Air Pollution in India

Da Delhi Air Pollution Stay Hella Bad: Schools Shut Down, Vehicles Get Restrictio… 🌫️🚫✋

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Da Smog Season in India: Skool Shut Down, Odd-Even Vehicle Rule Back! Da air quality index in Delhi on Monday was like 450, ova four times da healthy level.

😷 India stay dealing wit some serious smog situation! Da air quality index (AQI) wen hit dangerous levels in Delhi dis week, reaching a whopping 450.

Fo’ reference, anyting above 100 is considered unhealthy already! 🌫️ Dis toxic smog season no joke – it forced schools to shut down and brought back da odd-even vehicle rule.

So wat dat mean? Well, odd-numbered cars can only drive on odd dates and even-numbered cars can only drive on even dates.

It’s like playing a game of odds and evens with your car keys! 🚗🔑 On top of dat rule, authorities also banned construction activities temporarily to try reduce da pollution.

So why all dis fuss about smog? Well folks let me break it down fo’ you: Smog happens when smoke from factories mix wit exhaust fumes from vehicles plus dust particles floating around the city.

Dis combo creates a thick layer of haze dat hangs over everything like one blanket made outta dirty laundry. And guess what?

Dis ain’t just bad for yo’ lungs – it’s bad for business too! Many people end up getting sick cuz dey breathing in all dem harmful pollutants day afta day.

Imagine trying fo’ go work or school while choking on polluted air…not fun at all! But wait…there’s more bad news: scientists say climate change could make dese kind of extreme weather events happen moa often.

Dey predicting that by 2100 we might see twice as many days wit severe pollution compared to now! If we don’t do someting ’bout dis soon den our future generations going have one tough time breathing clean air.

😢 So wat can we do to help? Well, da first step is raising awareness and educating people ’bout da dangers of smog.

We need to let everyone know dat dis ain’t just one small problem – it’s a big deal! Next, we gotta take action!

Governments and individuals alike need fo’ make changes in deir daily lives dat reduce pollution.


Delhi Air Pollution Peaks: Schools Close, Vehicle Restrictio…

The Smog Season in India: Schools Shut Down, Odd-Even Vehicle Rule Back! The air quality index in Delhi on Monday was around 450, over four times the healthy level.😷 India is dealing with a serious smog situation!

The air quality index (AQI) hit dangerous levels in Delhi this week, reaching a whopping 450.For reference, anything above 100 is considered unhealthy already! 🌫️ This toxic smog season is no joke – it forced schools to shut down and brought back the odd-even vehicle rule.So what does that mean?

Well, odd-numbered cars can only drive on odd dates and even-numbered cars can only drive on even dates.It’s like playing a game of odds and evens with your car keys! 🚗🔑 On top of that rule, authorities also banned construction activities temporarily to try to reduce the pollution.

So why all this fuss about smog? Well folks let me break it down for you: Smog happens when smoke from factories mixes with exhaust fumes from vehicles plus dust particles floating around the city.

This combo creates a thick layer of haze that hangs over everything like one blanket made outta dirty laundry. And guess what?

Dis ain’t just bad for yo’ lungs – it’s bad for business too!

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