hits shelves next year, that’s it for the old Mini-LED guy.

If TrendForce is right about this move by Apple — which they usually are — then we’re going to see way fewer tablets with mini-LED screens being shipped around town next year. Like they say over there at TrendForce HQ: With no more big boy Mini LED iPads rolling’, we expect tablet shipments using this technology drop by about like whoa—15.6% YoY!

Don’t worry too much though; if you love those fancy-schmancy displays like I do (and I know plenty of people who feel same), things look bright for future use of mini-LEDs in tablets between now and many years from now—specifically until about time when Uncle John finally retires his grass skirt! TrendForce predicts that by next year,’bout 6% of all mini-LED shipments are going be used in tablets.

And then by the time we hit 2027, that number is going to jump up to a solid 13%!

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