Da Impactful Symbolism of Zelenskyy at Malta Summit: Saturday Stay Be One Real 🌟

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Malta Summit: Ukraine President Zelenskyy Say ‘Very Symbolic’! 🇺🇦💥 Ukrainian Prez Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he say in his daily talk on Saturday dat da Malta summit happenin’ on dis day is very symbolic.

Why? Cuz it’s also da same day wen Ukraine remember World War II and wen dey kick out da Nazis from dea land.

Dis summit in Malta be round three of dem peace talks backed by Ukraine wit mo den 60 countries comin’ to check out Zelenskyy’s plan fo endin’ dis war. Dey had similar meetings earlier dis year in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and Copenhagen, Denmark.

And you know what? Zelenskyy give big ups to all dem border guards fightin’ alongside our defense and security forces fo bring peace closer to Ukraine.

💪🏼✌️ Russia Blame Ukrainians Again! 😡😤 Like always Russia stay point fingas at Ukraine again!

Dey accusing dem of damagin’ one nuclear waste storage warehouse wit a drone attack on Kursk nuclear power plant – even claim dat deir air defenses shoot down eight Ukrainian drones too! Da Russian Foreign Ministry come out say dat three explosive-laden drones hit the power plant Thursday night blow up its administration building and one place where dey store nuclear waste.

But wait wait…Kursky Nuclear Power Plant say not true story though cause operations still go as normal after da strike Friday with no major damage or injuries reported! Fighting Still Raggin’ Round Avdiivka ⚔️💣 Da battle still go hard around Avdiivka city in Donetsk region East side of Ukrane 🛡️✊ Air force guys from Ukrainia said they destroy three cruise missiles called Iskadner ova their Dnipropetrovsk region on Saturday night.

But da ting is, no aerial attacks been reported dis weekend afta weeks of intense fightin’ near Avdiivka. Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov wen talk to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and say dat Russia lose ’bout 4,000 soldiers in Avdiivka!


Zelenskyy at Malta Summit: Impactful Symbolism of Saturday D…

From the Malta Summit: Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Says ‘Very Symbolic’! 🇺🇦💥 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated in his daily talk on Saturday that the Malta summit happening on this day is very symbolic.Why?

Because it’s also the same day when Ukraine remembers World War II and when they kicked out the Nazis from their land.This summit in Malta is round three of peace talks backed by Ukraine, with more than 60 countries coming to check out Zelenskyy’s plan for ending this war. They had similar meetings earlier this year in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and Copenhagen, Denmark.And you know what?

Zelenskyy gives big ups to all those border guards fighting alongside our defense and security forces to bring peace closer to Ukraine. 💪🏼✌️ Russia Blames Ukrainians Again!

😡😤 Like always, Russia stays pointing fingers at Ukraine again! They are accusing them of damaging a nuclear waste storage warehouse with a drone attack on Kursk nuclear power plant – they even claim that their air defenses shot down eight Ukrainian drones too!

The Russian Foreign Ministry has come out saying that three explosive-laden drones hit the power plant Thursday night blowing up its administration building and one place where they store nuclear waste. But wait wait…Kursky Nuclear Power Plant says it’s not true though because operations are still going as normal after the strike Friday with no major damage or injuries reported!

Fighting Still Raging Around Avdiivka ⚔️💣 The battle still goes hard around Avdiivka city in Donetsk region East side of Ukrane 🛡️✊ Air force guys from Ukraine said they destroyed three cruise missiles called Iskadner over their Dnipropetrovsk region on Saturday night. But the thing is, no aerial attacks have been reported this weekend after weeks of intense fighting near Avdiivka.

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