Da Apple, Dem Say Dey Gonna Stop Sell Da 12.9 Model: Insider Scoops 🍎🚫

⬇️ Pidgin | ⬇️ ⬇️ English

📱 Apple Gonna Stop 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro Next Year, Brah! 🚫 Eh, da kine news coming in hot from Apple, brah!

Dey saying dat next year dey gonna make some changes to da iPad lineup. Dey goin’ replace da M1 chip on da iPad Air with dis new M2 chip and upgrade the little guy – the iPad mini – wit either an A16 Bionic or an A17 Pro chip.

Plus, dey tinkin’ ’bout makin’ some tweaks to dat basic 11th-gen iPad. But wait fo it…

lata next year, Apple plannin’ fo introduce two new tablets wit OLED panels: one is a beefed-up 11-inch model and the otha is a bigger ol’ 13-incha. Now you might be tinking Oh manzies!

Dem fancy OLED displays must mean big bucks! But no worries ’cause even afta dese shiny new models come out in 2024, rumor has it dat Apple still might keep sellin’ their discounted version of last year’s model – you know das got dem mini-LED screens – just so people can save some cashola!

Hold up though… according to TrendForce (via MacRumors), dis could be bad news for all dem peeps who love demselves sum mini-LED action on dere tablets.

If TrendForce right about dis stuffs (and I guess we gotta trust em since dey experts), den once dose fresh-out-da-box iPads hit stores next year? Boom shakalaka!

Da older model gettin’ kicked ta curb like yesterday’s leftovers! And if ya thought that was rough enough already?

Well brace yo self cuz here comes more sad news: Dis means there gonna be wayyyy less shipments of tablets wit mini-LED screens next year. TrendForce sayin’ dat da number gonna drop ’bout 15.6% compared to dis year, bruddah!

But no worries, yeah? Cuz according to TrendForce, dey tink mini-LED gonna make a big comeback between 2024 and 2027.


Apple Reportedly to Discontinue 12.9 Model: Insider News

📱 Apple is planning to discontinue the 12.9-inch Mini-LED iPad Pro next year, according to reports. The company is said to be making changes to its iPad lineup, including replacing the M1 chip on the iPad Air with a new M2 chip and upgrading the iPad mini with either an A16 Bionic or an A17 Pro chip.

Additionally, Apple is considering making tweaks to the basic 11th-gen iPad. In addition, next year Apple plans to introduce two new tablets with OLED panels: an upgraded 11-inch model and a larger 13-inch model.

Despite concerns about cost due to OLED displays, rumors suggest that even after these new models are released in 2024, Apple may continue selling discounted versions of last year’s models with mini-LED screens for those looking for more affordable options. However, according TrendForce (via MacRumors), this could mean bad news for fans of mini-LED screens on their tablets.

If TrendForce’s predictions are correct (and they are considered experts in this field), once these new iPads hit stores next year, older models will likely be discontinued and there will be fewer shipments of tablets with mini-LED screens compared to this year—a decrease of approximately 15.6%.

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