Humanoid Robots

Da China’s Big Plan fo’ Make Planny Humanoid Robots fo’ Change da World 🤖🌍

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

🤙 CHINA STAY PLANNIN’ FI MASS PRODUCE ROBOTS FO’ RESHAPE DA WORLD IN 2 YEARS! 🌍 Da Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China wen jus’ drop one roadmap wit dey big plans fo’ mass produce advanced-level humanoid robots by 2025.

😮 China stay talkin’ up how dis kine robot go be real disruptive like smartphones, an dey tink da world go get reshaped by dem. Da MIIT say dat by 2025, dese robots go reach one advanced level an den get mass produced.

Dey put um all out on da table in deir development goals listed on top of da roadmap. Dey wen add dat afta computers, smartphones, an new energy vehicles come out already, dese humanoid robots going be some serious game-changers!

💥 According to Bloomberg news reportin’, dis document from China no give too much details but it stay full of ambition. But you know wat?

Some Chinese companies stay really takin’ action fo’ help make dis robotic dream come true! One example is Fourier Intelligence – one startup company from China – dem guys say dat before end of dis year (yeah…2023), dey planning to start mass producin’ der GR-1 humanoid robot for realz!

Da South China Morning Post wen report that this Shanghai-based company saying how they wanna deliver thousands o’ dose robots in 2024. And guess wat?

Dis GR-1 can move at five kilometers per hour and carry fifty kilograms weight! 😲 Talk about super strong!

Now das sum excitin news right dere folks – we might see some crazy futuristic stuff happen soon if everything goes according to plan over there in the land where dragons roam free. But wait a minute…wat ’bout Tesla’s Optimus robot prototype?

🤔 China’s ambitious plans fo’ mass produce dey own humanoid robots – could it rival Tesla? Tesla wen show off deir Optimus robot prototype back in 2021, but we no know yet if China’s plan go be on da same level.

We goin’ have to wait an see how dis all play out. Anyway, let’s get back to talkin’ ’bout China and dey big dreams fo’ robotic domination!


China’s Plan for Mass Production of World-Changing Humanoid …

🤙 CHINA PLANS TO MASS PRODUCE ROBOTS FOR WORLD RESHAPING IN 2 YEARS! 🌍 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China has just released a roadmap outlining their plans to mass produce advanced-level humanoid robots by 2025.

😮 China believes that these robots will be as disruptive as smartphones and will reshape the world. The MIIT states that by 2025, these robots will reach an advanced level and then be mass produced.

They have laid out their development goals on top of the roadmap, stating that after computers, smartphones, and new energy vehicles have already been introduced, these humanoid robots will be serious game-changers! 💥 According to Bloomberg news reports, this document from China does not provide many details but is filled with ambition.

But you know what? Some Chinese companies are taking action to help make this robotic dream come true!

One example is Fourier Intelligence – a startup company from China – they say that before the end of this year (yes…2023), they plan to start mass producing their GR-1 humanoid robot for real! The South China Morning Post reported that this Shanghai-based company stated they want to deliver thousands of those robots in 2024.

And guess what? This GR-1 can move at five kilometers per hour and carry fifty kilograms weight!

😲 Talk about super strong! Now that’s some exciting news right there folks – we might see some crazy futuristic stuff happening soon if everything goes according to plan over there in the land where dragons roam free.

But wait a minute…what about Tesla’s Optimus robot prototype? 🤔 Could China’s ambitious plans for mass producing their own humanoid robots rival Tesla?

Tesla showcased its Optimus robot prototype back in 2021 but it remains uncertain if China’s plan will reach the same level. We’ll have to wait and see how all of this plays out.

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