Virtual Reality Glasses

Da Grind: Trying Out AR Glasses fo’ Replace My Monitor – How It Went 🕶️👀

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Future of Work: I Replaced My Monitors wit AR Glasses! Eh, you guys eva heard bout dem AR/VR ting?

Well, let me tell ya, it’s da kine future and I’m here to show you what’s up. Da oddah day I was tryin’ out dis pair of XREAL Air 2 AR smart glasses and lemme tell ya, it blew my mind!

Dis is some good news fo real. At first, I was tinkin’ dat maybe dese glasses would be fun for a week or so but not really all dat great.

But boy oh boy was I wrong! Da future is happenin’ right now and guess where?

Inside dese unassuming sunglasses called Wayfarer frames. Now let me paint da picture fo ya.

Picture dis: my work setup stay all jacked up. Got one desk dat ain’t even a desk but some IKEA table-like tings wit one silly name squished into da corner of my living room strugglin’ undah da weight of one big ol’ 4K monitor while my keyboard, mouse an’ microphone hang around like kids who got kicked outta their aftah-school program.

So dey get me sittin’ hea everyday grindin’, writin’ articles an drown inna mess on top ah mess cause ah dat stupid 4K monstrosity dats supposed to make everyting bettah but just takes up space like Kangaroo wear Doc Martens on top ah wat already look like chaos. I used ta think external monitors were dumb until somethang changed ma mind – laptop features are sneaky bastards – now look at me with ma fancy screen giv’n more space ta work buuuut still tak’n ova mah whole workspace li’dat Kangaroo again.

But den came along these AR smart glasses likka oasis in the middle of dis flatscreen wasteland. Say goodbye to dat bulky monitor!

Now I got one tiny lil’ thing sittin’ on top ah ma nose. Been usin’ XREAL’s Air 2 smart glasses fo weeks now and lemme tell ya, it’s been a wild ride.

And check me out wit dese shades indoors, look’n all cool an’ stuff like James Dean aftah smokin’ some good kine edibles. Look at me, da rebel witout no cornea!

But guess wat?


Testing AR Glasses as Monitor Alternatives: My Experience

The Future of Work: I Replaced My Monitors with AR Glasses! Eh, you guys ever heard about them AR/VR things?

😎Well, let me tell you, it’s the kind future and I’m here to show you what’s up. The other day I was trying out this pair of XREAL Air 2 AR smart glasses and let me tell you, it blew my mind!

🤯This is some good news for real. At first, I was thinking that maybe these glasses would be fun for a week or so but not really all that great.But boy oh boy was I wrong!

The future is happening right now and guess where? 👓Inside these unassuming sunglasses called Wayfarer frames.

Now let me paint the picture for ya.Picture this: my work setup stays all jacked up. Got one desk that ain’t even a desk but some IKEA table-like things with one silly name squished into the corner of my living room struggling under the weight of one big ol’ 4K monitor while my keyboard, mouse an’ microphone hang around like kids who got kicked outta their aftah-school program.So they get me sitting here everyday grinding’, writing’ articles an drown inna mess on top ah mess cause ah dat stupid 4K monstrosity dats supposed to make everything bettah but just takes up space like Kangaroo wear Doc Martens on top ah wat already look like chaos.🖥️😫I used ta think external monitors were dumb until something changed ma mind – laptop features are sneaky bastards – now look at me with ma fancy screen giv’n more space ta work buuuut still tak’n ova mah whole workspace li’dat Kangaroo again.But then came along these AR smart glasses likka oasis in the middle of dis flatscreen wasteland.

Say goodbye to dat bulky monitor! 👋Now I got one tiny lil’ thing sittin’ on top ah ma nose.

Been using XREAL’s Air 2 smart glasses for weeks now and let me tell ya, it’s been a wild ride.

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