Stage Presentation Chat GPT

🎉🔥 Da ChatGPT by OpenAI Stay Winnahs Ova 100M Actibe Weekly Usahs!

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Get 100 Million Users and Plenty Mo’ Exciting Updates! Da OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wen announce on Monday at da company’s first developer conference in San Francisco dat ChatGPT now get 100 million weekly active users!

Wow, das one big milestone! Dis service wen come out almost one year ago and in just two months, dey already had an estimated 100 million monthly users.

No joke, dis da fastest-growing user base eva seen! But wait, dass not all!

Da kine news keep coming from OpenAI. Dey also announced GPT-4 Turbo which is supposed to be more powerful but less expensive den GPT-4.

Das good news for everybody who like use dis AI model fo’ text generation. And check dis out – you can build your own version of conversational AI system wit someting called GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers).

Anybody can do um now! You no need be some fancy tech person fo’ try ’em out.

Not only dat but soon you goin’ have chance fo’ publish yo own versions of da system on a marketplace called Da GPT Store. And guess what?

You might even make some money doing it too! How cool is dat?

Now let me tell you about DALL-E 3 – it’s OpenAI’s text-to-image model and guess what? Now dey got API so anybody can use ’em aftah first introducing um to ChatGTP and Bing Chat.

So if you like turn words into pictures, now you get chance! But wait there’s mo’, braddahs and sistas…

Da Assistants API going help developers build dem agent-like experiences inside their apps. Wit dis new feature, developers goin’ create an assistant that know plenty stuff outside its lil box by using generative AI models from OpenAI.

Dis goin’ make apps mo’ smart and helpful! So you see, OpenAI stay makin’ big moves in da tech world.

Dey get plenty users, developers love ’em, and now dey even helpin’ people make money wit dis GPT Store ting! Plus, you can turn words into pictures wit DALL-E 3 API.

And don’t forget about Assistants API fo’ build agent-like experiences. OpenAI no stoppin’, dey keep innovatin’.


ChatGPT by OpenAI Surpasses 100M Active Weekly Users

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has reached 100 million weekly active users! 🎉🚀 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced this exciting milestone at the company’s first developer conference in San Francisco.

This service was launched almost a year ago and within just two months, it already had an estimated 100 million monthly users. 😮 This is the fastest-growing user base ever seen!

But that’s not all… OpenAI has more news to share.

They also introduced GPT-4 Turbo, which is expected to be more powerful and less expensive than GPT-4. That’s great news for anyone who enjoys using this AI model for text generation.

And here’s something even cooler – you can now build your own version of a conversational AI system with something called GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers). Anyone can try it out; you don’t need to be a fancy tech person.

But wait, there’s more! Soon, you’ll have the opportunity to publish your own versions of the system on a marketplace called The GPT Store.

And guess what? You might even make some money doing it too!

How cool is that? 💸😎 Now let me tell you about DALL-E 3 – OpenAI’s text-to-image model.

Guess what? It now has an API so anyone can use it after its initial introduction in ChatGTP and Bing Chat.

So if you’re interested in turning words into pictures, now is your chance! But wait…

there’s more good news: The Assistants API will help developers build agent-like experiences inside their apps. With this new feature, developers will create assistants that know plenty of things beyond their limited scope by utilizing generative AI models from OpenAI.

This will make apps smarter and more helpful than ever before! As you can see, OpenAI continues making big moves in the tech world: they have a massive user base, developers love them, and now they’re even helping people make money with the GPT Store.

Plus, you can turn words into pictures with the DALL-E 3 API. And let’s not forget about the Assistants API for building agent-like experiences.

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