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Da A.I. Revolu🤖n: Election Chaos & Da Scramble fo’ Control 🔒

Da use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology in elections stay causing some serious stirrings. 🌪️ Weneva da campaigns need fo’ spread messages, dese politicians stay turning to da powah of A.I. fo’ create images and content. But da problem is, da rules ain’t really set up fo’ keep dis technology in check, so plenty kine stuff stay slipping through da cracks. 😬

Dis kinda thing stay happening all ova da world. Ova in Toronto, dis mayoral candidate went all out wit his campaign promises, using A.I. fo’ show pictures of homeless peeps camping out downtown and tents in da parks. But da t’ing is, none of dose images stay real. Dey all made up by A.I. 🏙️🎪

And den in New Zealand, one political party posted one Instagram pic dat look real as all get-out. It show robbers tearing up one jewelry shop. But guess wot? It all fake, made by A.I. too. 😱💍🔫

Da crazy t’ing is, dese politicians stay even using A.I. fo’ clone voices. In Chicago, da guy who came in second in da mayoral vote stay beefing cuz one Twitter account dat look like one news outlet went and used A.I. fo’ make him sound like he supporting police brutality. But he stay saying he no like dat kine t’ing. 😡🗣️🚔

Wat used to be just some fundraising emails and pictures made by A.I. stay turning into one whole flood of campaign materials. Dis stay changing up da game and rewriting da rules fo’ elections. People stay saying we gotta put some kind of control on dis A.I. stuff, like make laws fo’ stop da spread of all dis fake ads. Da t’ings we get now, like social media rules and services dat say dey can detect A.I. content, no stay doing much to slow dis train down. 🌊🛡️

Even da campaigns fo’ da 2024 U.S. presidential race stay jumping on da A.I. bandwagon. Da Republican National Committee stay putting out one video wit A.I. images showing crazy doomsday scenarios afta President Biden announced he running again. And Gov. Ron DeSantis from Florida went and posted fake pics of him wit former President Donald J. Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci, da health guy. Den da Democratic Party wen test out fundraising messages made by A.I., and guess wat? Dey stay working betta dan da ones humans make. 🗳️🤖📺

Some politicians stay thinking dis A.I. stay one good way fo’ save money on campaigns. Dey like how it can make instant responses to debate questions or attack ads, or crunch data dat would cost plenny fo’ pay experts fo’ do.

But da problem is, dis technology stay also spreading all kine disinformation to plenny peeps. Fake videos, fake emails wit false stories, and even fake pictures showing stuff like cities all messed up. Dis stuff stay making peeps believe wot dey already think, and dat stay just making da gap between da parties even bigga. 😣📢🤯

Dis A.I. stuff stay real powerful already, and getting betta all da time. Da head guy from OpenAI wen tell one Senate subcommittee how he stay nervous about da elections. He stay say da technology can do all kine t’ings, like manipulate and deceive peeps wit all kine fake stuff. 😳💪💭

One Democrat from New York, Representative Yvette D. Clarke, stay saying da 2024 election goin’ be da first one wit plenny A.I.-generated content. She and da odda Democrats in Congress wen introduce one law dat say any political ad using A.I. should be regulated to ensure transparency and prevent misinformation. 🗽📅⚖️


The A.I. Revolution: Election Chaos & The Scramble for Control 🔒

The use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology in elections is causing some serious stirrings. 🌪️ Whenever the campaigns need to spread messages, these politicians are turning to the power of A.I. to create images and content. But the problem is, the rules aren’t really set up to keep this technology in check, so plenty of things are slipping through the cracks. 😬

This kind of thing is happening all over the world. Over in Toronto, this mayoral candidate went all out with his campaign promises, using A.I. to show pictures of homeless people camping out downtown and tents in the parks. But the thing is, none of those images are real. They’re all made up by A.I. 🏙️🎪

And then in New Zealand, one political party posted an Instagram pic that looks real as all get-out. It shows robbers tearing up a jewelry shop. But guess what? It’s all fake, made by A.I. too. 😱💍🔫

The crazy thing is, these politicians are even using A.I. to clone voices. In Chicago, the guy who came in second in the mayoral vote is beefing because a Twitter account that looks like a news outlet went and used A.I. to make him sound like he supports police brutality. But he’s saying he doesn’t like that kind of thing. 😡🗣️🚔

What used to be just some fundraising emails and pictures made by A.I. is turning into a whole flood of campaign materials. This is changing up the game and rewriting the rules for elections. People are saying we need to put some kind of control on this A.I. stuff, like making laws to stop the spread of all this fake ads. The things we have now, like social media rules and services that claim they can detect A.I. content, aren’t doing much to slow this train down. 🌊🛡️

Even the campaigns for the 2024 U.S. presidential race are jumping on the A.I. bandwagon. The Republican National Committee is putting out a video with A.I. images showing crazy doomsday scenarios after President Biden announced he’s running again. And Governor Ron DeSantis from Florida went and posted fake pics of him with former President Donald J. Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the health guy. Then the Democratic Party tested out fundraising messages made by A.I., and guess what? They’re working better than the ones humans make. 🗳️🤖📺

Some politicians think this A.I. is a good way to save money on campaigns. They like how it can provide instant responses to debate questions or attack ads, or crunch data that would cost a lot to pay experts to do.

But the problem is, this technology is also spreading all kinds of disinformation to many people. Fake videos, fake emails with false stories, and even fake pictures showing things like cities all messed up. This stuff makes people believe what they already think, and that just makes the gap between the parties even bigger. 😣📢🤯

This A.I. stuff is already really powerful and getting better all the time. The head guy from OpenAI told a Senate subcommittee how he’s nervous about the elections. He says the technology can do all kinds of things, like manipulate and deceive people with all kinds of fake stuff. 😳💪💭

One Democrat from New York, Representative Yvette D. Clarke, is saying the 2024 election is going to be the first one with plenty of A.I.-generated content. She and the other Democrats in Congress have introduced a law that says any political ad using A.I. should be regulated to ensure transparency and prevent misinformation. 🗽📅⚖️

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