Olympic Games

Da Cricket Game Stay Add Mo’ Kine Flavors to da Olympic Grindz Menu 🏏🌈🍽️

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

Olympics Goin’ Get All Kine New Sports, Even Cricket! 🏏🥎🏈 Skip all da kine stuffs on top an’ go straight to da main tings. Da Olympics stay coming to Los Angeles in 2028, an’ get choke new sports dat dey like add. Most of ’em get one real American flavor.

⚾️ Baseball, softball, flag football and lacrosse – all these sports wea people love play here in America – dey proposing fo’ make part of the 2028 Games. Plus two more kine sports dat everybody around the world know: squash and cricket. Da International Olympic Committee going decide lata dis month if they going take up these ideas from da LA organizing committee. Some of dese sports gonna be on top for the first time inside Olympics while oddas making their big comeback afta long time no see ’em there!

And plenty times organizers choosing more simple versions for make things run smooth and attract more viewers. As fo’ Baseball an Softball; baseball was officially added to Summer Games back in ’92 with softball joining four years later but always had problems cause Major League season same time as games so best players couldn’t play. Eventually this weakness made them drop both after 2008 even though best players did suit up for softball games too! But now whether or not include them depends on local taste – Japan loves baseball so they brought it back along with softball at Tokyo’s 2020 event but France doesn’t feel same way about sport so won’t have ‘em at Paris’s upcoming event in ’24.

However Los Angeles which is also crazy about both wants them returned again although don’t expect any major league guys playing! Flag Football – super popular here never been considered seriously before as Olympic sport due mostly because need whole week rest between matches plus full tournament no can fit inside two-week Olympic schedule. Also, get all da concerns about long-term brain injuries from playing football. And one team of the best American players would probably beat any other country’s team real bad!

(At the last world championships, U.S. team with not even NFL level guys beat France 82-0 in semi-final.) So now they thinking about flag football instead – it’s five-player-a-side sport that most Americans associate more with PE class or summer camp than serious competition.


Cricket Inclusion Boosts Diversity in Olympic Games Menu

The Olympics are set to introduce a variety of new sports, including cricket! 🏏🥎🏈 Let’s bypass the preliminaries and get straight to the main points. The Olympics will be held in Los Angeles in 2028, with numerous fresh sports being considered for inclusion.

Many of these have a distinctly American feel.⚾️ Baseball, softball, flag football and lacrosse – all popular games played here in America – are suggested for incorporation into the 2028 Games. Additionally two globally recognized sports: squash and cricket are also under consideration. The International Olympic Committee will decide later this month whether they’ll adopt these proposals from LA’s organizing committee.

Some of these sports may make their debut at the Olympics while others might be making their grand return after an extended absence!Frequently organizers opt for simpler versions to ensure smooth operations and attract more viewership . As it pertains to Baseball & Softball; baseball was officially added as part of Summer Games back in ’92 with softball joining four years later but there were always issues due its overlapping schedule with Major League season which prevented top players from participating . This flaw led them both being dropped post-2008 despite top players showing up even for softball matches!

But now whether or not they’re included depends on local preference – Japan loves baseball so it was reintroduced along with softball at Tokyo’s 2020 event but France doesn’t share same sentiment about sport hence won’t include them at Paris’s upcoming event scheduled for ’24.However Los Angeles which is equally passionate about both wants them reinstated again although don’t anticipate any major league guys playing! Flag Football – extremely popular here has never been seriously contemplated before as an Olympic sport primarily because need week-long rest between matches plus full tournament can’t fit within two-week Olympic schedule period . Also , concerns regarding long-term brain injuries from playing football persist.

And a team of top American players would likely outperform any other country’s team by a significant margin!(At the last world championships, U.S. team with not even NFL level guys beat France 82-0 in semi-final.

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