Da Futah Look: 2031 Singularity, Scientist’s AI Get Mo’ Betta! 🚀🔬

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Singularity: Get Ready fo’ AI Takeova! Hooo, get ready folks!

According to one big-time AI expert, da singularity – dat’s when artificial intelligence take ova and no mo’ human control – goin’ happen in less than ten years. Dem scientists stay pourin’ plenty resources into makin’ artificial general intelligence (AGI) grow fastah den eva befo’.

Dis AGI stuff mean dat da AI can do tasks jus’ as good as humans. And once we get dis AGI ting down, boom!

Da singularity right around da cornah. Dis guy Ben Goertzel from SingularityNET say he believe dis whole shebang goin’ down in three to eight years tops.

He know his stuff too – dude got a Ph.D. from Temple University and been leadin’ organizations like Humanity+ and the Artificial General Intelligence Society.

Now I know some of you tink he nuts or somethin’, but hold up ’cause ain’t nobody slowin’ down on dis whole AI train anytime soon. We talk about dem big companies like Meta and OpenAI pump out huge language models for all kinda uses, plus Elon Musk wit his xAI project focus on AGI too.

Goertzel say dese systems make everybody super excited ‘bout AGI so now we got more money flowinand smart young people want jump into work wit it too. Back inna day when dey first started mess with this whole idea of AI back inna 1950s, it was mostly ’bout United States military tryna use it fo national defense purposes only.

But nowadays? Nah man!

People just tryna make that cash monayyy 💰💰 But not only dat – artists an musicians also see how cool these tools are for their own creative tingz 🎨🎶 But let me tell ya somethang…gettin’ to da singularity gonna take one big leap from where we stay at right now wit AI. Right now, AI mostly focused on specific tasks, but dis AGI ting?

It gotta be more like humans – understandin’ da world and all dat. As AI keep gettin’ smartah and broadening its knowledge, it get closer to dis AGI level.

And once we hit dat point…BAM! Singularity is here!


Predicted 2031 Singularity: Scientist’s Future AI Advancemen…

Da Singularity: Get Ready for AI Takeover! Hooo, get ready folks!

🤖💥 According to one big-time AI expert, the singularity – that’s when artificial intelligence takes over and no more human control – is going to happen in less than ten years. Those scientists are pouring plenty of resources into making artificial general intelligence (AGI) grow faster than ever before.

This AGI stuff means that the AI can do tasks just as good as humans. And once we get this AGI thing down, boom!

💥 The singularity is right around the corner. This guy Ben Goertzel from SingularityNET says he believes this whole shebang is going down in three to eight years tops.

He knows his stuff too – dude has a Ph.D. from Temple University and has been leading organizations like Humanity+ and the Artificial General Intelligence Society.

Now I know some of you think he’s nuts or something, but hold up ’cause ain’t nobody slowing down on this whole AI train anytime soon. We’re talking about those big companies like Meta and OpenAI pumping out huge language models for all kinds of uses, plus Elon Musk with his xAI project focusing on AGI too.

Goertzel says these systems make everybody super excited about AGI so now we’ve got more money flowing in and smart young people wanting to jump into work with it too. Back in the day when they first started messing with this whole idea of AI back in the 1950s, it was mostly about United States military trying to use it for national defense purposes only.

But nowadays? Nah man!

People are just trying to make that cash monayyy 💰💰 But not only that – artists an musicians also see how cool these tools are for their own creative things 🎨🎶 But let me tell you something…getting to the singularity is gonna take one big leap from where we’re at right now with AI. Right now, AI is mostly focused on specific tasks, but this AGI thing?

It’s gotta be more like humans – understanding the world and all that. As AI keeps getting smarter and broadening its knowledge, it gets closer to this AGI level.

And once we hit that point…BAM!

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