GM motors

Da Big Kahuna GM Droppin’ Major Cash on Electric Motors fo’ Cut Down China Reliance 🚀🔌

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

GM stay team up wit small kine Wisconsin start-up fo’ make electric motor magnets dat no need rare stuffs from China! 🚗💥 General Motors wen hook up wit Niron Magnetics, one li’l company from Wisconsin, fo’ come up wit electric motor magnets dat no need da fancy rare elements wea dey mostly get from China.

You know how dem electric vehicle motors work? Dey get dis rotor ting inside ’em made outta magnets.

But dose magnets usually gotta have rare Earth minerals like terbium and dysprosium. And guess who supply most of dose minerals?

Yeah you right, it’s China! Da United States Geological Survey say about 90% of dem minerals used in EV motors come straight outta China.

But now GM stay tryna change all dat by partnering with Niron Magnetics. Dey figga if dey can find anodda way to make dese magnet tingz without using da rare stuffs, den maybe dey don’t gotta rely on China so much anymore.

You see, dese magnetic fields inside da EV motors spin real fast and help ’em go zoom zoom on da road! But currently those fields use special kind of magnets called permanent-magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs).

And dose PMSMs use dem rare Earth metals for their strong magnetic properties. Da problem is dose metals not only hard to find but also expensive as heck!

Plus like I said earlier, most of ’em come from good ol’ China which means America kinda at mercy when it comes to getting those materials for our cars. So now GM stay working closely with Niron Magnetics fo’ develop new kinds of magnet technology that can replace the old-school ones we using right now.

Dese newfangled magnets supposed to be just as powerful but without needing any fancy-pants elements! And why dis such a big deal?

Well, if GM can make dese new magnets work, den dey no need rely on China fo’ dose rare Earth minerals anymore. Dey can just make ’em right here in da good ol’ U.S.

of A! 🇺🇸 But wait, you might be thinking: Eh brah, how come we gotta care about dis magnet stuffs?

Good question! You see, electric vehicles stay gettin’ more and more popular these days.


GM’s Massive Investment in EV Motors to Reduce China Dependecies

GM is teaming up with a small Wisconsin start-up to develop electric motor magnets that don’t require rare materials from China! 🚗💥 General Motors has partnered with Niron Magnetics, a company based in Wisconsin, to create electric motor magnets that can be made without the use of rare elements commonly sourced from China.

Electric vehicle motors typically contain a rotor made of magnets. However, these magnets usually rely on rare Earth minerals like terbium and dysprosium.

And guess who supplies most of these minerals? That’s right, it’s China!

According to the United States Geological Survey, about 90% of the minerals used in EV motors come from China. But now GM is trying to change this by collaborating with Niron Magnetics.

They believe that if they can find an alternative way to produce these magnets without using rare materials, they won’t have to depend on China as much anymore. You see, these magnetic fields inside EV motors spin rapidly and help propel them forward!

Currently, permanent-magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) are used for generating those fields. These PMSMs rely on rare Earth metals for their strong magnetic properties.

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